Sunday, October 30, 2022

Oh When the Saints

 Go marching in!  We will be surrounded by saints on Tuesday and I can't wait to guess who they are.  Please remember that we will go to Mass on Tuesday this week.  If you have an Encore class (Gr. 1 Art, Gr. 2 Spanish, Gr. 5B Music), try to have the class later in the day.  For example, 5B could have music after Mass at 9:34.  Teachers, please work this out among yourselves.

Most important thing to be thinking about this week is making sure all make-ups and retakes are completed, all work is turned in, and do not schedule summatives for the end of the week (at least not if you want to count it for this Trimester).  There would not be time for absent makeups and retakes.  Please review Mary's email completely and see her if you have any questions about report cards.  

All middle school teachers and I will be out Thursday and Friday this week.  Please pray for the subs :) 

Finally, I am asking that everyone promote our Walkathon fundraiser.  All details are in Tidbits.  My plan is to purchase 30 iPads with the money and maybe more if we meet our goal.  Your enthusiasm will transfer to your students and help make this a success.  I will give more details about Nov. 11 and what to expect at the ceremony in my next blog.

Have a great week!  Happy Halloween 


Happy All Saints Day!  

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