Sunday, September 26, 2021

Welcome to the Wild West!

It's time to saddle up and head out to the American Frontier Book Fair.  This year we are trying a different vendor for our Book Fair, Follett.  We did just learn, however, that Follett is discontinuing doing book fairs so we will most likely go back to Scholastic in the spring.  Please be sure to check the schedule I shared with you and you bring your class on time for the preview on Monday and purchasing Tues-Wed at your assigned times.  Most classes are scheduled during ELA.  If you are self-contained you can adjust your own schedule as needed.  I sent out a revised schedule this morning.  Please be sure you are using that version.  

Today I have the pleasure of welcoming a new member to our faculty, Ms. Anya Muyers.  Anya will be the new 3rd-grade teacher.  She graduated from Academy of the Holy Names in Tampa, comes with excellent skills, experience in teaching, and a joy for educating young minds.  We are excited to have Anya join us and I know she and Anabel will make a dynamic team in 3rd grade.

On Thursday, students may wear Western-themed outfits or add accessories to their uniforms.  Friday is a half-day and we will follow the half-day schedule which I will add to the schedules in Google Drive.  

Speaking of uniforms, many students are NOT in uniform.  If you are unsure of the uniform requirements, please refer to the handbook.  Here are the violations I am seeing in many of the grades:

  • Jewelry (biggest violation - bracelets, necklaces, and rings)
  • belts - boys in grades 3-8 must wear a belt.  The only exception is if a 3rd-grade boy is still wearing the pull-on style shorts that K-2 wears. 
  • shirts not tucked in
  • length of skort (this is a problem in middle school) - I spoke to a few.  It may not be more than 2 inches above the knee.  
Teachers should be giving out uniform violations and keeping track.  If they receive 3 violations they may not participate in the next Friday jean day on Oct. 29.  Students should receive a violation every day until in uniform unless you have a parent note stating when a new skort will be purchased, new shoes, etc., and then follow up.  

Teachers, Monday's PLC will be a subject area meeting.  I put notes in the PLC timeline shared document.  There will be 4 groups (Phonics, Wit & Wisdom, Math, Encore).  If you teach both W&W and Math, you should attend the W&W one.  Please reach out to each other to determine a meeting place and add minutes from your meeting.  

Upcoming Prof. Dev. for teachers:

  • Oct. 1 is a half-day with PD from 1-3 pm.  This PD is for all teachers grades K-8.  Gina will be presenting on Part I of the Evolving Learner.
  • Oct. 8 is our Diocese-wide professional development day.  There will be two presentations, both here at St. Stephen for all teachers K-8 as follows:
    • 8-9:30 am - i-Ready webinar (in the media center)
    • 10-12 noon - Part II of the Evolving Learner
Finally, more good news to share.  We are in the final stages of the hiring process with our new ESE teacher who is scheduled to start on Oct. 4.  I will spend the first couple of days with Melissa and the new teacher going through files and creating schedules.  She will be introduced in Tidbits this week.  

Gina is out on Monday and I will be helping in 3rd grade and with lunch and also judging doors so if you need me, the afternoon is best.  

Have a wonderful week! 

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