Sunday, November 17, 2019

Thanking God for His Many Blessings

It's that time of year for lessons about Pilgrims and counting turkey feathers, but it's also the time of year to be thankful.  I am thankful to be surrounded by so many kind and joy-filled people at St. Stephen.  It makes it easy to wake up and go to work each day.  I also had a lot to be thankful for personally this weekend.  My daughter who had a very rough pregnancy gave birth a month early to a perfect baby boy, Isaiah.  I am thankful that mom and baby are both fine.  See proud grandma pictures below :)

Our 6th graders had a wonderful time on their Kennedy Space Center trip with rave reviews by all parents in attendance.  Thank you, Amy and Gina, for putting this trip together.  Tuesday, all students in grades 5-8 will set out with their Houses on their service project field trips.  I was impressed by the variety of trips they chose - The Bridges Assistive Living Facility, My Warriors Place, Alafia River Park clean-up, and Metropolitan Ministries.  

This week will fly by and then it's Thanksgiving break!  Well wishes to Sue and her family as they prepare for her son's wedding.  Congratulations to Paula on her wedding this weekend.  So many things to be thankful for!

And one more thank you....  Report cards went live on Friday and I have not received one parent email!!!  Great job everyone!

Have a great week everyone.


  1. Wish Jessica and the baby well and congratulations for me.

  2. Grandchildren are the most wonderful blessings. Congratulations!


Almost there

 to our Lenten Pause, aka - Spring Break!  I'm unsure who ultimately decided we needed this break rather than wait until Easter, but the...