Monday, January 16, 2017

Open House Time

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Friday will be Open House.  This is the day we open our doors to potential families.  Tours will be given by our student ambassadors from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  We believe that the majority of families touring will be interested in the Early Childhood grades.  So if there ever was a time for a dog and pony show... this is it!  I know there are always exciting things happening in your classes and whatever they see will be amazing.  Don't stop what you're doing, but it's okay to smile and recognize the visitors.  First grade can give their signature "Ahoy!"  I will give everyone an update on enrollment next week. 

{99CA72DD-0AF9-4598-BC43-EAA2BB6625B4}.GIF (301×367)  If you have trash that you would like taken away and it doesn't fit in your trash can, please write on it or put a sign on it saying "TRASH".  The cleaning people have been instructed to leave everything outside the garbage can unless it is marked trash.  

And speaking of the cleaning crew....  If you find anything not to your liking in the classrooms when you arrive in the morning, please let me know.  Pictures are always good too.  I can ask Karleen to help out, but it helps me resolve the problems if I know about them.  If something is broken, put a request in maintenance direct.  That's how things will get fixed.  Anyone can put in the requests and I will see it.  I did a walk through the building today (Monday) and they seem to be cleaning all the areas now.  

57700747.jpg (400×400)Speaking of walking through the building..... Your bulletin boards look amazing!!!  The crosses are another story.  Yes it looks like a graveyard.  Yes the kids should be able to see them.  Find a compromise.  I gave Abbie some suggestions.  They do not have to be in a row.  Put them on the sides of your bulletin boards scattered around.  You should be using Magic Mounts.  I will ask the office to order more if you ran out.  Masking tape doesn't hold and scotch tape is a no no.  The crosses are already falling.  

question-mark-qMDAGy-clipart.jpg (4000×4000)This week I will be looking through and commenting on your unit plans looking specifically at Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings.  Now that you've made sure both of these are good, focus on making sure the students know them.  This week's focus is Domain 3 Elements 2 and 3... Element 2 - Students have a general understanding of the essential questions referenced in the lesson Element 3 - Students are able to explain the learning objectives and outcomes.     

Charles is in AZ visiting with his dad.  Let's keep his family in our prayers.  

If you need help with technology - good luck.  And finally no one is allowed to be sick this week.   
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