Sunday, October 30, 2022

Oh When the Saints

 Go marching in!  We will be surrounded by saints on Tuesday and I can't wait to guess who they are.  Please remember that we will go to Mass on Tuesday this week.  If you have an Encore class (Gr. 1 Art, Gr. 2 Spanish, Gr. 5B Music), try to have the class later in the day.  For example, 5B could have music after Mass at 9:34.  Teachers, please work this out among yourselves.

Most important thing to be thinking about this week is making sure all make-ups and retakes are completed, all work is turned in, and do not schedule summatives for the end of the week (at least not if you want to count it for this Trimester).  There would not be time for absent makeups and retakes.  Please review Mary's email completely and see her if you have any questions about report cards.  

All middle school teachers and I will be out Thursday and Friday this week.  Please pray for the subs :) 

Finally, I am asking that everyone promote our Walkathon fundraiser.  All details are in Tidbits.  My plan is to purchase 30 iPads with the money and maybe more if we meet our goal.  Your enthusiasm will transfer to your students and help make this a success.  I will give more details about Nov. 11 and what to expect at the ceremony in my next blog.

Have a great week!  Happy Halloween 


Happy All Saints Day!  

Sunday, October 23, 2022


 ...the one who humbles himself will be exalted. Lk 18:14 

Today at Mass, Fr. Anthony once again challenged everyone to pray the Litany of Humility.  He said it was a difficult prayer and I can understand why.  I sometimes hesitate when praying the Our Father because of a few words that are in.. forgive my trespasses as I forgive others.  I would prefer God forgave me better than I sometimes forgive others.  After reading this litany, I found it even more difficult.  Imagine asking that everyone be put before us in every way.  It seems contrary to everything we hear -- be the best, rise to the top, seek reward, etc.  Imagine living as we called to live and ask that we remain unnoticed.  The prayer is at the bottom, and in echoing Fr. Anthony, I challenge you to pray it.  This is also a good time to reflect on our Faith Dev. Plans.  Are you doing what you said you would do?  Have you started that book you were going to read?  Are you praying daily when you are alone?  Are you reading the Bible each day?  Keep your goals present and reflect each day on your achievements toward reaching those goals.  

Reminders for this week:
  • Monday's PLC has been changed to a subject area PLC since the last one was cancelled due to the hurricane.  If you teach math, please meet in Anthony's room and if you teach ELA, please meet in Heather's room.  Mary will join the ELA group and I will join the Math group.  Since PK-2nd teach both, I am going to ask that you all join the math group as we are focused on that subject this year.  Connor will join the ELA group.  
  • Everyone has shared with me what the students will wear on Nov. 1.  If you have not done so already, be sure you are doing your Saints' lesson this week and students must know by Monday what they need to wear.  Parents should also be emailed by tomorrow what the expectations are for dressing on Nov. 1.
  • Friday is a noon dismissal.  Teachers will work on CIPA in the afternoon.  Chairpersons should let their members know where you would like to meet.  I will work on the final items this week that people have asked for so you have it for Friday.  Mary and Heather will visit each of the Domain groups to check on your progress and I will be available for questions/evidence.  I can say that based on the emails I have received and listening to people in the office talk about evidence, it is clear that everyone is doing their part with CIPA and I am very grateful for your support and how you've all made this a priority.  
  • Friday is also Marvelous Mustang.  Many of you still have not chosen your student.  Please do this on Monday and remember to let the parents know.  If you are an Encore teacher, please cc the homeroom teacher so they know to send that student to the Media Center in the morning.
  • Friday is Trunk or Treat.  Please stop by if you are able.  Students love seeing teachers/staff at these events.  Trust me, when they see you, you will feel like a movie star.  
  • Finally, Oct. 31 is Halloween.  Be sure to go over jean day rules this week.  On that day, students may wear blue/black jeans or PE shorts (nothing else) and a halloween/fall colors shirt, any spirit shirt, or their PE shirt.  
Thank you for being amazing!  Have a great week.  

Sunday, October 16, 2022

A Few Reminders...

 I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend.  Teachers, enjoy your workshops tomorrow.  The teachers who are meeting me at school have received emails regarding the plan for tomorrow.

Reminders for this week:

  • Tuesday is picture day.  Everyone comes to school in regular uniform.  No PE uniforms.  8th graders were told what to wear for graduation pictures.
  • Boo Gram sales continue during lunch
  • Barbara will only be in on Tuesday and Wednesday this week
  • 6th grade Focus 11 video is due to the Diocese
  • 7th grade will be on a field trip all day Friday with Mr. Plumer 
  • Friday is Family Movie Night
Please remember All Saints Day is just around the corner.  I will be sending a google form to teachers so I know the plan for your homeroom.  

Hurricane days decision was included in Tidbits this week.  

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 9, 2022


 Thank you to everyone who helped with and supported the Pumpkin Patch.  It was a great success and everything looked beautiful.  Note for next time...  More face painters need to be on hand!  That was very popular and our students did a great job painting.  I'm not sure the older students appreciate how much the little ones look up to them and think they are really cool.  

This week the fun continues with Boo Gram sales.  Mr. Brozak should have sent teachers information on what to expect.  Sales will take place all week for delivery on Halloween.  This is also the time to prepare for All Saints Day.  Typically our PK-2nd grade will dress up as saints for Mass.  How much of the costume the students wear throughout the day is up to the teacher.  I recommend PE uniforms underneath.  Our other students have decorated a plain white t-shirt with images of a saint and things that represent them they have researched (Ex. St. Therese - flowers).   For 8th graders, it should be their Confirmation saint.  In middle school, you could think about the option to decorate a t-shirt or maybe have them dress as the saint or what they are the patron saint of.  What is most important is to put this in your religion lessons plans soon so students have time to learn about their saint.

Remember that there is no school on Friday and students do not have school on Monday.  As discussed previously, the plan for Oct. 17 is PK teachers are registered for one event, Mary G and Maria are going to the Instructional Coaches PD, All teachers K-5, David, and Connor are going to the ELA PD.  The Encore teachers (Yesenia, Denet, Darien, George, and Claudia) are here with me as are Marianne and Lisa.  If you have any questions, please see me.  

Finally, the superintendent was vague about hurricane make up days and for a few reasons.  It was too late to cancel Oct. 14 and 17, he didn't want to mess with Thanksgiving, and we are still not out of hurricane season.  I think he is also taking the lead from the county where they are looking at hours and not days.  We will address this again after Christmas and he will decide what to do then.  In the meantime, I will be paying everyone for all four days for your regularly scheduled hours.  If you were scheduled to work and were able to work any of those days (Tues-Fri), you will be paid for your regular hours.  Please put your hours in Paylocity as if you were here those days based on your regular schedule.  Again, see me if you have any questions.  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Prayers for those affected by Hurricane Ian

 Good afternoon.  I hope everyone is doing well and hopefully most of you have power.  I know some were affected more than others, but I am sure we are all grateful when we see the damage Ian caused for those south of us.  Let us continue to pray for them.  

October is the month of the Rosary.  Teachers were sent an email this morning regarding what we do as a school during the morning show this month and rosaries were placed in each K-8 homeroom teacher's mailbox this morning.  If anyone needs more or if PK would like some, please just let me know.  I will be in late tomorrow and Mary will lead the Rosary tomorrow on the Morning Show.  After that, the morning show crew will lead it.  

I can't thank you all enough for how quickly you pulled it all together on Monday to send the students home for two days of virtual learning.  I popped in on most classes on Wednesday and was very impressed with the attendance.  I have a principal's meeting on Friday to learn more about how we will make up the two days we missed.  After I learn that decision, I will inform everyone on how to complete your time card for last week (including part time personnel).  

Please be careful on the big playground.  The picnic tables under the green awning are off limit until we can secure the one pole that came out of the ground.  PreK will also need to stay away from the awning on their playground.  I am asking Duffy to put up caution tape until they can be repaired.  There is still a lot of debris to clean up on the property and I'm hoping the lawn crew will be here Monday to work on that.  

Mass this week will be a Communion Service as priests are not available.  This means everything is the same except there is no consecration.  Melissa will let choir know if they are singing.  Denet, please be sure choir members have all the new songs including the two new 5th graders.

Finally, we will have Marvelous Mustang on Thursday.  Please be sure you have let all the parents know their child was chosen and invite them to be present on Thursday for the morning show.  

Have a wonderful week!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...