Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day!

 Thank you all for your tireless efforts in teaching our children.  I hope you were able to find time to rest during this long weekend.  The best part about a long weekend is the short week that follows!

Even though it's a short week, there are a few things to remember:

  • i-Ready testing will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • All teachers will meet for a faculty meeting Tuesday after carline in Heather's classroom
  • Friday is a half-day, so we will follow the bell schedule for half days.  We go through all the periods (except lunch) in order, and classes are approx. 25 min. long.  
  • Angels Outreach will give students a brief presentation about the first school-wide project and how to apply for the Kindness Krew. Presentations will begin at 8 a.m. in Middle School and the team will work their way down to 2nd grade. Students in grades 2-8 may apply to join the Kindness Krew (we can discuss more at the faculty meeting).
  • Afternoon PD is Wit and Wisdom Writing.  Encore teachers and PK do not need to attend.  We will discuss everyone else's attendance at the faculty meeting.
Finally, I received more information from the Health Department and these are the rules in the main school building and Angel's Wing:
  • NO homemade food may be brought into school for the students... EVER
  • We may NOT prepare any food in these buildings 
  • The ONLY place in the school where catered food may be served (and only outside regular school hours) is in the East Hall area.  This means we can do Donuts with GrownUps and Family Event Pizza.  It also means we cannot have pizza parties in the classroom.
  • Things that can be given out in a classroom are pre-packaged, individually wrapped items such as candy, cookies, chips, ice cream, etc.  This will mostly happen in extended day.
I am working with the new facilities person, Tony, to get a sink installed in the FLC.  Once that happens, I can apply for a full service licencsed facility and we can then do much much more, as long as it's in the FLC.  This is where Thanksgiving celebrations, MS Christmas party, and P is for pancakes will need to happen going forward.  I will keep you all updated on our progress.

Have a Wonderful Week!

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