Sunday, January 8, 2017

2016-17 School Year Part II

keep-calm-and-get-through-second-semester.png (600×700)Welcome to the second semester!  The year is half over and for me at least the first half flew by.  Monday is the first day of re-enrollment and after that is open enrollment.  By the end of the month I hope to have a feel for how many classes we will have next year.  What I can tell you is that we cannot have classes with under 20 students (this does not include pre-k).  In order to provide a quality education we need to have full classes.  Please know that Nicki and I are working hard to promote the school and bring in students.  

This is a busy week followed by a 3-day weekend!

Monday - Faculty meeting (Agenda will include CSW update)
Thursday - Linda at Bethany
Friday - Preliminary round of the Geography Bee, Report cards go live, CSW bulletin boards completed, and movie night
Saturday - Science Fair 

Be sure you are talking up the Walk-a-thon with your students.  Ask them how they are doing (age appropriate).  Have them share how they are getting donations in order to encourage others.  There are prizes!

Please take a moment to check student uniforms every day (shoes and jewelry in particular).  Refer to the handbook if you need to.  You should be sending home violations when they are out of uniform and repeat offenders do not get to participate in the next jean day.  Again, check the handbook.  It is up to the teacher to be checking and monitoring this.  

iStock_000017958909Medium.jpg (1698×1131)The front office is asking your assistance with calls made to parents from the classroom/teacher office.  Our policy states that students should not be calling home for items forgotten or after school arrangements they forgot to talk about.  However, if a teacher feels a call is necessary, they may send the student to the office with a note giving permission.  There are times when making the phone call from the teacher's office is appropriate.  For example when a game or after school activity is cancelled and a number of students need to call home.  Another example would be the teacher having the student call home to explain their misbehavior.  What is important to remember, however, is when a student calls from your office and does not get an answer, they MUST leave a message.  The same holds true when a teacher makes a call.  Please always leave a message.  When no message is left the parent calls the office because the caller ID alerts them that the school called, but the receptionist has no idea who called or why and many times the parent is upset thinking something is wrong. Students and teachers should always leave a message.  This is much appreciated.  

Come prepared to Monday's faculty meeting with the following:

  • What are you doing for the 2nd quarter merit reward?
  • How are you incorporating the "Meet up Buddy up" program in your classroom?
  • Any questions about next year's calendar
  • Your learning goals and essential questions for the week 
david-bowie-changes-resized-600.png (326×326)

Changes on the horizon:  

  • New payroll system - details coming soon.  Payroll is being taken over by the Diocese.  The plan is to begin with the Jan. 30 payroll.  
  • Good-bye Rediker....  Hello RenWeb - starting July 1, 2017 (you can preview at

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