Sunday, March 7, 2021

Bringing Student Back

This is the mindset we need to help bring our students back to school!  I understand that teachers are struggling with in-person and online students.  I understand it brings extra stress and responsibilities.  Let's work together to make a change.  Gina and I already laid the foundation by sending home a letter to FLP families encouraging them to bring the students back to school.  For some, the letter was enough and the students have returned.  Others may need more help understanding the importance of sending their children to school.  We shared with parents the statistics of how in-person students are making more progress.  I believe it would help if they hear from their child's teacher exactly what the struggles are and how much better they will progress if they come to school.  Many parents may feel like the cow and we just need to give them a nudge over the fence.  

I suggest that teachers make FLP students a priority for Parent/Teacher conferences and talk about what we are doing to keep everyone safe and why their child needs to be at school and begin to make the transition for next school year.  Unless there is a change with Covid over the summer, FLP will not be offered next year.  Most other schools have very few students on flexible learning.  These students have been gone from the classroom for a year now and the longer they stay out, the more difficult the transition will be.  Bring ideas to share at our faculty meeting of how we can make this happen. 
We don't want this to happen!

Some reminders...  5th and 7th grade have Reconciliation this week after Mass.  Please be sure the students are prepared.  Some students (particularly 7th-grade students) will be finishing up the Terra Nova this week.  Friday is a noon dismissal for students.  Teachers should remain at school for remote parent/teacher conferences.  I will be out on Friday at the Bethany Center.  Finally, this coming weekend is a uniform/holy card weekend.  Please remind the students to wear their uniforms to Mass.  
Have a fabulous week!

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