Sunday, November 29, 2020

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year!  No, I'm not crazy.  For Catholics, today is the first day of the new Liturgical Year as we enter into the season of Advent.  It is the beginning of a renewed commitment to our faith by all those who follow Christ.  Advent is meant to awaken us in our faith as we stand vigilant waiting for Christ's Second Advent.  Today, in Fr. Tim's homily, he asked, "What are you waiting for?"  What are we waiting for?  Let us begin today to prepare ourselves to welcome the Word Incarnate on Christmas morning and to welcome our Lord into our hearts.  Begin this journey today and share this passion with your students on Friday during their retreat as we help them to live by faith and not by fear.  

This week we are collecting canned food for SVDP.  Remind your students that every class that brings in 4 times the number of students in that class will receive a free dress day on Dec. 11.  Invite you FLP students to participate.  They may drop off their cans in the lobby.  Remind them to label the bag with their grade.  

The third and fourth grades will have reconciliation this week.  Because Mass is later now, I had to spread out reconciliation.  Therefore, Fr. Tim will not be visiting all classes this Tuesday as planned.  He will visit second grade after 3rd-grade reconciliation on Tuesday between 10:30-11.  

3A will be hosting Mass this week and 2nd and 6th grades will stay at school and watch on the live stream.  Everyone else can sit in their usual places (7th grade can just move forward on your side).  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

 Happy Sunday!  Just 2 more days and it's Thanksgiving Break! (although I know we all wished it started already).  We have reminded parents many times that we are in school this week but don't be surprised if you find students absent.  My suggestion to everyone is not to schedule any summatives this week.  Teachers, please remember to review the Advent Retreat (Dec. 4) prior to that day so you are prepared.  I will have the copies of the journal and Advent Calendar in your mailboxes when we return from break.  

Students in grades 3-8 will have Reconciliation when we return as follows:

Tues. Dec. 1
9:30 - 10:30 - Both 3rd grades (you could probably go together or one class can leave the school at 9:20 and the other class can leave school at 9:30, it goes fast.)

Wed. Dec. 2 after 9:45 Mass 
10:30 - Grade 4 (proceed to the chapel right after Mass)

Wed. Dec. 9 (no Mass that day) 
9:30 - 11:30 - Grades 5-8 (5th grade be there at 9:30, 6th-grade leave for church at 9:35.  When 5th-grade returns, please let me know and I will let 7th and 8th grade know when to head over.)

I wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

1 Down and 2 To Go!

 As our first trimester comes to a close, some things you should be reflecting on are:

  • How are students doing with catching up to where they should be right now?
  • Am I assessing as often as I should be? 
  • Am I using a variety of assessments, not just publisher tests?
  • Are my students working to their potential?
  • Are my students aware of how they are doing?
  • Am I taking care of myself? 
I would like to share a concern I have with assessments and I'm going to focus on one subject.  My concern is are we eliminating types of assessments because of social distancing? Are we doing fewer projects because students can't be too close?  I have seen group activities happening so my hope is this really is not the case. However, in speaking with a few teachers about what they are doing in religion, I feel that there is too much dependence on the publisher's tests.  Some are not even using the assessment book but using the chapter reviews as a test.  The "test" in the book should be a practice for the actual assessment.  I can also tell you that the publisher tests for religion are not very good and in order for students to do well, you have to teach to the test.  Religion is a great opportunity for project-based learning and would better show students' understanding.  Service-learning would also provide opportunities to show what they know and how they live their faith.  If you feel a test is necessary, think about creating your own that really highlights what is important for them to know.  Religion should be taught in units, not chapters.  When I say units, I don't mean the unit organization in the book.  I mean a unit on Baptism, a unit on the Mass, a unit on the journey's of Paul, a unit on the Beatitudes, etc.  You get the idea and each unity should have an assessment.  When you teach this way, it will become easier to see opportunities for performance assessments and projects.  If you ever want ideas let me know and I'd be happy to help.  Remember, we have new standards this year for religion that you should be using and the textbook is only a resource, not the curriculum.  During your PLC meetings Monday after school, it might be a good time to look at how you are all assessing students in general.  Gina will have more instructions for your PLC meeting on Monday.

Friday will be a jean day and noon dismissal.  Please let Gina and I know your plans for Friday and when your class will have their Move Together reward.  Good luck with your conferences and please know that parents appreciate everything you are doing right now.  Also, know that Gina and I think you are all superstars!  For this, I am not only talking about teachers.  I think this year more than ever, we can see what it truly means to work at St. Stephen.  We are a family and together we are journeying through this very crazy year.  

Have a great week!            

Sunday, November 8, 2020

God Bless America


With all the controversy with the Presidential election, let us pray for our nation, and on Veteran's Day let us remember and thank all those who served to protect us and our freedoms.  

At Wednesday's Mass, we will remember and pray for our Veterans.  Please be sure to take some time during social studies on Tuesday or Wednesday to talk about the significance of that day.

Teachers, please be sure to be at the Faculty Meeting on Monday.  Gina will review the report card process and we will also catch up on STREAM since we missed our meeting last week.  I would like the 3 Chairpersons working on the Domain review to give an update on your progress to date.

Thank you all!  Have a great week.  

Monday, November 2, 2020

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord...

 As we come to the end of Allhallowtide, we remember those we have lost, particularly in this past year.  I hope you all had a blest and restful long weekend, one that was much deserved.  

Teachers, we have a faculty meeting on Monday which is meant to be a STREAM meeting.  We will catch up on our progress since our last meeting and I am asking Jennifer to share what the Student Council has been working on.  We will also go over what to expect on Friday with our Move Together event and Gina will review what to look for in your grade books to make sure report cards are correct as the end of the trimester is almost here.  

There are many things happening this month, Move Together, end of Trimester, parent conferences, report cards, etc.  Be sure to keep an eye on the calendar.  Next weekend is Holy Card/Uniform weekend.  Please remind students to wear their uniform to Mass and receive a holy card for free dress on Nov. 9.  

Gina and I will begin doing evaluations this month.  We will do the evaluations through Google Meet where possible and do a walk-thru the room when empty to evaluate Catholic identity.  Rather than more meetings, I will send all the information by email for you to review (document we will use, subjects we would like to see, etc.) and then create a sign-up genius for the observation.  If anyone would like to meet prior to the observation, we can do that too.  

Thank you all for your patience, smiles, perseverance, and the joy you bring to your classrooms each day.  

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...