Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day

I hope all the moms are enjoying their special day.  In his homily this morning, Fr. Dermot reminded everyone how special moms are.  We put all our needs and wants aside for the sake of our children without any regrets.  Our love is unconditional, we welcome our children back when they go astray, and we treasure every moment we have with them.  May the Lord bring many blessings to all mothers on this special day.  

I was so proud of our 8th graders this week as they honored our Blessed Mother.  Having a May crowning felt "normal."  I am excited to continue some of our traditions this month as we come close to the end of the year.  This week our new student council will be inaugurated into office on Thursday at 2 pm in the Church.  Grades 5 through 8 will attend.  Mrs. Robles and Mr. Doody will send details with the exact time to arrive.  

This week we will see how far the students have come this year as they take their final i-Ready assessment.  It's always exciting to see how much our students have grown during the course of the school year.  

As a reminder, Fr. Dermot will be on vacation for the next two weeks and, therefore, will not be available for class visits.

If you have not completed the School Culture Survey, please take some time this week to complete it.  Everyone's opinion matters and the more responses we have, the more accurate the results.  

Teachers, please be mindful of your assessments and make sure you have the minimum for the 3rd Trimester.  Also, it's important that grades are posted within a few days of the assessment so that there are no surprises for parents when the report card comes out.  If there are students you are planning to retain, be sure that has been communicated to Gina and to the parents.  All final decisions will be made once the report cards are complete.  

I hope everyone enjoyed all the amazing treats provided by PTCO and the Bufanos.  Our parents are grateful for all you have done during this very unique year.

Have a wonderful week!

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Be Nice

 This is something you will be hearing a lot this week... Be Nice as we enter into..... (drum roll) Be Nice Book Fair Week!!!    A big thank...