Sunday, January 24, 2021

Come Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit are the words on the tongues of our 8th-grade students as they prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation next Saturday.  Please keep them in your prayers asking the Holy Spirit to open their minds and hearts to what God is asking of them.  
Please welcome our new substitute teacher, someone who is not new to our community, Denise Westbrock.  She is a former employee and parent of former students at our school.  She will be subbing for Maria this coming week.  

Here are some things to talk up with the students this week:
  • Selling all their raffle tickets to earn rewards
  • Wearing their uniform to Mass next weekend (Jan. 30-31) in celebration of Catholic Schools Week
  • Reminding them to thank the priests for all they do when they go to Mass next weekend
Please be sure you are ready for Catholic Schools Week which starts on Jan. 31 and remind students what to wear each day.  Also, remember to drop off the Valentine's cards for the seminarians before you go home on Monday.  Monday afternoon is a PLC meeting to grade Mustang writes.  Gina and I will be in a parent conference at that time so reach out to Gina ahead of time if you have any questions.

Finally, don't forget to submit your Intent to Return by Feb. 1, and be sure you have turned in your Marvelous Mustang name to Nicki.  Thank you all for everything you do!! 

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Be Nice

 This is something you will be hearing a lot this week... Be Nice as we enter into..... (drum roll) Be Nice Book Fair Week!!!    A big thank...