Sunday, September 15, 2024

Calm before the storm that is Book Fair!

 Good afternoon, everyone.  As I look at the calendar, this is a calm week with not too much happening, but it truly is the calm for the storm.  Next week is Book Fair week, which means being flexible and going with the flow.  Students will be late to class on Donuts mornings, and there will be organized chaos on Grandparents Day.  We will be having Mass on Friday next week with the grandparents.  Be thinking about the activity you will do with your grandparents and students so you are prepared with any materials you may need.  This is only for the homeroom teachers.  I'm not sure why but many of the parents see the breakfast change as a "BIG" change in what we do.  I don't think it's that big, and I hope they see this as easier for everyone.  Homeroom moms are asking if anyone needs volunteers for anything more than help with signing out students.  We are asking parents to provide juice boxes, water, and coffee.  If you want help with serving drinks that day, please let your room moms know.  

On the agenda for this week, we have vision screenings (see Gail's email), high school presentations for 8th grade on Thursday afternoon, and Marvelous Mustang Friday morning.  I will forward an email to all teachers that Mrs. Moretusso created that you can use to alert parents if their child was chosen.  Please send it to the parents of the students you chose for Aug/Sept. 

Sometimes you don't know what you don't know.  Last week, Mary and I started doing informal observations.  We both realized we didn't discuss what you should have on your walls/boards/etc. in your classroom during pre-planning week.  We discovered this when we saw missing items in new teacher classrooms.  So here's what you need to know.  Every classroom should have the following on the whiteboard, bulletin board, walls, slide show, etc.:

Objectives (for the unit, lesson, day, week - whatever is appropriate) for each class.

Essential Questions for the UNIT.  (Each unit you teach should have 1-2 EQs.  For more information on EQs, review the Unit Planning folder that was shared during pre-planning.)

Academic Vocabulary (This is for everyone.)  We will discuss this more when we have some free PD time this year, but here are some examples. If you are studying rocks, I should see igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic somewhere in your room.  If you are studying angles, the word congruency should be posted.  If studying slavery, you might post the word emancipation.  Think about the keywords students need to understand in each unit.  These are not just words they write in a notebook and define; they need to interact with these words daily throughout the unit.  More to come on that. 

Homework should be written somewhere, either on the board or sent through Google Classroom.  

If you have any questions about any of this, please come see me.  We will continue our walk-thrus this week.  Just keep teaching if we come in.  Thank you all for everything you do, and please keep Fr. Josh in your prayers as he continues to heal.  

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