Sunday, November 26, 2023

Tis the Season

 All the turkey has been eaten (maybe) and now it's time to trim the tree and prepare for the season of Advent.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are well-rested as we enter into our very busy time of year.  I will be watching it all from home on Facebook so be sure to take lots of pictures.  If you are new (or just not sure), here are the events to look forward to:

  • Santa Shop (week of Dec. 4)
  • Welcome back Darien!! (Dec. 4)
  • Advent Retreat (Dec. 8)
  • Confession (Gr. 3-8)
  • SVDP Food Drive sponsored by Student Council
  • Christmas Concert Practice (Dec. 14)
  • Christmas Concert and the after party in the FLC (Dec. 15)
  • Math Mid-terms Gr. 7-8 (Dec. 18-19)
  • Mass with the Bishop (Dec. 20)
  • Middle School Breakfast (Dec. 22)
  • Best Christmas party ever (Dec. 22)
For the PLC faculty meeting on Monday, please refer to Mary's email from before the break.  

Have a wonderful week and a Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas.  I will be at school tomorrow and after that, I am hoping to be back on Jan. 8.  Happy New Year!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Field Trip Time!

 Many of the classes are taking advantage of the beautiful weather for their field trips and service projects this week.  To see what's happening, check the Faculty and Staff Google Calendar.  Mary and I will also be on a field trip beginning Sunday afternoon which is why my blog is early this weekend.  While we are out on Monday and Tuesday, you can reach out to Kate if you have any student issues or to Yesenia with general assistance.  Mary and I are just a text message away if you need us.  

I hope everyone had a great time on Friday at the Walkathon.  If you check our Facebook page, you will see that Galy had a GREAT time with her dance moves.  The PTCO did a great job this year keeping it simple and fun.  I don't have the final numbers, but I do know we raised enough to pay for the three Flat Panels that arrived last week.  Yay!!  

Teachers, Monday's faculty meeting is a Grade Level PLC.  Please refer to the PLC timeline for what you should be doing.  You should be checking your progress on the goals set at the last grade level meeting.  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Yay! We did it!

 Congratulations and thank you all so very much for your hard work last year during our self study and for helping the "visitors" see what a great school we really are.  What was most exciting to me was the validation that our Catholic Identity is truly visible and students are living our mission.  

After last week, there is not much left to say except I am very blessed to work at St. Stephen and be surrounded by all of you.  Since I have no other words, I am cancelling Monday's faculty meeting (Yay again!).  Please use the time to look over report cards, catch up on planning, etc.  The CSW committee may consider having their first planning meeting (it will be here before you know it!).  Also, please send me your conference schedule for Friday.  

You will receive a schedule for Friday's Walkathon during the week.  We will start the day with a special morning show honoring Veterans.  

Have a wonderful week!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...