Sunday, September 22, 2024

Be Nice

 This is something you will be hearing a lot this week... Be Nice as we enter into..... (drum roll) Be Nice Book Fair Week!!!  

A big thank you to the Book Fair Committee (including our very own Mrs. Dieringer) for organizing, decorating, and putting everything together in preparation for this event.  As a teacher, I know you are mumbling under your breath.... another disruption to class.  Yes, but for a good cause - BOOKS!  And quality books that support our faith.  So, please pray to St. Sabastian for strength and flexibility as we enter Book Fair Week.  

Teacher preview for the book fair is Monday morning from 7-7:30 am.   There will be bagels (yay! and thank you Emily Alvarez) in the breakroom to entice you down the hall to the Media Center.  (They will not be IN the media center as we may not serve food more than 2 feet away from hot water.  Also, they will not be individually wrapped, so good luck.)  Please add your desired books to the basket with your name on it.  These may be purchased by parents for your classroom.  If you are not normally at school on Monday mornings, never fear; you can stop by any time to fill your basket.  

Once again, please be sure you have a plan for Grandparents Day and refer to Tidbits for the instructions given to grandparents. This Tuesday is a grade-level PLC, and you may want to spend a few minutes talking about your plans.  

Remind your students to wear their Be Kind T-shirts on Friday, and let's remind each other to be kind.  If we are asking our students to be kind and treat everyone with love and respect, we need to first set that example and treat everyone that way.  I see MANY examples of kindness every day so please don't run to my office and ask me if I'm talking about you and if you did something wrong because my answer will be No.  What I can tell you is that I have also seen unkindness among adults over the past couple of weeks (teachers, staff, parents, parish employees, etc. - everyone) and I wonder how can we get our students to be kind if we can't set that example.  I include myself in this as I was unkind in a meeting when I was frustrated with data I was given but I did go back and apologize and will try to be more patient.  What I'm asking is for you to look inside and ask if you are truly setting the example to Be Kind.  Let's always be our best role model of kindness for our children.  

Have a wonderful week!  

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