Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Anxious Generation

 Many times we sit in meetings or professional developments and they are less than awe-inspiring.  Typically I start making a grocery list in my head, or better yet, start planning my next vacation.  Then there are times when you DON'T want them to say, "Let's finish early."  On Friday, I was ready to learn more and have more discussion time with other principals.  The topic was Technology in Schools and Chris started the discussion by showing this video about The Anxious Generation, a book written by Jonathan Haidt.  Here is the link to watch the video.  You may not agree with everything he says, but I'm sure you can relate. 

We all know that technology in the hands of young children is rewiring their brains, and we know that social media may be a cause of the rise of mental health issues, but what he asks is then why do we keep putting this technology in their hands?  When I listened, it wasn't only about technology.  He talked about children not being allowed to learn how to be independent and take charge of their lives.  He talked about parents who run to fix everything.  This is not how it will be in the real world and we are doing them a disservice.  There will be a generation that will not have the skills to navigate the waters of life.  Shout out to David who shared this same philosophy is a recent middle school meeting.  

So what do we do?  I'm not sure anyone has the answer (although the author believes he does) mostly because it is impossible to get everyone in agreement on this topic.  However, as a Diocese we will be addressing this issue and possibly coming up with school-wide policies.  I also learned of several resources we can tap into for parent presentations.  I believe that this will be a great opportunity to work together with parents to help grow our students in all aspects of their lives.   My copy of the book will be arriving from Amazon today and I'm looking forward to reading it.  

Monday and Tuesday will be i-Ready testing and we will do our cereal event on Tuesday at 2:15.  See Lisa's email for more details.  For teachers on Friday, we will start our day at 8:00 am in the media center with a discussion of our Action Plans and putting them into practice next year.  Then teachers will have time for inventory, supply lists, and planning summer work.  

And finally, just so you are prepared, 2025 is a jubilee year for the Diocese.  Chris is thinking about having a day during CSW (Jan. 29) when ALL students, teachers, parents, priests, etc. in ALL schools and parishes in the Diocese get together at Tropicana Field to celebrate Mass together.  It will be a major undertaking but it sounds pretty cool.  

Have a great week!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Who wants this one?

 This was the question that Karen asked Mary and me at 3:30 Friday afternoon when a parent was on hold.  We ran.  It was that kind of week.  I can't even begin to explain the emails I received over the weekend and the one that came through as I'm writing this blog.  There are only 5 weeks left.  I know we can do this.  The email I just received was about students leaving the playground through the gate to retrieve a ball with no supervision.  Please remain vigilant and let students know that the rules remain the same, even in the last few weeks.  I will continue to support each and every one of you in any way I can.

This is a quiet week and will get even quieter on Thursday when grades PK3-2 are leaving for the Tampa Theater to see Jack Hartman.  Friday, both Mary and I will be out.  Yesenia and Kate can help with anything you need.  And if all else fails..... run!!

Have a great week!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Repentance and Forgiveness

 If you heard Fr. Lou this weekend (and maybe the others said the same), his homily focused on repentance and forgiveness.  As Fr. Lou mentioned, I too have heard people say they don't need to repent because Christ died for our sins and we are all saved.  But repentance is necessary.  Even in our daily lives, we must acknowledge when we do something wrong, which isn't always easy.  On the other side, we should forgive those who repent their wrongdoings to us.  That also isn't always easy.  There is also forgiving and letting go without repentance and that's the hardest of all.  Someone once asked me who do I believe is being hurt by holding on and not forgiving.  It's not the other person.  They are living their happy life.  It's the one holding onto the hurt.  My hope is that with our vision that was discussed at the faculty meeting on Friday, we will create a climate next year of love and kindness where repentance and forgiveness are embraced.  

Thank you to all the teachers who contributed some great ideas of how we can move our students toward kindness.  Our theme next year will be Be Kind.  Plain and simple and what we need more of.  The song will be Give a Little Kindness.  Yesenia already has all the moves down for this fun song.  We will get something out this week for students to create a logo for our theme.  

Tuesday is the ARK test (Gr. 2-8) and Thursday is Field Day.  Have a wonderful week everyone!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Happy Easter

 Welcome to the home stretch - the final seven weeks of school.  I hope everyone rested during this past week and you're ready to end the year strong.  Congratulations to Connor and Taylor on their marriage yesterday and wishes for a life of love and happiness.  

Tomorrow, we launch the final weeks with a solar eclipse (partial for us).  The eclipse will begin at 1:47 pm with maximum coverage at 3:05 pm and it will end at 4:19 pm.  Lisa has purchased eclipse glasses for the middle school, and they will go out to the soccer field at 2:45 pm.  If you teach an elective, please send the students back to class at 2:40.  We will have classroom pickup so that parents will be responsible for their children at the height of the eclipse.  An email will go out to parents telling them that middle school pickup will start at 3:05 to allow them time to come back in from the field.  Please do not take students out for recess after 1:45 pm.  First graders should be closely supervised walking back from PE and students going to their elective in the gym should also be closely supervised.  Extended day students should remain inside until 4:15 pm.  

Gail sent everyone an email asking for Tidbits by 8 am Wednesday morning.  This deadline cannot be extended as she will not be in Wednesday-Friday.  I would ask that you aim for the end of day Tuesday if you want something in this week.  

The PTCO book exchange will take place on Friday (see Nicki's email for more details).  Please remind the students on Friday that this weekend is a uniform/free dress weekend.  

Over the next couple of weeks, students will be completing the ARK test and students in grades 4-8 will complete the School Culture Survey. Both will be discussed at Monday's faculty meeting.  Have a wonderful week!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...