Sunday, April 7, 2019

Spring Break is Closer than it Seems

Gina and I walked the school on Friday after everyone left.  We really enjoyed the dino-doors you all created.  I particularly like the dino-selfies of Sue and Susana.  We did have a hard time picking a winner so we decided to choose one from Angel's Wing and one from the main building.  That didn't quite work either.  Here are the winners....

Angel's Wing - 7th grade

Main Building - It was a tie...  2A (Ms. Galy) and 1A (Ms. Maria)

We truly loved ALL the doors.  All three classrooms will receive $50 to spend on books.  We will also announce on the Morning Show. 

This is our last full week prior to Spring Break.  It's important to finish up units if possible prior to break, give summatives, and start fresh when you return.  Once we return, we will only have 4 full weeks of school (3 for 8th grade).  It will go by quickly.  Before you leave for on April 17, please be sure you spend some time with the students cleaning your classrooms.  While we have a cleaning company for trash, floors, and bathrooms, most of the classroom cleaning should be done by you and the students.  Here are some things that should be done on a weekly basis:

  • Dust shelves
  • Clear off the sink counter and wipe it down
  • Wipe off desks and tables
  • Dust electronics
  • Clean the whiteboard
Students should also clean out desks and lockers every Friday and take home their papers.  If you have a job chart in your room (and you should), be sure to include these items.  Remember, our classrooms are used by others each week and every day when you leave, they should look the same way your home does when you are expecting company.  

Next Sunday is uniform Sunday.  Please remind students to come to church in their uniform.  There is only one more opportunity after next week to earn a Holy Card.  

I will be at the Ringling Museum on Friday with Mrs. Gonzalez and the 8th grade.  

Be sure to sign up for a Benefits session.  There are many changes and it would be wise to attend.  The closest is at Nativity and you will probably need to go to the 6 p.m. session.  Everyone who has benefits would have received an email regarding the meetings.  

On a final note, any time a parent talks to you about tuition, scholarships, finances, etc. please refer them to the office.  I'm not sure who said what and it could have gotten lost in translation, but I had a parent say to me they were upset I was asking everyone to participate in the raffle when his tuition money goes to others who then get free tuition.  That is not true at all.  When we spoke he told me he thought that because a teacher told him some students come here for free and that's how it works.  Please know that no one comes here for free using another family's tuition money.  Some get government scholarships, some get scholarships from the diocese and other trust funds, and some do get school scholarship money.  The school scholarship money does not come from other parents.  It comes from support from our church, support from other churches that do not have schools where our students are registered, and donations from parishioners, many of whom are very generous to our Heart-to-Heart program.  Now you all have the facts, but it's always best to refer people to the office.  

Thank you all for everything you do.  

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