Sunday, September 8, 2024

CCC 1941

Happy Sunday! In his homily today, Fr. Primus discussed the dignity of man, voting no on Amendment 4, and recalled the Catechism of 1941.  The paragraph says, "Socio-economic problems can be resolved only with the help of all the forms of solidarity: solidarity of the poor among themselves, between rich and poor, of workers among themselves, between employers and employees in a business, solidarity among nations and peoples. International solidarity is a requirement of the moral order; world peace depends in part upon this."  Father then challenged us to work in solidarity because nothing will change if we don't.  When I reflect on this, it seems unlikely that the world will work together in solidarity, but nothing will change if everyone thinks this way.  We may not change the world, but we can impact our small piece of it together.  Please consider these words and discuss them with your students on Monday as we prepare for our first school-wide service project, working in solidarity to help others.  

At our faculty meeting last week, there was some discussion about holy cards and whether they should all be the same.  The answer is yes.  I made sure to talk about it in Tidbits, too, so that it is clear.  The card passed out this weekend is St. Benedict.  If a student has a different card, you should be suspect.  If they say they went to 5:30 Mass on Sunday, it's possible (but not probable) that they ran out of Benedict cards.  There can be a time when the cards differ, but I will let you know.  For example, in October, they will receive a Marian card.  It might be the Miraculous Medal, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, etc., but they will all be Mary.  Father does hand out old cards to students who are NOT in uniform.  Those do not count.  If someone has a card other than Benedict tomorrow, please send them to the office.  

On Tuesday, the Middle School will eat lunch in Angel's Wing. If you have middle school lunch duty that day, please join them in the Angel's Wing.  Other than that, it is a pretty routine week.  I will be out on Friday at the Bethany Center talking about principal stuff.  I hope you all have a superb week!

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