Saturday, September 18, 2021

SSCS Students Shine at the SVDP Ladies Tea

Today I had the pleasure of watching our students perform at the St. Vincent de Paul Ladies Tea in the Family Life Center.  A BIG thank you goes to Timothy for preparing the students to perform and Nicki and her volunteers who created a beautiful stage setting and helped with a last-minute addition to the show.  They sang beautifully, performed skits, and those 3rd graders certainly know how to dance!

I would like to share some good news.  We have hired a 3rd-grade teacher - Yay!!  She will be joining our staff on Monday, Sept. 27, and I will introduce her in Tidbits this week.  She and Anabel will be a Dynamic Duo in 3rd grade.  I will also be interviewing this week for an ESE Teacher, Instructional Assistant, and Extended Day Assistant.  Once again, please be patient with Gina and me this week as we continue to fill in and multi-task.  People will say there is a calm before the storm, I like to think this is the storm before the calm.  

Finally, Friday is a jean day (please review the handbook with students) and it is also our first Marvelous Mustang award day.  I am hoping to present them live on Friday and we will send more details this week.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

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