Sunday, January 29, 2023

Happy Catholic Schools Week


Thank you to everyone who played a part in making this week happen!  Take the time to help students understand why this week is special and why we celebrate Catholic Schools.  For some students, this is all they know.  For those parents, students, teachers, etc., who have had experiences in public schools, they can truly see and appreciate the difference.  Catholic Schools are special.  We share our faith, we care, and we are a family.  So please take the time to celebrate this week.  

Please be sure you have read all the special schedules from the CSW committee, Connor (the schedule for Friday on the playground), and me (lunch Tuesday and Friday morning), and reach out if you have any questions.  NJHS students should have come to your classrooms last week to explain the Penny Wars rules.  Please give your students time to participate.  

Monday's faculty meeting is i-Ready analysis.  From conversations I've heard, some of you may have already started this.  Watch for an email from Mary Monday morning regarding this meeting.  It will only be for core subject area teachers.  Friday afternoon, we have part 2 of the math professional development with Patty.  All homeroom teachers PK-6, Lisa, and Amanda MUST attend.  Melissa and Dorothy are invited to join us.  Everyone else scheduled to be in school that day will work in their classroom until at least 3:30.  

Enjoy the week!

Sunday, January 22, 2023

100th Day of School

Tomorrow is officially the 100th Day of School.  Only 80 more to go 😅

Please remember that tomorrow after school is a CIPA meeting.  The Chairs should let their members know where to meet.  All evidence should be uploaded and scoring should be completed tomorrow.  There are some items I will have to share within the next month to add to the evidence, but the Finance committee is not quite finished with the work.  This is for Domain D.  

If anyone needs to call in sick this week, please remember that Tues-Thurs you should text me at (813) 494-3801 by 5:30 a.m. as Mary will be at FETC.  Having said that..... Don't be sick!  Seriously though, if I am unable to find a sub those days, I may not be able to step in like Mary and I can when we are both at school.  So take some vitamin C tonight.  

One more week until CSW.  Please be sure you are communicating with your parents regarding Culture Day and anything specific to your class.  Please also support and talk up the Penny Wars.  Thank you to our FANTASTIC CSW Committee.  In particular a special thank you to the awesome dynamic duo of Julie and Susana who took the lead in putting together a special week.  

Thank you everyone and have a marvelous week!  

Monday, January 16, 2023

I Have a Dream

 Good evening and I hope everyone had an amazing weekend.  While only a four-day week, it will be a busy week with i-Ready testing.  It is also Barbara's last week with us.  We will miss her and wish her well in her internship.  I will be out on Friday and next week both Mary and Yesenia will be attending FETC in New Orleans (I'm jealous!).  If you need anything from either of them, please be sure to reach out this week.  

Monday's faculty meeting will be to finish uploading evidence and scoring the rubrics for CIPA.  Please be sure you are providing any evidence requested and let me know if you need anything else from me.  I recently learned that we no longer have access to the raw data for the John Hopkins survey.  However, I have the summary reports and they are working to put together a spreadsheet for me.  

Thank you all for your hard work and have a great week!

Sunday, January 8, 2023


Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.  The Church proclaims "The Lord and ruler is coming; kingship is his, and government and power."  With these words, this feast brings to fulfillment of our preparations during Advent.

I hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready for five full days of learning.  This week all students K-8 should be completing the Winter Mustan Writes and the following week we will have i-Ready testing.  Also this week, the student council will be pre-selling Smencils for Valentine's Day during lunch.  I will be at the Pastoral Center for part of Tuesday learning about what is required to build an extension on the school for the Middle School.  If all goes well, the hope is that it will be open by the 2025-26 school year.  I will be back at the Pastoral Center on Friday for a principal's meeting.  

Monday's faculty meeting is a business meeting and all teachers should attend.  We will finalize plans for Catholic School's Week / Spirit Week.  Julie and Connor will be presenting.  

Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year everyone!  I hope you all had a great Christmas and I wish everyone many blessings in the new year.

January is filled with MANY events.  Mary and I will be following up with teachers this week to finalize details of upcoming events such as:

  • Smencil Sales
  • Middle School Social
  • Middle School Service Project Day
  • Kennedy Space Center trip
  • Mustang Writes and i-Ready Testing
  • Catholic Schools Week (we need a flyer soon for the bulletin)

In addition, the office staff will be busy with re-enrollment and next year's budget (can you believe it's time to start talking about next year??!!) 

Thank you all for a great first half of the year and let's keep the momentum going for Part 2!

Have a great 3-day week!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...