Sunday, December 13, 2020

O Come O Come Two Thousand Twenty-one

 2020 is certainly the year that keeps on giving.  Let me bring you up to speed on its latest act of kindness.  I will explain this as I understand it, but I'm sure John could give a more technical version of the story.  Friday morning around 4 a.m. our data/systems/files/etc. were attacked by sources unknown using ransomware.  When you google ransomware, this is what you find, "Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts a victim's files.  The attacker then demands a ransom from the victim (in this case St. Stephen) to restore access to the data upon payment."  John saw that the extensions (.docx, .txt, etc.) on our files were being changed or encrypted Friday morning.  This is why he came and shut everything down, to stop them in their tracks.  How far they got is unknown at this time.  It also turns out that this is a relatively new virus so John has enlisted the aid of the FBI to provide a tool that will decrypt the files back to what they were.  The plan is to first verify that our backups were not damaged.  Then John and his team of helpers will wipe all our window devices clean and hopefully restore our data from the backup.  Please pray that he is able to do this.  I cannot say how long this will take but at least we have our Christmas break coming so for now we just need to get through the next five days.  

This is the most important thing I can tell you.  DO NOT turn on any windows device.  John is going to school this afternoon to ensure everything is turned off -- desktops, laptops on carts, etc.  Anything with windows on it may not be turned on until we get the all-clear from John.  The good news is that there is wifi and you may use Chromebooks and iPads.  I've asked Charles to help with providing Chromebooks to office staff so they can continue to work.  This does mean that printing may be a challenge.  If you have something you need to print, put it on a flash drive at home and we can help you print it out in the office on the copier.  We may also be able to connect your Chromebook to a printer with a USB cord.  Charles is going to round up some of them too.  

It's a pretty quiet week and ends with a day of fun on Friday.  Thank you all for your patience and sense of humor, both of which are very much needed this year.  I will end this blog with something to make you laugh.  Friday afternoon and evening were both a lot of fun.  I enjoyed meeting the football team from St. Thomas Aquinas.  The coaches were some of the nicest people I've ever met and even I was inspired listening to their head coach speak.  I also enjoyed our Evening with Santa.  The students had a great time and Rich did an amazing job as Santa.  Some of you may know I keep a list of funny quotes that I hear from staff and students.  Two of my favorites are (from a teacher) "I'm at my second job." and (from a student) "He didn't cry the first time I punched him."  Now I have a new one - "And it's happening now!"

  • Me:  Gina, come meet the football team (Gina and I go to the FLC)
  • HS Coach:  Are you ladies with the church?
  • Us:  Yes
  • HS Coach:  The team is about the change
  • Me: Yes, I know.  The bathrooms are over there
  • HS Coach:  No, they will change right here, out in the open.  You ladies may feel uncomfortable.
  • HS Coach (as he looks around):  And it's happening now!
  • Us:  OH!  Bye!  (exit stage right)
Have a great week!  


Sunday, December 6, 2020

O Come O Come

 Today begins the second week of Advent and while it's sometimes difficult to find joy right now, I found great joy watching our students on Friday.  While I may have put the words on paper, you all brought it to life.  Thank you all for making the day special and helping our students know Faith without Fear.  

A BIG shout out and thank you to Christa.  While I was not able to be there for the entire time, I could see what an amazing professional development she prepared for you.  I'm excited to see how you all incorporate that into your curriculum.  

Please stop by the 6th-grade homeroom this week and welcome Christine Sanchez who joins the middle school team tomorrow.  We also welcome her son, Samuel, to 5th grade.  

This year we will not be having our traditional staff Christmas party.  With the increase in positivity and how large our group is, Father Dermot and I felt it was not a good idea.  Dec. 18 is still a half-day with no extended day, the only difference is you may all leave right after carline.  All I ask is that your classrooms are clean and tidy before you go.  We are planning to do a top scrub and re-wax of the hallways and classrooms the week after Christmas.  We typically do not do classrooms over Christmas, but the hand sanitizer has made a mess of the floors.  When we return from break, please help your students with how to use the hand sanitizer so it does not drip all the way back to their desks.  They should stay in one place until it dries.  We can brainstorm some ideas at our next faculty meeting.  The cleaning company will move all the furniture (mostly desks and chairs) but there will need to be some preparation before the break.  I will speak with Duffy and give you the details.  My hope is also that middle school will move back into Angel's Wing the last week before the break so that when we return you will be back out there.  

On Dec. 18 we will not have a Middle School breakfast or a movie in the FLC.  Think about what we can do to celebrate with our students.  I suggest a movie, Christmas trivia games, students bring their own breakfast or snacks, reindeer games, etc.  We can also talk about this at our faculty meeting.  

Please remember to check the calendar, lots happening this week: Gingerbread Holiday Shop, Mass on Tuesday (not Wednesday), Marvelous Mustang, Gr. 6-8 Reconciliation on Wednesday, and Evening with Santa on Friday.  Have a peaceful week.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year!  No, I'm not crazy.  For Catholics, today is the first day of the new Liturgical Year as we enter into the season of Advent.  It is the beginning of a renewed commitment to our faith by all those who follow Christ.  Advent is meant to awaken us in our faith as we stand vigilant waiting for Christ's Second Advent.  Today, in Fr. Tim's homily, he asked, "What are you waiting for?"  What are we waiting for?  Let us begin today to prepare ourselves to welcome the Word Incarnate on Christmas morning and to welcome our Lord into our hearts.  Begin this journey today and share this passion with your students on Friday during their retreat as we help them to live by faith and not by fear.  

This week we are collecting canned food for SVDP.  Remind your students that every class that brings in 4 times the number of students in that class will receive a free dress day on Dec. 11.  Invite you FLP students to participate.  They may drop off their cans in the lobby.  Remind them to label the bag with their grade.  

The third and fourth grades will have reconciliation this week.  Because Mass is later now, I had to spread out reconciliation.  Therefore, Fr. Tim will not be visiting all classes this Tuesday as planned.  He will visit second grade after 3rd-grade reconciliation on Tuesday between 10:30-11.  

3A will be hosting Mass this week and 2nd and 6th grades will stay at school and watch on the live stream.  Everyone else can sit in their usual places (7th grade can just move forward on your side).  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

 Happy Sunday!  Just 2 more days and it's Thanksgiving Break! (although I know we all wished it started already).  We have reminded parents many times that we are in school this week but don't be surprised if you find students absent.  My suggestion to everyone is not to schedule any summatives this week.  Teachers, please remember to review the Advent Retreat (Dec. 4) prior to that day so you are prepared.  I will have the copies of the journal and Advent Calendar in your mailboxes when we return from break.  

Students in grades 3-8 will have Reconciliation when we return as follows:

Tues. Dec. 1
9:30 - 10:30 - Both 3rd grades (you could probably go together or one class can leave the school at 9:20 and the other class can leave school at 9:30, it goes fast.)

Wed. Dec. 2 after 9:45 Mass 
10:30 - Grade 4 (proceed to the chapel right after Mass)

Wed. Dec. 9 (no Mass that day) 
9:30 - 11:30 - Grades 5-8 (5th grade be there at 9:30, 6th-grade leave for church at 9:35.  When 5th-grade returns, please let me know and I will let 7th and 8th grade know when to head over.)

I wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

1 Down and 2 To Go!

 As our first trimester comes to a close, some things you should be reflecting on are:

  • How are students doing with catching up to where they should be right now?
  • Am I assessing as often as I should be? 
  • Am I using a variety of assessments, not just publisher tests?
  • Are my students working to their potential?
  • Are my students aware of how they are doing?
  • Am I taking care of myself? 
I would like to share a concern I have with assessments and I'm going to focus on one subject.  My concern is are we eliminating types of assessments because of social distancing? Are we doing fewer projects because students can't be too close?  I have seen group activities happening so my hope is this really is not the case. However, in speaking with a few teachers about what they are doing in religion, I feel that there is too much dependence on the publisher's tests.  Some are not even using the assessment book but using the chapter reviews as a test.  The "test" in the book should be a practice for the actual assessment.  I can also tell you that the publisher tests for religion are not very good and in order for students to do well, you have to teach to the test.  Religion is a great opportunity for project-based learning and would better show students' understanding.  Service-learning would also provide opportunities to show what they know and how they live their faith.  If you feel a test is necessary, think about creating your own that really highlights what is important for them to know.  Religion should be taught in units, not chapters.  When I say units, I don't mean the unit organization in the book.  I mean a unit on Baptism, a unit on the Mass, a unit on the journey's of Paul, a unit on the Beatitudes, etc.  You get the idea and each unity should have an assessment.  When you teach this way, it will become easier to see opportunities for performance assessments and projects.  If you ever want ideas let me know and I'd be happy to help.  Remember, we have new standards this year for religion that you should be using and the textbook is only a resource, not the curriculum.  During your PLC meetings Monday after school, it might be a good time to look at how you are all assessing students in general.  Gina will have more instructions for your PLC meeting on Monday.

Friday will be a jean day and noon dismissal.  Please let Gina and I know your plans for Friday and when your class will have their Move Together reward.  Good luck with your conferences and please know that parents appreciate everything you are doing right now.  Also, know that Gina and I think you are all superstars!  For this, I am not only talking about teachers.  I think this year more than ever, we can see what it truly means to work at St. Stephen.  We are a family and together we are journeying through this very crazy year.  

Have a great week!            

Sunday, November 8, 2020

God Bless America


With all the controversy with the Presidential election, let us pray for our nation, and on Veteran's Day let us remember and thank all those who served to protect us and our freedoms.  

At Wednesday's Mass, we will remember and pray for our Veterans.  Please be sure to take some time during social studies on Tuesday or Wednesday to talk about the significance of that day.

Teachers, please be sure to be at the Faculty Meeting on Monday.  Gina will review the report card process and we will also catch up on STREAM since we missed our meeting last week.  I would like the 3 Chairpersons working on the Domain review to give an update on your progress to date.

Thank you all!  Have a great week.  

Monday, November 2, 2020

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord...

 As we come to the end of Allhallowtide, we remember those we have lost, particularly in this past year.  I hope you all had a blest and restful long weekend, one that was much deserved.  

Teachers, we have a faculty meeting on Monday which is meant to be a STREAM meeting.  We will catch up on our progress since our last meeting and I am asking Jennifer to share what the Student Council has been working on.  We will also go over what to expect on Friday with our Move Together event and Gina will review what to look for in your grade books to make sure report cards are correct as the end of the trimester is almost here.  

There are many things happening this month, Move Together, end of Trimester, parent conferences, report cards, etc.  Be sure to keep an eye on the calendar.  Next weekend is Holy Card/Uniform weekend.  Please remind students to wear their uniform to Mass and receive a holy card for free dress on Nov. 9.  

Gina and I will begin doing evaluations this month.  We will do the evaluations through Google Meet where possible and do a walk-thru the room when empty to evaluate Catholic identity.  Rather than more meetings, I will send all the information by email for you to review (document we will use, subjects we would like to see, etc.) and then create a sign-up genius for the observation.  If anyone would like to meet prior to the observation, we can do that too.  

Thank you all for your patience, smiles, perseverance, and the joy you bring to your classrooms each day.  

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Happy Halloween

 As we are heading toward the end of the calendar year with all the holidays and celebrations, we are reminded of the impact Covid19 is having in our lives.  Trunk or treat will still happen, but with many limitations.  Even though it won't be the same, I am grateful we are able to keep the tradition, even in a modified format.  We need to continue to look for ways to keep our traditions with modifications.  Thank you Lisa M., Teresa, and Tara for offering to help Gina and I pass out candy!  On Friday, everyone may wear a Fall or Halloween shirt (nothing scary) with jeans.  

On Monday, the faculty meeting is for you to meet in your PLCs.  Before you do that I need a few minutes to discuss a prize for all the students if we have 100% participation.  We are planning to adopt an endangered species, but I wanted there to be a more tangible incentive for the students.  We need to get them motivated as the money is coming in VERY slowly.  I didn't want to offer something without your input.  It could be a movie on Friday, Nov. 20, which is a half-day.  It could be ice cream for everyone, a no homework night, etc.  Think of some ideas and we can pick one on Monday.  I would also like to hear what you did or what you plan to do this week by incorporating Care for Creation in a lesson.  Teachers, please email that to me before the meeting.  

Friday is also Marvelous Mustang.  Please take a picture of your Mustang with their certificate and email it to the parents.  If they received it for an encore class, please do the same.  Encore teachers should be sure Jamie has your student's names so they can be announced on the morning show on Friday.  

If you want to share some facts about Halloween with your students, and the fact that it is truly a Catholic tradition and not a celebration that evolved from Celtic pagan rituals - All Hallows Eve, The eve of All Saints Day - here are some resources to check out: 

Finally, don't forget to set your clocks back this weekend.  Not only do you get an extra hour, but, thanks to Bishop Parkes, you also get an extra day!

Have a marvelous week!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples' Day?

 In recent history, there has been a move away from celebrating Columbus as a hero and, instead, celebrating Indigenous communities and their resiliency in the face of violence by European explorers.  For many Italian Americans, the switch is difficult as they see Columbus Day as a day to celebrate Italian heritage and their contributions to the United States.  But truly, in both cases, it's about people, not a person.  So on Oct. 12, let's remember the contributions of all people that make up our great nation.  

At the faculty meeting on Monday, we will continue the work on Domain A.  After a brief 5-10 min. business meeting, you will work in your groups on your specific standards.  

Thankfully, we have hired another substitute teacher.  We have 4 teachers out on Thursday, so please don't anyone get sick this week!  I will be out on Friday so no one can be sick then either :) 

Have a great week! 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Happy the Man...

This morning as I sit here on the rainy Sunday morning pondering what to write in my blog, I checked my Facebook to find the welcoming face of Patrick Stewart beginning his final post of Shakespeare's sonnets.  Yesterday was the final sonnet, #154 (if you haven't heard Sir Patrick read sonnets, you should check it out).  Before he began, he read a poem on the back of his bookmark which he said was Horace's Ode 3:29.  It is actually a translation by Dryden and a well-known poem.  I thought I would share it with you all as it seemed fitting for the world we are living in.

Happy the man, and happy he alone,
he who can call today his own:
he who, secure within, can say,
Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today.

Great advice to focus on what we are doing today as we have no control over tomorrow.  We can only find peace in the knowledge that it is all in God's hands.

Speaking of the crazy world we live in, Gina and I (and possibly many of you) have been harassed by Google to change our passwords due to a data breach.  I don't have to guess which ones as Google was happy to provide a list of saved passwords that were part of the data breach and I am slowly going through the process.  Some of the passwords may affect things we share (The Religion teacher, Adobe, etc.) as I am the owner of the account.  As I go through my passwords, I will let you know the new one if it affects anyone.  

Please stop by Room 6 on Monday and welcome our new addition to our staff, Dr. Terri Schmidt, who will be teaching Middle School math and science.  She was here on Friday after recently arriving from out of state and is anxious to meet her new students.  

The priests will begin visiting classes this week.  Please be sure to check the schedule I sent to everyone.  I will reshare it today to be sure you all can easily find it.  If you are self-contained and the visit is not during religion class, please adjust your schedule as needed.  

We are half-way through the Trimester.  This is a good time to check-in with the parents of students who may be struggling, particularly if they are working from home.  Please remember that report card grades should never be a surprise.  

On Friday, remind students that next weekend, Oct. 10-11, is Uniform weekend at Mass.  If they attend in uniform, they will receive a Holy Card that they can show you on Monday, Oct. 12, and they may come in free dress. Thank you all for everything you do for our students and our families.  

If you look closely at Horace's picture below, I think you can see why he was happy 😄

Have a Happy Week!


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Go Lightning!


The Dallas Stars are not giving up as the Lightning and Stars battle for the Stanley Cup.  Game 6 is scheduled for Monday night.  Either the Lightning will take the Cup or it's on to game 7.  Either way, I am officially calling Tuesday, Sept. 29 Lightning Day at SSCS.  We will either be celebrating their victory or showing our support for the final game.  I'm making it Tuesday so you will have time to let your students know that they may wear a Lightning t-shirt and PE shorts that day.  It's optional and if they don't have a team t-shirt, they may wear another shirt that is the team color - solid blue or white, or blue and white.  It's not a jean day, they must wear PE shorts.  We will also send home an email to parents.  

Friday we will have a faculty meeting which will begin at 1 pm to give you time to eat lunch.  We will meet in Heather's room and Gina will be leading the meeting with a discussion of our Year 4 ARCA review with emphasis on Domain C.  We will also update you on your domain assignments for this year.  

This week I will continue to assist with MS math and science.  Wednesday morning I will be in the classroom teaching until approximately 12:30.  

Thank you to everyone for a job well-done with our food collection and to those who have made purchases in our spirit store.  

Have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Saying Goodbye to Summer

Tuesday, Sept. 22 is the Autumnal Equinox signifying the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.  However, for us Florida folks, we may need to wait for the Winter Solstice to really say goodbye to summer weather.  

After a few brutal weeks of PE outside in the heat, I met with Coach Green and we decided to try classes in the FLC.  Our class sizes are small and the gym is big and it seems to be going well.  I will meet with George again this week to review and make some final decisions.  As classes start having PE in the gym again, it will mean a change in dropoff and pickup for PE.  It is difficult for George to bring a class back when the bell rings and be at the next class at the same time for pickup.  After speaking with George I will meet with each teacher this week and talk about the procedures.  Please be patient as we work through this change.  

I have been trying to make a difficult decision about Mass and how many classes should attend each week.  Most parents are happy we are attending in person but there is still some concern about cohorts crossing and how many classes attend at one time.  One school is doing virtual Mass all year, another is only allowing 1-2 classes to attend at one time.  What I believe is different for us is that the Mass is only for our students and our church can accommodate 1400 people.  We are less than 200 in grades 2-8.  For those not at the last Mass, here is a picture of what it looked like.  


We can easily fit 2 classes in each section.  I believe both Masses 2-5 and 6-8 were fine.  The question is, do we keep alternating? or do we all go together grades 2-8?  If we alternate, it will mean classes will have to prepare Mass more often (once every 3-4 weeks).  If we all go together, we will need to spread out more and it will require 2 EMs for each Mass.  I would have 2nd grade continue to sit on the choir side by themselves (no EM needed).  Sixth and 7th grade would sit on the other side along the church office wall and 8th grade would sit on the side of the altar.  One EM would be assigned to middle school.  I will be sending out a survey later today to see what your preferences are.  

For the next few weeks my open door, come on in, policy will need to change a bit.  I will be assisting the middle school math/science sub with lessons, assigning, grading, flexible learning students, etc.  I will also be assisting Lisa with her Flexible Learning group for 6th-grade math.  If you see my door closed, it means I'm on a google meet with students, and please come back later.  If my door is open, I'm available.  Thank you for your patience with me.  

Our Care for Creation t-shirts are in!!  The office staff will work on getting them passed out this week.  Friday, Sept. 25, is a jean day and we will ask everyone to wear their shirt.  Friday is also our first Marvelous Mustang.  If you haven't already, you will be receiving directions on how this will go.  Nicki has done a great job organizing this and she ordered rubber bracelets for our Marvelous Mustangs to wear.  

Thank you ALL for being Marvelous!  Have a great week!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Without Labor Nothing Prospers ~Sophocles

70+ Best Labor Day Quotes images | labor day quotes, happy labor day, labor 

Happy Sunday everyone.  I hope you are enjoying your 3-day weekend.  It's only been 2 weeks, but it's clear the extra day was needed.  I know that this year is testing all our limits, our creativity, and our perseverance in helping our students learn in unusual circumstances.  Gina and I, parents, and Fr. Dermot all think you are doing an amazing job in this new world of education.  If you missed this link in the Weekly Update, it's worth looking at.  There are some great sessions and it also links you to all the Google resources you may need.  Also, there is an opportunity to become an IXL expert with IXL live 

This week will be the second round of i-Ready testing.  Alton sent out the new schedule for everyone and hopefully, this should finalize testing.  Alton will also be working with Melissa to get the FLP students tested.  The results of testing will help us see where the gaps are and how best to use FLEX time with the students.  

For me, it will be a week of meetings - Leader's meeting on Tuesday, IT meeting at the Church Thursday morning at 11am, and I will be at the Bethany Center on Friday.  We will also have our first Mass on Wednesday with Middle School.  All schedule adjustments, the Mass seating chart, and the priest schedule will be sent this weekend.  I have created a schedule where Fr. Tim and Fr. Dermot will visit classes on Tuesday and Thursday.  Each class will have a visit by each priest once a month.  It is important that you welcome them when they come and let them know if your class has an event that day that cannot be rescheduled (i.e., in-class field trip, etc.).  Even if there is a special event, you can invite them to join you.  

Let me know if you need help with anything, have concerns or questions, or just need to sit on my couch for a bit and hug a pillow.  My door is always open. 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Are You Ready to i-Ready

 We made it through the first week, which felt like the longest week in history.  The good news is most things went very smoothly and the students were much better at wearing masks than we imagined.  The best news is that carline went from almost 1 hour to sending everyone out in 20 minutes.  Friday's carline was great and we will keep getting better.  Thank you all for having patience and sticking it out while we fine-tuned the process.  

Our morning carline is still not done before the bell.  Gina and I are going to try to improve this too.  Beginning on Monday, Gina and I will start opening car doors at 7:25 like last year.  We will ask the students to social distance in the breezeway and outside the gate until 7:30.  At 7:30, Teresa Searls will prop open the Art Room exterior door and then release her students to their classrooms.  I will remind parents that students can get out of their car anywhere along the sidewalk and students who exit their car closer to the art room will be able to enter there.  This should speed things up.

It is important to remember the reasons behind many of our COVID-19 procedures.  Not only do they prevent the possible spread and exposure of COVID, but it also helps with contact tracing.  Our medical professionals on our local committee have advised one of the strongest parts of our re-opening plan is the separation of cohorts.  If a student in one class becomes sick, the strict separation of classes/grades will minimize the contact tracing and possible quarantine of more students and staff.  If students are not staying separated in the hall or outside, the cohort plan will not work.  We understand this becomes more difficult with Extended Day, but our numbers are still very low and there is plenty of room for social distancing.  We cannot eliminate all risk, but we can take whatever steps are in our power to reduce risk. Gina and I would like to share some Social Distancing and Mask reminders:

  • All students in grades 1-8 should wear masks when inside and outside if they cannot maintain 6 feet of social distancing
  • All staff should wear masks inside the building at all times unless alone.  If you enter a room and someone is alone and without a mask, please pause and give them time to put on their mask
  • Maintain as much distance as possible among staff when eating lunch (this is the most vulnerable time for possible spread according to our committee)
  • Have students maintain as much distance as possible when eating lunch
  • Institute procedures that reduce the number of shared touch surfaces (giving each student their own assigned device or manipulative set, having students sharpen pencils at home, etc.) See Maria's list of procedures for ideas
  • Practice having students maintain 6 feet between themselves in the hallway
  • No unnecessary staff entering classrooms, and if they must enter, they should remain separated from students
Alton shared a schedule with everyone for i-Ready testing this week.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Alton for assistance.  

Friday is a noon dismissal and our topic for discussion is STREAM.  At 2:30 there will be a webinar related to i-Ready and distance testing.  All teachers should be present until 2:30 at which time some will be dismissed.  Since we are a big group, please eat lunch prior to the meeting.  We will begin at 1:00 pm and location will be announced.  

Thank you all and have a great week!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Welcome Back Mustangs


Just over 5 months ago we sent our students home for 1 week of virtual learning.  Who knew this would be the outcome.  And yet, here we are, starting a new school year in a very different way.  I know that Gina and I just about lost our minds this summer, but the one thing that kept us sane was all of you.  I know there are concerns, but you are all willing to make this happen.  Your positive attitude lets us know that together we can do anything.  
One of the things I believe we need to consider as we return to school is how our students are feeling.  I know when I came back to school this summer and left the comfort of my home, it was difficult.  No more working in my PJs and I actually had to wash my hair.  But beyond that was getting myself motivated to leave home.  We know our parents are worried and this fear will transfer to the students.   We need to reassure them that we will do our best to protect them.  

I saw this suggestion and thought it was awesome.  If we ask students what they did this summer, we will probably hear stories about how they sat in the yard and watched the grass grow.  Rather than looking back, let's look forward.  The questions in the Trauma-Sensitive Classroom Tip picture are a great start.  A parent and teacher also shared good ideas.  One is to have a "What I Need Box" and the other is a "What I Want My Teacher to Know Box".  This works well now because students may be shy about raising their hands and expressing their needs out loud.  We also don't necessarily want them coming up to us for a quiet conversation.  Having a place where they can drop a note is a good idea.    

If you are new to St. Stephen and wondering what this Blog is all about, I try to send a blog out each weekend.  Usually, on Sunday afternoon, evening if it was one of those days.  In it, I will typically talk about things that are coming up that week.  I will send a link to the new blog to everyone by email.  This is like Tidbits for faculty/staff and it's important that you read it.  

This week will be mostly about procedures.  On Wednesday, we will all watch Daily Mass at 8:30 am together.  You can reach the live stream through the church website or through their Facebook page (you don't need to be logged into Facebook to view it).  

Friday is a Jean Day for everyone.  Please review the rules in the Parent/Student Handbook with the students about dress expectations for Jean Day.  

Alton will be creating a schedule for iReady testing beginning Aug. 31 and procedures for how we will do this.  Gina will be sending out a google form to parents/employees for t-shirt sizes.  This year we decided to wait to order our spirit shirts until we knew our actual enrollment.  

Monday after school we will have a faculty meeting right after carline.  This meeting will have three purposes: 

  1. Tom Doyle (Parish Manager) will come to give us an update on Angel's Wing
  2. A check-in for how our first day went and address any questions we didn't think about
  3. Gina will give instructions for streaming from the classroom for FLP students
I know we will all be tired from the first day, but it is an important meeting.  

Please know how much you are all appreciated.  Everyone plays an important role in making our school a success.  I am grateful for:
  • Teachers who nurture and care for our students and who make our school a shining light in the community
  • Instructional Assistants who quietly assist teachers and students and help make the classes run like a well-oiled machine
  • Extended Day staff who will need lots of patience this year keeping students happy after they have already worn masks for 7 hours.
  • Karen B who welcomes everyone each day with a smile and who has accepted the role of being on the front line when someone may get sick
  • Debra who has jumped in and quickly learned her role in managing our tuition, scholarships, and communication.  She also got excited when given the job of Carline Stop Sign!
  • Karen P who sorted through 4 months of remote bookkeeping, learned new software and is becoming an expert at managing our money
  • Jamie who stepped up to help teach 2nd grade which has many students of varying abilities and has made all the parents in that class VERY happy
  • Flo who has jumped into her new role in the office and has been running around for 3 weeks helping us get everything in place
  • Nicki who works tirelessly and patiently with new families getting them enrolled and acclimated to our school and who has offered to assist in any way she can to make everyone's job easier
  • Alton who just makes us smile every day and who will play a very big role this year in helping students (and adults) adjust back to school.  
  • Rosie and the Faith Formation staff who are always willing to help us in any way they can
  • Duffy and his staff for all the work they accomplished this summer
  • Tom for his knowledge of facilities and the tasks he takes on to keep the buildings maintained
  • Deacon Mike for helping with music for our Masses
  • The church staff for how they support us and always think of ways to promote our school
  • Fr. Dermot and Fr. Tim for their continued support and spiritual guidance and smiles that let us know everything will be ok
  • Gina... There are not enough words to express how blessed I am to have her by my side and for the work she did this summer to help get us ready for Opening Day.   
  • Our parents who have remained and trust that we can do this
  • and probably the most important person this year, Mr. Ken who will keep us sanitized on a daily basis!  
Have a wonderful first week of School!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Spring Ahead

Good morning (maybe afternoon).  Waking up was difficult this morning as was driving to Mass in the dark, but I'm sure sunshine at 7 pm tonight will be nice.  Thank you, everyone, for your support during Terra Nova testing.  I also want to thank everyone for making the school smell like Clorox wipes.  I am not an alarmist in situations like this; however, we do need to take extra measures to keep the school germ-free.  I say this not specifically because of the coronavirus, but because we have had a lot of students going home ill.  I will continue to remind parents to keep their children home when they are sick. This goes for employees too.  Children were not the only ones sent to the nurse's station to have their temperature taken.  At our faculty meeting tomorrow, I will go over some additional measures we should be taking.  Tomorrow's faculty meeting is important and it is very important that everyone attend.  If you are out sick, I will meet with you during a planning period to go over what you missed.  

This week's happenings:
Monday is Holy Card Free Dress
Gina will be out on Tuesday
Principal's coffee on Wednesday
Friday is St. Patrick's/green shirt and jeans/pe shorts day

Friday is PD for teachers starting at 12:30.  Bring your lunch to the Makerspace and we will finalize our ideas for next year's theme and song.  After that we will break up to grade writing prompts (Gina, Susana, Sue, Maria, Traci, Galy, Christa, Suzanne, Emily, David, Heather, Jamie S.), work on the yearbook (Julianne), work on graduation (Jennifer, Linda), special projects (Linda, Amy, Lisa, Charles, George, Alton - see me to discuss).  PreK can spend some extra time disinfecting toys :) 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Welcome to March

Image result for march
Welcome, March!  We've had some crazy weather but the outlook appears to be that the cold days are gone.  I'm sure we will miss them around October.  

I am canceling the STREAM meeting for Monday as some are signed up for the CPR class.  I will be doing the class on Tuesday; therefore, I will be available on Monday after school if you have anything regarding STREAM you wish to discuss.  
Terra Nova continues on Monday (and briefly on Tuesday for 2nd grade) so please continue to be quiet in the hallway.  
Thank you everyone for your hard work in getting report cards ready; I know it is always a stressful time.  Please remember the assessment requirements as we enter into our final trimester.  
On a happy note, the public schools have a day off on Monday so there should be no traffic!! 
Lastly, I wish to share a quote I came across this week.  It took some time for me to truly understand the message but when I did I had a better understanding of why life can be challenging at times.  As you continue on your Lenten journey, be grateful for those troubled waters.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Good Luck and May the Answers Forever be in Your Favor

Rocking Great Grades at Sharon's Tutoring: STANDERIZED  TESTINGIt is that time in the school ...Relax and Breathe.  Two important words to stress this week because stress is something we want to avoid.  This test does not define anyone and we want students to remember that.  It's important they do their best so we can see what they really know but how well they do is not what's important for them.  How well they do will help us to see who our struggling students are, who the students are that should be enriched, and how well our curriculums are working.  If you are a test proctor, it is important that you are not doing anything else during testing.  You should be standing, observing, occasionally walking around, posting start/stop times with time alerts throughout (half-way, 10 min. left), etc.  What you should not be doing is sitting, grading papers, going on your computer, etc. Gina and I appreciate your efforts in making this a successful testing week.  
As some of you may be aware, this is my second year working on the School Initiative Committee and our primary task has been to create new religion standards.  Our work is complete.  Right now they are being formatted and proofed and the next step will be to present to the Bishop.  Once we have his approval we will be sending them out to teachers for feedback.  Next year we should be piloting the standards in a few schools.
Tuesday night is our 2nd Annual Pancake Dinner.  All teachers were asked to stop by and show support and my hope is that all faculty and staff will be there.  If we are asking the Parish to support us, it's important that they see the event is important to us too.  Pancakes will be served up from 4:30 to 7:00 pm.  Bring the whole family as there will be fun for everyone!  Also, NO HOMEWORK AT ALL FOR ANYONE on Tuesday night.  That means no tests on Wednesday or projects due on Wednesday.  We want to encourage everyone to attend.  
This week, religion teachers should be introducing Lent, the meaning of ashes, and the idea of a Lenten sacrifice.  Help students understand that this is not about giving up candy.  They should give up things that separate them from Christ and do something in its place to bring them closer to Christ.   Some examples:

  • Fast from anger and Feast on patience
  • Fast from video games and Feast on the Word of God
  • Fast from complaining and Feast on appreciation
  • Fast from apathy and Feast on enthusiasm
  • Fast from social media and Feast on time with family
Please be sure all grades are complete tonight.  Report cards will be made available on Friday and I will be at the Pastoral Center Friday.  Saturday afternoon at 12:30 pm is Confirmation.  Please come celebrate with our 8th graders.  

Lastly, please put the maintenance phone number on your phone in case you ever need something and I'm not available.  It is 813-734-5877.  Have a great week!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Happy "Presidents" Day

Happy Birthday President Washington (almost) and thank you for being born in February giving us a day off this month.  I hope everyone did something amazing this weekend with the beautiful weather we had.

We have more field trips this week and the NJHS Bake Sale at lunch.  Be sure to complete the Terra Nova Practice Books this week.  Gina will send information regarding end of Trimester 2 and due dates for grades and incompletes.

There is it.  Holiday Weekend Blog - short and sweet!   Have a great week!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Love Is In The Air....

...and if it's not love I smell, then it must be the Student Council Smencils :)   Student council will be selling these this week and they will be distributed on Friday.   

Please remember to give your conference schedule for Friday to the front office and to Gina.  Jamie S. and Julianne will be attending the second part of the Layered Curriculum workshop on Friday.   Charles and Alton will also be attending a workshop that day.  All other teachers are expected to be here on Friday until 3:30.  If your conferences are complete or you are not a core subject teacher, you will need to put in for time off if you plan to leave prior to 3:30.  

At the Faculty meeting on Monday, we will be discussing Terra Nova and next year's theme.  It is an important meeting for all teachers since everyone is involved in the testing process.  

First and Third Grade will be out on field trips on Tuesday.  Sixth Grade will be at Focus 11 on Wednesday.  I hope everyone has a great time and learns lots of new things.  Let's keep 6th grade in our prayers on Wednesday as learn more about vocations.  

A special Thank You to Julianne for yet another awesome Interfaith Day.  This was our 4th year and when the other schools arrived it was like seeing old friends again and even after 4 years, I learned something new.  It is my favorite day of the year and I hope it's a tradition we can continue for a very long time.  

Have a wonderful week. 

"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Harmony Starts with Acceptance

World Interfaith Harmony Week is an annual event observed during the first week of February.  It was proposed the King Abdulla II of Jordan at the UN in 2010 and adopted that same year to create mutual understanding and interreligious dialogue as a way to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith.  The goal is to spread the message of harmony and tolerance among the followers of the three monotheistic faiths and all the world’s religions.  It also seeks to promote the common goals that most religions share - Love of God and Love of Neighbor. 

In February 2019, Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb signed a historic declaration calling for peace between nations, religions, and races called the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together.”  The document asks people of all religions and cultures to spread the values of peace, justice, goodness, beauty, human fraternity, and coexistence.  It affirms the importance of family and the awakening of religious awareness especially in young people to confront tendencies that are individualistic and selfish.  It also declared that religions must never incite war and hateful attitudes and attests that freedom is the right of every person.  All life is a gift from God meant to be treasured and protected. 

This week, students from St. Stephen, Hebrew schools, and Islamic schools will come together to share their faiths and learn that we are more alike than different.  In order to have harmony, there must be acceptance and it is our hope that our efforts each year help others grow in acceptance. 

If you have some time on Thursday, stop by the FLC to see amazing things happening.  Thank you Julianne for making this event happen!

The focus of this week's STREAM meeting will be used to discuss assessment, grading, and homework.  We will meet in the MakerSpace room.  Please be sure to view the videos Gina sent you. 

Have a Harmonious Week!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Happy Catholic Schools Week!

As I sat down to write my blog this week, I wasn't sure where to begin.  There are so many things happening this week.  Then a word came to mind....  flexibility.  I found two definitions for the word: willingness to change or compromise (and there is a great deal of change in schedules this week which require we compromise some of our academic time) and the quality of bending easily without breaking.  I actually like the second one and I hope we don't break you when we ask you to bend to our requests.  This year is no different than other years and yet it seems that more and more we are asked to give up instructional time for other events.  I'm in the process of creating next year's calendar and I'm looking at how we can find more balance between academics and non-academic events.  I do not pretend to be an expert at this and I would like to put together a committee to work with me on this.  If you feel inspired to work on the calendar, please let me know.  It will need to be a few sessions after school when everyone is available.  If I have many volunteers, I will choose people so that there is representation at different grade levels and positions.  Send me an email by Wednesday to volunteer.  

I'd like to give a Hats Off to Julianne for creating the very cool video that was played at Mass this weekend.  Also, Hats Off to Gina for making my words in this week's bulletin article sound awesome.  

Remember to give a last push for the Walkathon on Friday so that we can meet our goal of $15,000.  And also remember to be flexible and enjoy all the events of CSW!  Have a great week!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Do What is Right

Image result for the time is always right to do what is rightMany of us know the quotes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  One I read today was meaningful to me.  Dr. King said, "The time is always right to do what is right."  There are many times when I make decisions that I believe are right but others don't always agree.  We can't always cave to others' desires, sometimes we have to do what we know in our hearts is right.  Does that mean I'm always right?  No, but it means I can live with my choices because they were made with the best intentions.   

Hats off to all our Teachers.  I know there are so many things you are asked to do and today when I looked at the Family Portal, I was so appreciative of how much information is there for parents to see.  The more information we can provide, the fewer questions our parents will have.

Please remember that all Tidbits submissions must be sent to Karen by Wednesday morning.  Anything sent later than that will be put in the following week.  

There is a General PTCO Meeting Tuesday night at 6:30 in the FLC.  You are welcome, but not required to attend.  

Our STREAM Fair students will be heading to St. Pete on Thursday and we wish them the best of luck.  

Gina is out Tuesday and Wednesday.  No one is allowed to be sick and if anyone feels inspired to help me at 7:25 with carline, that would be nice if you're not busy and like the cold weather :)  If you are sick, remember to call Karen Biase. 

I will be at Tampa Catholic on Friday.  Friday is also Marvelous Mustang and the Middle School Social.  

Have a Marvelous Week!

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Peace as a Journey of Hope

The following is from Catholic Online   This new year, this new decade, begins much like the past year, the past decade: wars between countries, wars within countries, nations around the globe preparing for future wars and astronomical military budgets cemented in place to ensure all this unholy madness continues.  In his Jan. 1, 2020 World Day of Peace message "Peace as a Journey of Hope: Dialogue, Reconciliation and Ecological Conversion," the Holy Father writes "Hope is thus the virtue that inspires us and keeps us moving forward, even when obstacles seem insurmountable."  Francis says, "The world does not need empty words but convinced witnesses, peacemakers who are open to a dialogue that rejects exclusion or manipulation. In fact, we cannot truly achieve peace without a convinced dialogue between men and women who seek the truth beyond ideologies and differing opinions."

Where does St. Stephen fit in with this message?  Upcoming events show that we are living Pope Francis' words.  We have professional development at the end of the month on Sustainability and how we can do our part to protect our planet.  In less than a month we will hold Interfaith Day which is an opportunity for 8th graders of different faiths to come together and see how much alike they are.  Finally, living our faith is a testament of hope and without hope there is despair.  If you walk through our halls and see the smiling faces of the children, you know that we are all filled with joy and hope.  On Community Day we will open our doors so that others may witness the great joy and hope we have.

Teachers, please be sure to attend the Faculty Meeting on Monday as there a number of important items we will be talking about including the events for Catholic Schools Week.  Other things happening this week:

  • School Board meeting Tuesday night
  • Principal's Coffee Wednesday morning
  • Bible Study with Youth Minister at lunch Grades 6-8
  • Gina, Linda, Jill, and Gina A will be at the Pastoral Center on Thursday
  • Re-enrollment begins on Thursday
  • Final round of the Geography Bee is Friday last period for grades 4-8 in the FLC
  • Gina will be at an Assistant Principal's meeting on Friday
  • And it all ends with a 3-day weekend!
Please keep in mind that we are half-way through Trimester 2.  Teachers should be talking with parents of any student who has grades below a C for this trimester.  It can be as simple as a phone call or email, but you must make contact.  

On a personal note, thank you all for the thoughts and prayers for my sister.  Knowing there is an army of prayer warriors supporting you makes every burden lighter.  Have a wonderful week.  

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...