Sunday, December 12, 2021

Tis the Season!

 At the end of Thanksgiving Break, I said to myself, "Only 3 weeks until Christmas break!"  Little did I know these would feel like the longest 3 weeks in history.  There were more students in the office the past two weeks than all year (or at least it felt that way).  Please keep to your routines this week and spray the air with some calming aromatherapy :)   Thursday and Friday this week will not be typical days and it's important to be extra vigilant with supervision on those two days.  Teachers, remember to leave for practice at 9:30 am on Thursday and we will need to be done by 11:30.  Timothy will be there to give directions.

Please have your students keep the people of Kentucky in their prayers this week (Gina, be sure this is in the intentions all week).  Some of our families come from Kentucky and we pray their families were not affected by the storm and tornadoes.  

Have a great week and I look forward to our party on Friday!  

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Second Sunday of Advent - Peace

 The theme of the Second Sunday of Advent is Peace.  When listening to the news, peace is something we can definitely use more of.  Let us continue to pray for peace and understanding in the world and that our students will continue to grow in kindness toward each other. 

Teachers, remember to send your students as directed to the Gingerbread House for Christmas shopping this week.  Assistants in grades PK-2 should accompany the students.  Students in grades 3-8 can go on their own.  The shop will be located in the East Hall.  See Nicki's email for details.

Timothy will be discussing the Christmas program at our faculty meeting on Monday.  All students in grades PK-4 will be singing and students in grades 5-8 were invited to sing.  He will let teachers know what the students are wearing and how they can help the night of the show with getting students on and off the "stage."  The program takes place in the main church.  

Our Christmas gathering will be on Dec. 17 from 1-3 pm at Three Bulls.  We will be doing a left/right game and everyone should bring a wrapped gift valued between $5-$10.  These gatherings are great fun and everyone is expected to be there for a "mandatory good time."  The food is always good (and so is the wine and beer) all compliments of the Parish!  If there is a good reason you are unable to attend, please come see me privately to discuss.  

Finally, thank you to our social coordinator Galy, for creating a great event this past Friday!  Those of us who went had a good time and I hope we can do that more often.  Leaven is close and the perfect setting to relax and have fun.  The board games were great fun!  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

O Come, O Come...

 Today is the first Sunday in Advent.  It is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ.  In our role as catechists, we should also be helping our students to prepare.  I love all the activities we do during this joyful season, but let us always keep the message of the angels at the forefront... O come let us adore, Him!

Here are some things that everyone should be doing in preparation for Friday's retreat:

  • Create a new bulletin board in the hallway with the theme of Advent / Christmas
  • Prepare a Jesse Tree in your classroom for the retreat
  • Look deep into your closets and find your advent wreath that I know is in there (do not actually light the candles).  The morning show should also have a wreath on the desk.  If you picked up a Magnificat at church today, there is a blessing of the Advent Wreath in it.
  • Prepare any materials you need for the retreat (Be sure you have read through it and have prepared activities for the second half of the morning.  I will get the Jesse Tree ornaments and scripture verses and Advent Angel materials to you.)
Should students ask, Friday is a regular uniform day.  Also, if you are part-time and normally come in late on Friday, please plan to come in by 8 a.m. so that you can help with the retreat.  Assignments are on the retreat at the end.  I have shared the document with everyone.  

Please remember that there are only three weeks of school before Christmas break, but these will be VERY busy weeks with lots happening.  Be sure you are reading all your emails, checking the calendar, etc. to keep up.  Thank you all for everything you do.  

Sunday, November 14, 2021

While the cat's away...

 Actually 2 cats.  Gina and I will be in Monday morning, but we leave for Orlando after lunch to attend the FCC Administrator's Conference.  We have been participating in different chats on the conference app since last weekend, and I'm excited to learn more about what other schools are doing in terms of schedules, technology, and STREAM.  We will return on Thursday. Please do not send routine discipline issues to the office on Monday afternoon as no one will be there to help.  If it is extreme, I suggest having the office call the parent to pick up the child. Barbara will be there Tuesday and Wednesday and she is the go-to person should anything arise.  I am also a text away if you need me.  

I hope everyone had fun on Friday.  PTCO did a great job of getting volunteers and providing fun activities for the students.  At last count, we earned just over $17,000!  The winning class will be announced after everything has been tallied up.  

It's a pretty quiet week.  Teachers, instructions for the faculty meeting were emailed on Friday.  The Advent Retreat script and activities were emailed to teachers last night.  Be sure to look for both as well as the schedule for Adoration and Reconciliation.  

Friday is jean day with a Fall shirt.  Please review the jean day rules with your students.  Thank you and have a great week!  Thanksgiving break is almost here!!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Honoring Veterans

This week we celebrate Veteran's Day.  Please be sure everyone is tuned into the Morning Show as there will be a special prayer service honoring veterans on Thursday.  

Now that we are allowing parents back in the building to volunteer and field trips are starting, it's important to remember the volunteer rules.  If you send out a sign-up genius for volunteers, be sure to put in the email that a background check and safe environment course are required.  The same is required for field trips.  If a parent is driving for a field trip, they also need to take the defensive driver course, provide a copy of their license, and have $100K/$300K insurance coverage.  All of this was sent to parents in an email as a reminder last week.  If a parent comes to the office to volunteer and they do not meet these requirements, Karen will not allow them to enter.  If you are unsure if they meet the requirements, you can send a list of names to Karen and she will check.

Friday is Making Waves.  It should be a fun day for everyone.  The schedule was sent to everyone a few weeks ago by Nicki.  Please be outside on time for your session.  We will follow the half-day schedule.  If you have an Encore class during the time when you are scheduled to be outside, that teacher (George, Gina, or Claudia) will be there with your class so you still have a prep period.  I will send a separate schedule.  

Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Oh When the Saints...


Happy Halloween!  Trunk or Treat was a great success Friday night, even with a bit of rain.  Thank you Shaun for having the student council there to help with games.  I'm am looking forward to another great day tomorrow when all the "saints" arrive at our doors.  I will head over to Angel's Wing at 8 am to pick up the readers, altar servers, and choir, and I suggest everyone else leave the classrooms at 8:10 to get to church early to claim your seats.  Please refer to the seating chart I shared last week.  Students will not be able to spread out this week as usual.  Please have the student sit two to a kneeler.  Use the kneelers as your guide.  Each kneeler has 3 legs.  Have each student sit in the center of 2 legs and we should be fine.  Do not leave an empty pew between classes and move up if there is room after the class(es) in front of you are in place.  I will be there to assist.  Once the priest comes out, PK 4, K, and 1st can move to the back of the church to line up.  PK 3 should arrive between 8:20-8:25 and wait in the back of the church. After Mass, PK has asked to parade through the classrooms.  We will not have a morning show tomorrow, but we will have one on Wednesday.  

I have been very impressed with the Class Saints Posters that are already hanging.  As you finish them, please hang them across from 5th and 3rd grade on the cork strip.  They should all be up by Friday.  Have the class choose the student who most exhibits the characteristics of your saint next week (week of 11/8) and we can give the Marvelous Mustang Saint award before Thanksgiving.  If possible, choose someone who did not receive Marvelous Mustang this year.  Please use the Marvelous Mustang spreadsheet (I have added a column).  Put the name and one quality of the saint (be brief).  Example: St. Anthony helps us find lost things. Mary helps others to stay organized so they can always find their homework.  Only homeroom teachers should be doing this.

Please encourage your class to bring in canned/dry goods for the SVDP drive this week.  While there is no school-wide competition, you could set a goal for the class (number of items) and give a reward on Friday - some extra recess or game, etc.  

Finally, Thursday is the last day of the Trimester.  All summative assessments should have been completed by now.  This week allows time for make-ups or retakes.  If you do give an assessment later in the week, it can always go towards the next trimester.  This is the time to make sure everyone has made up summatives due to an absence, but not the time to be taking missing work from weeks/months ago.  We should only accept assignments up to a week after the due date.  However, all summatives must be completed.  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Triduum of Hallowtide

This Sunday we celebrate Halloween which comes from the Catholic tradition of All Hallows Eve.  Pope Sixtus IV in 1484 established November 1 as a holy day of obligation and gave it a vigil (known today as "All Hallows' Eve" or "Hallowe'en")

In England, saints or holy people are called "hallowed", hence the name "All Hallows’ Day".  (Think about the Our Father – Hallowed be thy name.)  The evening, or "e'en" before the feast became popularly known as "All Hallows' Eve" or even shorter, "Hallowe'en".

Many recipes and traditions have come down for this evening, "All Hallows’ Eve" (now known as Halloween).  In England "soul cakes" are another traditional food. People would go begging for a "soul cake" and promise to pray for the donor's departed friends and family in exchange for the treat, an early version of today's "Trick or Treat."

This week is a good time to talk to students in Religion class about The 3 special days - All Hallows Eve, All Saints, and All Souls Day.  Be sure students and parents are aware of what the children should wear to Mass next week on Monday, Nov. 1 (PE shorts and saints t-shirt or saints costume for gr. PK-2nd).  

Please remember that students may wear a Halloween or Fall color t-shirt on Friday with jeans.  Be sure to go over the rules particularly the length of shorts (2 inches above the knee).  Friday is also our Trunk or Treat event.  Please try to attend and support our PTCO and student council who are working hard to make this a fun event.  

Grades 5-8 will go back to the FLC on Monday to eat lunch.  I know the students are very excited to be back there.  Please create a seating chart.  This is important as they are sitting next to each other without masks for an extended time.  You can create the seating chart after they sit down at the table and share it with me later in the day.  Gina and I will be there for lunch tomorrow and can help with that too.  

Teachers, our PLC meeting tomorrow will be for teachers to meet in grade levels and work on filling in the information in the spreadsheet Christa created.  I will be sure to share that with you.  This means it will not be necessary for PK and Encore teachers to attend.  

I believe that's everything.  Have a great week!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Fall Has Arrived

 When I left for church this morning, I had to be sure to grab a sweater.  Cooler mornings have arrived and the temperature will no longer hit 90 degrees.  That's when you know Fall has finally arrived in Tampa Bay.  

This weekend we gained a new deacon to our parish who is also one of our parents.  Congratulations to Deacon Geoff D'Angelo who served at his first Mass here on Sunday.  

I am excited to begin a new ministry for our students with Fr. Izzie.  Nine of our 8th graders have volunteered to be sacristans after school Masses.  I'm hoping that the first group will begin their service this coming Wednesday.  Once the start date is confirmed I will send a schedule.  After rotating through the 8th graders, I will train 7th graders who will then continue next year.  

This coming week is a quiet week and a good time to focus on wrapping up the first trimester.  Please do not leave summatives for the final week as it becomes difficult to give retakes before grades are due.  

Teachers, our faculty meeting this Monday is a PLC but we will all begin together in Heather's room.  We will first continue our discussion of i-Ready tracking from our professional development.  Christa will share a spreadsheet she created that everyone can have access to - ESE, Title I, etc.  Our middle school/encore teacher book study PLC will be moved to Oct. 25.  

Have a fantastic week! 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Hail Mary

October is the month dedicated to praying the Rosary.  We will pray the rosary each day during the month, either as a school or a class.  Homeroom teachers, please be sure you have the rosary beads that were placed in your mailbox and students may take them home at the end of October.  Mrs. Robles will share the PowerPoint with you so you can continue to pray the Rosary on Wednesday morning and during religion this week and next to complete the 5th decade.  

Items to remember for this week:
  • The priests will be at a Convocation this week so we will not have Mass.  Instead, you should be teaching religion on Wednesday during the Mass period since we will not have classes on Friday.  For Middle School, this would be a good opportunity to have a House Meeting.  
  • There will be no priest classroom visits this week.
  • Picture day is Thursday.  This is for make-ups, graduation pictures, and class pictures.  Remind your students to be in regular uniform that day.  Students who have PE may change after pictures.  Karen B. will be sending out a schedule.  Any new employees who were not here for the first picture day will also have their pictures taken.
  • Friday is a non-student day.  All teachers K-8, ESE, and Encore teachers are expected to attend the Professional Development day here at school starting promptly at 8 am with an i-Ready webinar in the Media Center.  Please be on time.  
  • Remind students to wear their uniform to Mass next weekend and they may have free dress on Tuesday, Oct. 12, if they show their Holy Card.  
  • There is no school on Monday, Oct. 11.
I will not be writing a blog next weekend as I will be out of state and I hope you all enjoy the long weekend!  


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Welcome to the Wild West!

It's time to saddle up and head out to the American Frontier Book Fair.  This year we are trying a different vendor for our Book Fair, Follett.  We did just learn, however, that Follett is discontinuing doing book fairs so we will most likely go back to Scholastic in the spring.  Please be sure to check the schedule I shared with you and you bring your class on time for the preview on Monday and purchasing Tues-Wed at your assigned times.  Most classes are scheduled during ELA.  If you are self-contained you can adjust your own schedule as needed.  I sent out a revised schedule this morning.  Please be sure you are using that version.  

Today I have the pleasure of welcoming a new member to our faculty, Ms. Anya Muyers.  Anya will be the new 3rd-grade teacher.  She graduated from Academy of the Holy Names in Tampa, comes with excellent skills, experience in teaching, and a joy for educating young minds.  We are excited to have Anya join us and I know she and Anabel will make a dynamic team in 3rd grade.

On Thursday, students may wear Western-themed outfits or add accessories to their uniforms.  Friday is a half-day and we will follow the half-day schedule which I will add to the schedules in Google Drive.  

Speaking of uniforms, many students are NOT in uniform.  If you are unsure of the uniform requirements, please refer to the handbook.  Here are the violations I am seeing in many of the grades:

  • Jewelry (biggest violation - bracelets, necklaces, and rings)
  • belts - boys in grades 3-8 must wear a belt.  The only exception is if a 3rd-grade boy is still wearing the pull-on style shorts that K-2 wears. 
  • shirts not tucked in
  • length of skort (this is a problem in middle school) - I spoke to a few.  It may not be more than 2 inches above the knee.  
Teachers should be giving out uniform violations and keeping track.  If they receive 3 violations they may not participate in the next Friday jean day on Oct. 29.  Students should receive a violation every day until in uniform unless you have a parent note stating when a new skort will be purchased, new shoes, etc., and then follow up.  

Teachers, Monday's PLC will be a subject area meeting.  I put notes in the PLC timeline shared document.  There will be 4 groups (Phonics, Wit & Wisdom, Math, Encore).  If you teach both W&W and Math, you should attend the W&W one.  Please reach out to each other to determine a meeting place and add minutes from your meeting.  

Upcoming Prof. Dev. for teachers:

  • Oct. 1 is a half-day with PD from 1-3 pm.  This PD is for all teachers grades K-8.  Gina will be presenting on Part I of the Evolving Learner.
  • Oct. 8 is our Diocese-wide professional development day.  There will be two presentations, both here at St. Stephen for all teachers K-8 as follows:
    • 8-9:30 am - i-Ready webinar (in the media center)
    • 10-12 noon - Part II of the Evolving Learner
Finally, more good news to share.  We are in the final stages of the hiring process with our new ESE teacher who is scheduled to start on Oct. 4.  I will spend the first couple of days with Melissa and the new teacher going through files and creating schedules.  She will be introduced in Tidbits this week.  

Gina is out on Monday and I will be helping in 3rd grade and with lunch and also judging doors so if you need me, the afternoon is best.  

Have a wonderful week! 

Saturday, September 18, 2021

SSCS Students Shine at the SVDP Ladies Tea

Today I had the pleasure of watching our students perform at the St. Vincent de Paul Ladies Tea in the Family Life Center.  A BIG thank you goes to Timothy for preparing the students to perform and Nicki and her volunteers who created a beautiful stage setting and helped with a last-minute addition to the show.  They sang beautifully, performed skits, and those 3rd graders certainly know how to dance!

I would like to share some good news.  We have hired a 3rd-grade teacher - Yay!!  She will be joining our staff on Monday, Sept. 27, and I will introduce her in Tidbits this week.  She and Anabel will be a Dynamic Duo in 3rd grade.  I will also be interviewing this week for an ESE Teacher, Instructional Assistant, and Extended Day Assistant.  Once again, please be patient with Gina and me this week as we continue to fill in and multi-task.  People will say there is a calm before the storm, I like to think this is the storm before the calm.  

Finally, Friday is a jean day (please review the handbook with students) and it is also our first Marvelous Mustang award day.  I am hoping to present them live on Friday and we will send more details this week.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Happy Labor Day Weekend

 I hope everyone is finding time to rest and enjoy some sunshine during this long weekend.  Last week was a blur and the office was a busy place which is why this announcement has taken me a few days to get out.  Hopefully, you have already met the newest addition to our staff, Mrs. Porsha Grier.  We are very blessed to have Porsha join our staff.  She comes with experience and knowledge in the area of special education and she has jumped right in getting to know our students.  Be sure to stop by and welcome her to St. Stephen!  

We have also hired a teacher assistant for PK 3, Mrs. Anabel Cordoba.  She will be starting on Tuesday and also comes with experience working with students.  Please join me in welcoming Anabel to our staff.  

I continue to interview for the 3rd-grade position and hope that we will have a replacement as soon as possible to make for a smooth transition.  Keep praying that the right person will come to us.  

Just a reminder to turn in your Faith Formation plan on Tuesday, and I want everyone to know that next week will be another busy week in the office.  Tuesday, Gina and I will be in interviews and meetings most of the day.  Gina will be out on Wednesday and Friday.  Friday she will be at an Administrator's meeting at the Bethany and can be reached by text or email if needed.  I will be out on Thursday and Friday and may not be available.  Gina is here for you all on Thursday and Barbara will be in the office on Friday for any student issues which may come up.  

I am leaving for New York on Thursday for a wedding and will not be sending a blog next week.  There is a day of prayer in the parish on Saturday, Sept. 11, that you may be interested in attending (see the church website for details).  Those attending the day of prayer will have access to classrooms in Angel's Wing, the Media Center, Meeting Room, and Music and Art rooms for silent prayer.  I will be spending the day in Manhattan with Prince and my two sons and will pray each time I hear the bells ring for each of the planes that went down that day.  

Finally, next weekend is Holy Card Weekend.  Students who wear their uniforms to Mass will receive a holy card.  They can show their card to their teacher on Monday, Sept. 13, and have a free dress day.  

Have an awesome two weeks! 



Saturday, August 28, 2021

Time to Mask Up

 As I'm sure you can all imagine, sending home the letter about masks was not easy.  While many will be very happy that all students will be wearing masks, there are some that are very disappointed.  I didn't get too many emails about it which could be a good thing.  It could also mean that parents have not all read it or they are choosing to ignore it.  Monday morning will tell us where people stand.  If a student should come to school without a mask, please send them to the office to get one and follow up with an email home reminding parents of the new policy.

Please be sure you have read the letter that went home to parents on Friday.  Beginning Monday, all faculty, staff, and visitors must wear a mask indoors when in the presence of others.  It does not matter if you are vaccinated.  While PK students are not required to wear a mask, teachers and assistants in those rooms must wear a mask at all times when indoors.  Those who have lunch duty can take classes outside for lunch, just be sure to let Ken know so that there are trash cans available.  Teachers can take their classes outside for a mask break or for a lesson like we did last year.  Masks are only required indoors.  

Monday's faculty meeting is a PLC and the purpose was to review i-Ready scores.  I'm not sure they will be ready so instead, we will grade Mustang Writes.  Gina will send instructions.  

Now for some really good news!  There are only four days of school this week and then we have four days off!!  Enjoy both!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Who Ready? i-Ready!

 Ok, so maybe that was a corny title 😏  But what I really wonder is who sang that in their head?  And do you know what song inspired that?  A Mustang Buck to the first person who replies.  No Googling Allowed!  

I'm not sure if all of you follow our school Facebook page, but there was a beautiful post by a parent this weekend.  She tagged our school on her post so I shared it on our page.  When does a parent say, "Thank you for taking my money!"?  When the teachers and staff are doing an amazing job of teaching their children and keeping them safe.  Parents are watching the news and all the commotion in Hillsborough and throughout the state, and they see us the calm in the storm.  A safe haven tucked back here on Boyette Road.  You should all feel good about the work you are doing here. 

Good luck to all our students as they take their first i-Ready Diagnostic tests.  Thank you, Barbara, for working hard on creating the schedules.  

I also want to thank everyone in this school who has to stand outside for afternoon carline.  I was out there three times last week and it was HOT!  It is fun talking with the students though.  One little girl asked me if I was the principal and exactly what did I do.  I wasn't quite sure how to answer that.  

There is a lot happening this week.  Students in grades 3-8 should stop by the FLC on their way back from Mass for a brief Band presentation.  Please have the students spread out and sit on the floor.  Thursday is picture day.  While there will be a schedule, please do not come down until you are called.  Pictures are taken in the East Hall.  When you bring your class down, be sure they are in alphabetical order.  Friday is Jean Day for everyone.  Please read over the handbook with the students regarding Jean Day and what they should be wearing.  T-shirts are in and hoping to get them picked up on Monday and distributed by Wednesday.  I will deliver the shirts with a class list showing the sizes ordered.  For new students and the few whose parents didn't provide a size, I will bring down the extras and help them find one that fits.  

Everyone should have received the email with instructions for your Virtual Retreat.  I hope you enjoy it and it gives you ideas to ponder when creating your Faith Development Plan.  

Thank you all and have a wonderful week!



Sunday, August 15, 2021

Good Challenges

When we hear the word challenge, we typically think of something negative we need to overcome.  While the start of this year is bringing some Covid-related challenges, we are also faced with a positive challenge.  The challenge is parents are banging down the door to enroll their young students.  The flow has not stopped and Nicki is still hard at work bringing them in.  Some of you may be aware that our PreK class was overflowing and there were more lining up to come in.  Therefore, Isabel (thank you, Isabel!!) is jumping in once again to head up a PreK 3 class.  We did some quick moving of furniture last week and we are ready to start tomorrow.  Here are the changes you will see as a result of this change:

  • Pre-K 4 will now have 15 students 
  • Renee will continue to be the Pre-K 4 assistant in the morning
  • Pre-K 3 will have 12 students (some full-day, some half-day)
  • Karen B and Maria will assist in Pre-K 3 until a new assistant is hired (we have an interview tomorrow!)
  • The Good Shepherd Atrium has a new permanent home at the end of the East Hall.
  • Title I will be in the front section of Room 21 in Angel's Wing 
Thank you to everyone for being flexible and jumping in where needed!

Next are some Covid challenges that I need to address.  Our positivity rate in Hillsborough went from a rate of 20% to 23% last week.  In addition, I believe we had more Covid-positive students in one week than we had all year last year.  The Delta variant spreads quickly once it gets in.  Therefore, I feel we need to make some temporary changes in addition to the mask mandate (with the parental choice to opt-out) until we see the numbers drop.  These are the changes for next week:
  • Middle school will eat lunch in their classroom.  A number of parents AND students are not comfortable with our choice of eating in the FLC while numbers are high.  (6th-grade supervision will be by Jamie on M, Timothy on T-Th, Gina on F.  George will be monitoring both 7th and 8th M-F.  I will help on Monday to get this started and as needed.)
  • We will continue to separate cohorts (students may still move to other classrooms but may not be together indoors).
  • Middle school will come up with a plan for lockers and switching classes that allow for students to be separate in the hallway (I will come to your meeting on Monday to discuss ideas).
  • All special events continue to be on hold (Movie night, book fair family night, etc.)
  • 5th grade will eat in their classroom when they return to school (supervision by Darien on M-W, Barbara on Th, Jamie on F)
Thank you all for understanding.  These decisions are always made after many discussions and looking at the recent events related to Covid.  

The remainder of the blog is specifically for teachers.  As you read in Tidbits and in my email, Back-to-School night will once again be virtual.  Please be sure to have your presentations to Gina by 8 am Tuesday morning.  Also, 

I would also like to give a reminder of what we should see in every classroom.  Walk the walls in your room and see if you have the following:
  • Objectives and Essential Questions
  • The school mission statement
  • Prayer corner
You should also have a brief list of rules that students can often refer to.  A few rules can cover many things like respect others (that covers calling out, touching other's property, and so many other things), come prepared (homework, books), etc.  

Lastly, be checking uniforms.  I saw so much contraband jewelry on the first day.  It was a bling fest!  

Thank you everyone for a great first week.  Regardless of the challenges, we were all able to smile and laugh and make it to Friday!

Have a great 2nd week!! 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Welcome Back!

 Good morning!  I hope everyone is enjoying the remaining hours of summer break before The Arrival.  Last night I dreamed about Open House and a student wanted me to go visit a classroom with her.  I had no idea who she was because she wasn't wearing a mask and I didn't recognize her.  I'm hoping that doesn't really happen but in my dream, and in my reality, I was very excited to see all the smiling faces.  

I was at school on Saturday and all the classrooms look great!  Thank you for your hard work this past week and I hope you feel prepared for the first week of school.  While the inside of the building was ready, the outside was not quite ready.  But then... some Caring for Creation happened!  I came with my husband and another person and we pulled all the weeds out of the playground mulch where the swings and monkey bars are, as well as some other areas.  Nicki, Erin Black, and Johnny also came and did some weeding and gardening work.  Isabel was there with her husband power washing little houses on the PK playground.  Things look much better now!  Big shout-outs to all who helped!  Please tell the children to be careful on the swings.  After the weeds were gone, it was clear there is not enough mulch and Duffy is putting in a rush order on Monday.  Duffy also asked that we move our soccer goals.  The goals need to be closer to the fence away from the building where the internet wires are located.  We can move them Monday morning.  

On Friday, I reshared the schedule folder and alerted everyone to check their schedule again.  A few changes were made (that the teachers are aware of) and I added some clarity to the K-5 schedules.  We are still looking for an Extended Day person for middle school so please let us know if you know anyone who may be interested.  

On Monday, I will visit the Middle School classes in the morning and then stay to help with the Encore teacher visits.   I will also stop by PK and K in the morning.  In the afternoon I will visit grades 1-5.  I don't have a specific schedule so if you see me come in, please finish your thoughts at that moment then pause so I can speak with the students.  I won't stay longer than 5 minutes.  

Please be sure you are ready for the Morning Show Monday morning.  Jamie sent an email with the information you need.  If you have any questions, I will be at school today before Open House so feel free to stop by and know that my door is always open if you have any questions or concerns.  Don't forget PTCO is providing breakfast Monday morning.  Thank you to Erin Black, Nicki Gallagher, and all the PTCO members who helped!!


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

 Good morning on this beautiful Sunday as we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord into Heaven.  If you are interested in an explanation of the importance of today, Bishop Barron shares these words with us in his article Why the Ascension of the Lord Matters.

As you are enjoying your day, keep saying these words... 3 more weeks, 3 more weeks!  The end is near but it's important to keep teaching.  Even if grades are done, there are many things our students can learn to make up for the time lost last year or to prepare for next year. If you keep them busy, it will be easier to maintain your sanity.  

If you are not reading Tidbits, it's important that you do to keep informed of the many events taking place around the school in the coming weeks.  Some may not pertain to you, but it will keep you aware of who is on the property.  For example, next Monday, May 24, the PTCO will be having a uniform exchange in the breezeway.  

Tomorrow's faculty meeting is a PLC in Heather's room to grade the Spring Mustang Writes.  Please check with Gina if you are unsure if you need to attend.  

Thank you for all you do and have a wonderful week.  

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day

I hope all the moms are enjoying their special day.  In his homily this morning, Fr. Dermot reminded everyone how special moms are.  We put all our needs and wants aside for the sake of our children without any regrets.  Our love is unconditional, we welcome our children back when they go astray, and we treasure every moment we have with them.  May the Lord bring many blessings to all mothers on this special day.  

I was so proud of our 8th graders this week as they honored our Blessed Mother.  Having a May crowning felt "normal."  I am excited to continue some of our traditions this month as we come close to the end of the year.  This week our new student council will be inaugurated into office on Thursday at 2 pm in the Church.  Grades 5 through 8 will attend.  Mrs. Robles and Mr. Doody will send details with the exact time to arrive.  

This week we will see how far the students have come this year as they take their final i-Ready assessment.  It's always exciting to see how much our students have grown during the course of the school year.  

As a reminder, Fr. Dermot will be on vacation for the next two weeks and, therefore, will not be available for class visits.

If you have not completed the School Culture Survey, please take some time this week to complete it.  Everyone's opinion matters and the more responses we have, the more accurate the results.  

Teachers, please be mindful of your assessments and make sure you have the minimum for the 3rd Trimester.  Also, it's important that grades are posted within a few days of the assessment so that there are no surprises for parents when the report card comes out.  If there are students you are planning to retain, be sure that has been communicated to Gina and to the parents.  All final decisions will be made once the report cards are complete.  

I hope everyone enjoyed all the amazing treats provided by PTCO and the Bufanos.  Our parents are grateful for all you have done during this very unique year.

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Happy Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Even the President says so...

 "NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 4, 2021, as National Teacher Appreciation Day and May 2 through May 8, 2021, as National Teacher Appreciation Week.  I call upon all Americans to recognize the hard work and dedication of our Nation's teachers.  

Please know that you are very much appreciated, this year more than ever.  I know how hard everyone has worked this year and the end is almost in sight.  

I heard some good news at my principal's meeting on Friday.  Next year, all students will be expected to attend school in person.  If some cannot attend temporarily with documented good reason, there will be a virtual option available for them through the Diocese of Miami that will allow the student to remain a student of St. Stephen yet it will require no work from our teachers.  The program has also been approved for scholarship students.  The superintendent is planning to create another committee like last year to develop a reopening plan for August.  If anyone is interested in serving on the committee, please let me know and I will forward your name.  The plan is for the committee to meet early in June.  

For now, if anyone asks about next year, here is what to say, "Our goal is to return to normal as soon as possible while keeping students and employees safe.  Decisions about masks and our reopening plan will be made in the summer.  Please do not say anything about in-person learning.  I have been mentioning it in Tidbits and in emails to FLP parents and I will continue to let parents know our plan.  You may direct parents to me with questions.  

At Wednesday's Mass, the 8th Graders will be crowning Mary.  I will be taking the entire 8th-grade class to church during FLEX time on Tuesday in order to practice with them.  If you went to church this weekend you saw how beautiful the new Mary statue looks on the altar.  Something else that was beautiful in church this weekend was our 2nd-grade class receiving First Holy Communion.  Everyone looked beautiful and Fr. Dermot gave a very beautiful homily to all the Communicants.  Thank you to Krista C. for taking pictures!

Tomorrow is a STREAM Faculty Meeting.  All teachers should attend as we have two important pieces of business to complete.  

Have an extra fabulous week everyone!  

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Prayer to St. John of God


This year has brought us many challenges, but none great as the physical sufferings of those who work here and their families.  Today we keep Flo in our prayers.  I am grateful to her guardian angel who made sure that what was to occur happened before she got in her car to drive home.  I am grateful to the EMS personnel who quickly brought her to the hospital and to the doctor who met her there and provided immediate care.  All these things kept her with us.  Flo will be in the hospital for a few more days as she heals.  Her family did give me permission to share what happened so that we may all pray for her.  It was an extensive heart attack that has caused much damage to the heart muscle.  They put in 3 stents so that blood will flow to her heart and she will continue under the cardiologist's care when she is released from the hospital.  As things progress I will keep everyone updated.  I am going to try to see her after school on Monday.  

Thursday we will have visitors from many different schools to learn from us about our successes with Wit and Wisdom.  Teachers involved have been notified.  

I will be at the Bethany Center on Friday at a Principal's meeting.  

Have a wonderful week.  

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Happy Earth Day

 If you missed the Facebook post from the 7th grade trip to Nature's Classroom, take a look.  I was so happy to see all those smiling faces outside having fun.  Thank you Christine and Timothy for going with the class on their adventure.  I'm looking forward to hearing stories tomorrow!

Please see last week's blog for upcoming events this month.  I'm excited to view the science fair projects and all the other student work that will be on display on Friday.  

Every time I go visit another school, I'm grateful for everyone here and how committed you are to our students and our school.  Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Happy Easter


Happy Easter!  I hope everyone enjoyed their break and feels refreshed and ready to embrace these last 8 weeks of school.  As you may have heard through Facebook or at Mass this weekend, Fr. Tim will soon be leaving us for another parish and the next step in his journey toward becoming a pastor.  He will be moving to St. Paul's parish in Tampa and will be working with Fr. Bill Swengros.  I know I speak for all of us when I say he will truly be missed.  A newly ordained priest (next month) will be joining us, Deacon Israel "Izzy" Hernandez, and as soon as immigration cooperates, Fr. Brian Whelan from Ireland will also arrive, hopefully in August.  5th-grade students should be excited as Deacon Izzy is the seminarian they have been praying for the past two years.  Please keep all our clergy in your prayers through these transitions.

While we are heading toward the end of the year, things will move quickly and there are many events to keep up with.  Here are some dates to keep in mind for the rest of this month:

April 12 - Holy Card Free Dress Day

April 16 - 7th Grade at Nature's Classroom

April 12-13 - Petition forms for Student Council will be made available
April 15 - Petition forms are due (since I will be out of town, Mrs. Robles will give the final approval)
April 16 - Primary elections announced if needed

If we have a primary election:
April 20-21 - Speeches on the Morning Show
April 21 - primary election (grades 3-7)

General election:
April 26-28 - Campaigning and speeches
April 29 - general election (grades 3-7)

April 23 - Marvelous Mustang
April 23 - Science/Earth Day Fair in the FLC
April 26 - Wit and Wisdom presentation and visitors from other schools
April 30 - Jean Day

And then the fun really begins in May!

I will be leaving Tuesday after lunch for St. Anastasia School in Ft. Pierce to do their 7-year Accreditation Review.  I leave you all in good hands with Gina and I will be back the following Monday.  

Have a wonderful week!  

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Blessings on Palm Sunday

 Many Congratulations to our 7th graders who did an amazing job Friday night.  You will all be in for a treat on Thursday when they present the Stations of the Cross to the school.  My thanks go out to Lisa M. for the countless hours of practice, to Timothy for teaching them how to project their voices and embrace their roles, to Gina for assisting with costumes and running the PowerPoint Friday night, to Deacon Mike Ryba for taking pictures, and to Lisa R for helping to get things set up.  It was truly a team effort!  There were many well-deserved words of praise that night both in-person and online.  

Teacher, please remember to prepare for the retreat on Thursday and be in your seats by 10:45 so we can start the Stations on time  I believe it runs about 30-40 minutes so you will have time to return to class and finish up the retreat.  Please also be sure you leave your classrooms neat and clean before you leave.  I would suggest having students clean out lockers and desks this week during Tuesday flex time and take home papers and items no longer needed at school.  

Everyone may leave on Thursday after carline and I hope you all have a wonderful Holy Week, Easter, and Easter Break!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Happy Spring


Happy Spring!  Yesterday was the Spring Equinox marking the first day of spring even though the weather this weekend certainly didn't feel that way.  Don't worry, it's Florida and next weekend will be in the '90s.  For me, growing up in the north, daffodils were a sign that Spring has arrived, and hopefully, there would be no more snow.  In Florida, Spring-break crowds at the beach seem to be the sign.  Either way, Spring is a time of new life and knowing that we are closer to the Resurrection.  

A couple of weeks ago, I sent an email to parents, faculty, and staff, asking that everyone take a few minutes to write a review about St. Stephen Catholic School.  So far, only one new review from a parent is showing.  I am asking everyone's help in soliciting reviews.  If you are talking with a parent and they happen to say something positive about the school, ask them to write a review on Google.  There is a QR code in the lobby by the reception window that they can scan and it will take them right to the link to write a review.  You can direct them to that or they can simply Google us.  It would also be helpful for employees to write about their experience working here.  Most of our reviews are very old and we are trying to improve our web presence.  I recently received a report from Google telling me how many people viewed our site in a month and I was very surprised how high the number was.  Promoting our school is everyone's responsibility and we all benefit from it.  More students mean more funds to purchase the things we want and have the staff to support students.  

Monday you may see a woman walking around the school and visiting classrooms.  Teachers were notified if she will be coming into your room.  Her name is Carol Macedonia and she is a representative from John Hopkins School of Education.  They are studying Wit and Wisdom and we may be able to benefit by receiving products (i.e., the phonics program) by speaking with her and allowing other schools to see the success we have had with the curriculum.  Carol will be spending the morning with us.  

I sent everyone a Google form and I ask that you complete it once you are fully vaccinated.  This will help with contract tracing and deciding who needs to quarantine.  

I will be out on Friday and please consider coming to Stations of the Cross Friday evening at 7 pm to see our 7th graders present Living Stations.  

Thank you all for everything you do for our students.  Have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Bringing Student Back

This is the mindset we need to help bring our students back to school!  I understand that teachers are struggling with in-person and online students.  I understand it brings extra stress and responsibilities.  Let's work together to make a change.  Gina and I already laid the foundation by sending home a letter to FLP families encouraging them to bring the students back to school.  For some, the letter was enough and the students have returned.  Others may need more help understanding the importance of sending their children to school.  We shared with parents the statistics of how in-person students are making more progress.  I believe it would help if they hear from their child's teacher exactly what the struggles are and how much better they will progress if they come to school.  Many parents may feel like the cow and we just need to give them a nudge over the fence.  

I suggest that teachers make FLP students a priority for Parent/Teacher conferences and talk about what we are doing to keep everyone safe and why their child needs to be at school and begin to make the transition for next school year.  Unless there is a change with Covid over the summer, FLP will not be offered next year.  Most other schools have very few students on flexible learning.  These students have been gone from the classroom for a year now and the longer they stay out, the more difficult the transition will be.  Bring ideas to share at our faculty meeting of how we can make this happen. 
We don't want this to happen!

Some reminders...  5th and 7th grade have Reconciliation this week after Mass.  Please be sure the students are prepared.  Some students (particularly 7th-grade students) will be finishing up the Terra Nova this week.  Friday is a noon dismissal for students.  Teachers should remain at school for remote parent/teacher conferences.  I will be out on Friday at the Bethany Center.  Finally, this coming weekend is a uniform/holy card weekend.  Please remind the students to wear their uniforms to Mass.  
Have a fabulous week!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Two Down and One to Go!

 The end of Trimester 2 is here and we are in the final stretch.  For teachers, this is a time to reflect on where you are at in your curriculums and what material is essential to cover before the end of the year.  While it may seem like there is plenty of time, the next three months will fly by.  

FLP students will not be online Tuesday and Thursday this week.  They will be in the FLC taking the Terra Nova.  If there is something you need them to do, please be sure you are communicating with them.  Students who missed any parts of the Terra Nova last week will be pulled for makeup sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  You should have received a schedule from Alton.  

Instructions were also sent out in regard to report cards.  Please follow the directions carefully so we do not have as many drafts.  

We do have a faculty STREAM meeting Monday after carline in Heather's room.  I would like to review how we have done with our theme this year and begin thinking about next year.  After that discussion, you are free to work on report card grades.  

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Keep Calm and Terra Nova on

 The big week is here and my advice is to relax.  How you approach this test will affect how students react.  They should understand that this is their opportunity to show off what they know and if they don't know something it's ok.  That's how we determine how we can help them.  They should do their best and not be anxious.  

Gina and I sent home a letter last week to the FLP families explaining the importance of being in school.  It is our hope that some/most will send their children back for the last trimester knowing that this option may not be available next year and the students need time to transition back to school.  Our positivity rates continue to decline and Gina and I will be discussing some of the routines that may no longer be necessary such as daily temperature checks and PikMyKid daily check-ins.  We will let you know what changes may happen as soon as we discuss this with our local team.  

Our Monday faculty meeting this week will be a PLC and Gina will be sending out more details.  Please remember that the end of the trimester is almost here.  While we do ask that you have a minimum number of assessments, the last week of the trimester is not the time to get them all in.  Particularly in the midst of Terra Nova.  You should have all your summatives completed by now.  While students can have homework this week, they should not have lots of summatives nor should big projects be due this week.  This will give you time to have all your grades in by the weekend as the turnaround from the last day to the day grades are due is very short - 2 days.  Be sure you are making plans for Parent Conference Day on March 12.  If you are considering retaining a student, March 12 should be the day you are handing them a letter regarding their child's progress.  Gina has the template for the letter.  She will be sending out instructions for the end of the trimester, also what she needs to put the letters together for you.

Enjoy the week!  And thank goodness we live in Florida!

Monday, February 15, 2021

An Angel's Miracle

 In the midst of a pandemic, our Angels Among Us crew lead by Nicki were able to create a very memorable experience and one that was a financial success raising almost $60,000 which was on top of the almost $12,000 raised by our Spirit Raffle.  God is Good!  All the Time!  Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event.  

This week everyone should be finishing up with the Terra Nova practice tests in preparation for testing week beginning Feb. 22.  We will have the schedule for you by tomorrow afternoon.  

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and all students grade 1-8 will be attending Mass.  First grade will sit behind second grade.  Ashes will be given after Mass outside as everyone exits using Q-tips.  The two EMs, the priest, and I will be distributing ashes at four stations.  

Have a wonderful week everyone!  And here are some pictures of the fun we had at Angels.  

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Catholic Schools Week


Happy Catholic Schools Week!  Thank you to everyone who played a part in the upcoming events.  I can't wait to see what's in the Time Capsule on Friday!

Please join me in congratulating our 8th graders on receiving the sacrament of Confirmation this weekend.  

Friday is a half-day and our Professional Development will be a refresher on Curriculum Trak by Mrs. Robles and a presentation on the Art of Note Taking by me. 

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Come Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit are the words on the tongues of our 8th-grade students as they prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation next Saturday.  Please keep them in your prayers asking the Holy Spirit to open their minds and hearts to what God is asking of them.  
Please welcome our new substitute teacher, someone who is not new to our community, Denise Westbrock.  She is a former employee and parent of former students at our school.  She will be subbing for Maria this coming week.  

Here are some things to talk up with the students this week:
  • Selling all their raffle tickets to earn rewards
  • Wearing their uniform to Mass next weekend (Jan. 30-31) in celebration of Catholic Schools Week
  • Reminding them to thank the priests for all they do when they go to Mass next weekend
Please be sure you are ready for Catholic Schools Week which starts on Jan. 31 and remind students what to wear each day.  Also, remember to drop off the Valentine's cards for the seminarians before you go home on Monday.  Monday afternoon is a PLC meeting to grade Mustang writes.  Gina and I will be in a parent conference at that time so reach out to Gina ahead of time if you have any questions.

Finally, don't forget to submit your Intent to Return by Feb. 1, and be sure you have turned in your Marvelous Mustang name to Nicki.  Thank you all for everything you do!! 

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...