Sunday, November 5, 2023

Yay! We did it!

 Congratulations and thank you all so very much for your hard work last year during our self study and for helping the "visitors" see what a great school we really are.  What was most exciting to me was the validation that our Catholic Identity is truly visible and students are living our mission.  

After last week, there is not much left to say except I am very blessed to work at St. Stephen and be surrounded by all of you.  Since I have no other words, I am cancelling Monday's faculty meeting (Yay again!).  Please use the time to look over report cards, catch up on planning, etc.  The CSW committee may consider having their first planning meeting (it will be here before you know it!).  Also, please send me your conference schedule for Friday.  

You will receive a schedule for Friday's Walkathon during the week.  We will start the day with a special morning show honoring Veterans.  

Have a wonderful week!

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