Sunday, April 28, 2019

We are the Champions

Related image  Just thinking about the next 4 weeks of school makes me feel like the owl on the right.  Believe it or not, the end is almost here.  Having a late spring break is great because there's not much time left when we return, but it also can be stressful knowing how much there is to do in so very little time.  Please know that we are all in this together and if you need help just ask.  I am going to ask for help from everyone with the student cum folders this year.  Typically the homeroom teachers do this themselves, but with a baby on the way and teacher workshops during the 4 days when school is done, it's going to be all hands on deck.  Thank you in advance for being All In to Make the end Happen with as least stress as possible.  The top 6 items that need to be addressed before we hit the beach are: grades, cum folders, inventory, packing up the rooms, professional development, and review of our action plans.  We have two remaining faculty meetings, two half days of school, and 4 PD days that will help to get this all done.  Gina will have more details at Monday's faculty meeting.    

Related imageHere is the list of PD available the 4 days after school lets out.  Anyone who will be teaching science next year is required to attend one of the sessions (Thursday or Friday) on NGSS.  I will also this workshop.  Anyone who will be teaching K-8 science, technology, art, religion, math, or language arts will be required to attend the STEAM workshop on Monday.  Gina and I will both be there for this.  This will be a great opportunity for us to learn together and start developing plans for how we will start the paddle upSTREAM.  It will not happen in one year, but we need to take advantage of this opportunity to help get us started.  The other workshops are optional if you wish to take them.  Gina and I will also work on getting PD for envision math (K-8), whichever science program we choose (K-5), and anyone new to Wit and Wisdom.  We can talk about when is best to do this.  It may seem like a lot, but there are a number of new series we are adopting and it's best to do all this at the beginning of the summer so you have the summer to digest it and start planning for next school year.  We can then plan some PLC time during pre-planning in August for questions, idea sharing, refreshers, etc.  
Thursday, May 30
Exploring Next Generation Science Standards (Full Day) 
Project/Problem Based Learning K-12 (am session)
Accommodations for Special Learners K-12 (pm session)
Friday, May 31
Exploring Next Generation Science Standards (Full Day)
Writing Across the Curriculum K-12 (am session)
Using Technology to Differentiate K-12 (pm session)
Monday, June 3
STEAM K-12 (Full Day Workshop)
Tuesday, June 4
Effective Classroom Management K-12 (am session)
The Power of Praise in the Classroom K-12 (pm session)

Related imageNow that I've hit you with all that, it's time for the REALLY GOOD NEWS!......  We've seen the Terra Nova scores and there is much to celebrate.  In some cases, the classes did better than on the iReady tests.  What I am most excited about are the math scores.  I'm not sure how these compare to Iowa and there is a lot of analysis to do, but at first glance, for the first time taking this test we did great.  For some of you, if you look at the overall class scores in some areas, you may not be impressed.  However, if you look deeper and look at individual scores, you will find that there are a few students in your class (and I'm sure you will know who they are) who bring down the class scores.  There are students scoring in the single digit percentiles and that will affect scores greatly.  One thing I believe you will find is that this test more accurately compares to how students do in the classroom.  Those who you expect to do well did and those who struggle did not do as well.  Again this is in general.  There are always exceptions.  I don't understand how to read it all yet and how to run reports, particularly for InView.  Alton and Gina will be trained on this on May 6.  They will then share what they learned at our May 13 faculty meeting.  In the meantime, I will share your login codes tomorrow so you can start looking.  
Some general highlights by grade (areas where the class did very well):
2nd grade - math
3rd grade - math and reading
4th grade - reading
5th grade - math and reading
6th grade - reading and language
7th grade - this class was in the 60s percentile for everything
8th grade - this class was in the 70s percentile for everything and were clearly the superstars
Overall, everyone did very well in science and social studies.  Language and mechanics tended to be lower than other scores in most grades. 

Thank you to everyone, not only for your day-to-day efforts in teaching our students, but also for getting the students through the testing in a way that helped them to be successful.  

Highlights for this week:

Full faculty meeting Monday (location TBD)
Galy and Jamie to be interviewed for the Shining Light award
May 1 is the May crowning Mass and Kids on the Block presentation for grades 3 and 4
Friday I will be at the Bethany Center.  This will be a working session to review and revise our crisis intervention plan.
Friday is also Marvelous Mustang and Jean Day
Saturday - First communion for our 2nd graders

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