Saturday, August 22, 2020

Welcome Back Mustangs


Just over 5 months ago we sent our students home for 1 week of virtual learning.  Who knew this would be the outcome.  And yet, here we are, starting a new school year in a very different way.  I know that Gina and I just about lost our minds this summer, but the one thing that kept us sane was all of you.  I know there are concerns, but you are all willing to make this happen.  Your positive attitude lets us know that together we can do anything.  
One of the things I believe we need to consider as we return to school is how our students are feeling.  I know when I came back to school this summer and left the comfort of my home, it was difficult.  No more working in my PJs and I actually had to wash my hair.  But beyond that was getting myself motivated to leave home.  We know our parents are worried and this fear will transfer to the students.   We need to reassure them that we will do our best to protect them.  

I saw this suggestion and thought it was awesome.  If we ask students what they did this summer, we will probably hear stories about how they sat in the yard and watched the grass grow.  Rather than looking back, let's look forward.  The questions in the Trauma-Sensitive Classroom Tip picture are a great start.  A parent and teacher also shared good ideas.  One is to have a "What I Need Box" and the other is a "What I Want My Teacher to Know Box".  This works well now because students may be shy about raising their hands and expressing their needs out loud.  We also don't necessarily want them coming up to us for a quiet conversation.  Having a place where they can drop a note is a good idea.    

If you are new to St. Stephen and wondering what this Blog is all about, I try to send a blog out each weekend.  Usually, on Sunday afternoon, evening if it was one of those days.  In it, I will typically talk about things that are coming up that week.  I will send a link to the new blog to everyone by email.  This is like Tidbits for faculty/staff and it's important that you read it.  

This week will be mostly about procedures.  On Wednesday, we will all watch Daily Mass at 8:30 am together.  You can reach the live stream through the church website or through their Facebook page (you don't need to be logged into Facebook to view it).  

Friday is a Jean Day for everyone.  Please review the rules in the Parent/Student Handbook with the students about dress expectations for Jean Day.  

Alton will be creating a schedule for iReady testing beginning Aug. 31 and procedures for how we will do this.  Gina will be sending out a google form to parents/employees for t-shirt sizes.  This year we decided to wait to order our spirit shirts until we knew our actual enrollment.  

Monday after school we will have a faculty meeting right after carline.  This meeting will have three purposes: 

  1. Tom Doyle (Parish Manager) will come to give us an update on Angel's Wing
  2. A check-in for how our first day went and address any questions we didn't think about
  3. Gina will give instructions for streaming from the classroom for FLP students
I know we will all be tired from the first day, but it is an important meeting.  

Please know how much you are all appreciated.  Everyone plays an important role in making our school a success.  I am grateful for:
  • Teachers who nurture and care for our students and who make our school a shining light in the community
  • Instructional Assistants who quietly assist teachers and students and help make the classes run like a well-oiled machine
  • Extended Day staff who will need lots of patience this year keeping students happy after they have already worn masks for 7 hours.
  • Karen B who welcomes everyone each day with a smile and who has accepted the role of being on the front line when someone may get sick
  • Debra who has jumped in and quickly learned her role in managing our tuition, scholarships, and communication.  She also got excited when given the job of Carline Stop Sign!
  • Karen P who sorted through 4 months of remote bookkeeping, learned new software and is becoming an expert at managing our money
  • Jamie who stepped up to help teach 2nd grade which has many students of varying abilities and has made all the parents in that class VERY happy
  • Flo who has jumped into her new role in the office and has been running around for 3 weeks helping us get everything in place
  • Nicki who works tirelessly and patiently with new families getting them enrolled and acclimated to our school and who has offered to assist in any way she can to make everyone's job easier
  • Alton who just makes us smile every day and who will play a very big role this year in helping students (and adults) adjust back to school.  
  • Rosie and the Faith Formation staff who are always willing to help us in any way they can
  • Duffy and his staff for all the work they accomplished this summer
  • Tom for his knowledge of facilities and the tasks he takes on to keep the buildings maintained
  • Deacon Mike for helping with music for our Masses
  • The church staff for how they support us and always think of ways to promote our school
  • Fr. Dermot and Fr. Tim for their continued support and spiritual guidance and smiles that let us know everything will be ok
  • Gina... There are not enough words to express how blessed I am to have her by my side and for the work she did this summer to help get us ready for Opening Day.   
  • Our parents who have remained and trust that we can do this
  • and probably the most important person this year, Mr. Ken who will keep us sanitized on a daily basis!  
Have a wonderful first week of School!

1 comment:

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...