Sunday, January 6, 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!!
I hope that 2019 is a great year for everyone.  I know tomorrow will be a challenge for some but some will be happy to get back to a routine.  Students will be happy to see their friends again and hopefully, they will stay awake to make it through the day. 

Now that we have been away for a couple of weeks, the school should be germ-free. Let's work together to keep the germs away.  Take some time each Friday to wipe down desks, door handles, countertops, etc.  The classroom should be treated like your second home and everyone should help in keeping it neat and clean.  We have a cleaning company, but their focus is trash and floors.  Assign students to help with routine cleaning: dusting shelves, wiping desks and the sink countertop, cleaning the whiteboard, etc. and allow 10 minutes for this every week.  Every class was given expo cleaner for the whiteboards.  If you need an all-purpose cleaner, let me know and I will make sure you get one. 

I am hoping that teachers took some time over break to look at your curriculum maps to see if you are on track.  If not, be sure you have a plan as to how you will address all the standards before the end of the year.  Look at your grade books and be sure you have enough assessments. If not, how will you address this?  Be sure you have read the handbook or tidbits regarding winter uniforms.  No students should ever wear leggings with the uniform.  If you see them, ask the student to go to the restroom and remove them.  Girls can wear pants in the cold weather.  They can also wear WHITE or NAVY tights - NOT BLACK.  Check that shoes and socks meet the uniform guidelines.  Do not send students to the office - check the handbook and follow procedures. 

This week will be busy in the office finalizing the budget for next year and getting ready for re-enrollment which begins on Thursday.  I will be at the Pastoral Center on Friday for a principal's meeting then at St. Pete High School on Monday for a School Safety Summit. 

If you filled out the survey for iPads, please email me and let me know what your response was in terms of what you are requesting.  The only one I could figure out was Julianne's request.  If you didn't reply to the survey, please come see me to discuss your needs. 

Have a great first week back.  The really good news is we didn't use any hurricane days and we will have a nice long weekend in March! 

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