Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Anxious Generation

 Many times we sit in meetings or professional developments and they are less than awe-inspiring.  Typically I start making a grocery list in my head, or better yet, start planning my next vacation.  Then there are times when you DON'T want them to say, "Let's finish early."  On Friday, I was ready to learn more and have more discussion time with other principals.  The topic was Technology in Schools and Chris started the discussion by showing this video about The Anxious Generation, a book written by Jonathan Haidt.  Here is the link to watch the video.  You may not agree with everything he says, but I'm sure you can relate. 

We all know that technology in the hands of young children is rewiring their brains, and we know that social media may be a cause of the rise of mental health issues, but what he asks is then why do we keep putting this technology in their hands?  When I listened, it wasn't only about technology.  He talked about children not being allowed to learn how to be independent and take charge of their lives.  He talked about parents who run to fix everything.  This is not how it will be in the real world and we are doing them a disservice.  There will be a generation that will not have the skills to navigate the waters of life.  Shout out to David who shared this same philosophy is a recent middle school meeting.  

So what do we do?  I'm not sure anyone has the answer (although the author believes he does) mostly because it is impossible to get everyone in agreement on this topic.  However, as a Diocese we will be addressing this issue and possibly coming up with school-wide policies.  I also learned of several resources we can tap into for parent presentations.  I believe that this will be a great opportunity to work together with parents to help grow our students in all aspects of their lives.   My copy of the book will be arriving from Amazon today and I'm looking forward to reading it.  

Monday and Tuesday will be i-Ready testing and we will do our cereal event on Tuesday at 2:15.  See Lisa's email for more details.  For teachers on Friday, we will start our day at 8:00 am in the media center with a discussion of our Action Plans and putting them into practice next year.  Then teachers will have time for inventory, supply lists, and planning summer work.  

And finally, just so you are prepared, 2025 is a jubilee year for the Diocese.  Chris is thinking about having a day during CSW (Jan. 29) when ALL students, teachers, parents, priests, etc. in ALL schools and parishes in the Diocese get together at Tropicana Field to celebrate Mass together.  It will be a major undertaking but it sounds pretty cool.  

Have a great week!

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