Sunday, August 7, 2022

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the day before the first day of school!  Thank you to everyone for making the school look beautiful.  Parents had good things to say (mostly, thank goodness school is starting!) and they are looking forward to this new year.  

I heard from Denet and she is scheduled to fly out of Marrakesh on Aug. 15 but it will take her two days to get back to Tampa.  I'm hoping she will start on Aug. 18.  In the meantime, I will work with Mary to come up with some ideas beyond what we already planned.  

Middle School teachers, please remember to meet me at 9:45 in the breezeway for the House Sorting Ceremony.  Darien or Yesenia, if available, please come take pictures.   I will stay and speak with students interested in being in the choir right after the sorting ceremony.  Our first Mass is Wednesday with 8th grade leading the Mass.

Don't forget lunch in the FLC hosted by PTCO on Monday.  Please refer back to the presentation if you forgot if you have lunch duty that day.  

I plan to visit all the classrooms on Monday.  Please pause whatever you are doing for a few minutes so that I can greet the students and welcome them back.  

Bells are set.  You may be confused when you hear them because it sounds a little like a doorbell.  I will share the bell schedule with everyone which shows the times and where they ring.  I have the bells set to ring at the end of class and also when class should begin.  The bells on the playground indicate the end of your recess time.  

Teachers, we will have a brief faculty meeting after carline (hopefully at 3:30) in the media center.  This is just a "how did today go and what did we forget to tell you" discussion.  It should not be long but it is always good to check in after the first day.  Please remind students this week that the upcoming weekend is Uniform Weekend and that they should wear their uniforms and get their holy card for free dress Monday.  It's also a good time to go over the free dress rules in the handbook.  

Thank you everyone.  This is going to be a great year!!

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