Monday, January 21, 2019

Do You Have a Dream?

Image result for mlk i have a dream speech Some dreams are big and some are small.  Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream of civil and economic rights and an end to racism in the United States.  That was a big dream, but one that changed our nation.  My dream is small in comparison but it is my passion.  My dream is to make St. Stephen that lighthouse that Mark always talked about.  I want parents to bring their students here because we offer the best of what education has to offer.  Please know that when I make a request, and sometimes demands, of you, it's because research shows what is needed to help our students excel.  It is very clear to me that the demands of teaching are not the same as they were in 1984 when I started teaching.  But I also know that the students in Catholic schools are not the same as those I taught in the 80s and 90s.  I think back to the years I taught 6 social studies classes, each class having 35 students and no assistant in sight.  Could you imagine grading papers for 210 students?  That seemed like a breeze compared to teaching a class of 25 of today's students with the rigor and assessment necessary to help them succeed.  The key to our success is preparation, assessment, and feedback.  While some of our materials may need updating, a good teacher can teach with a stick and some dirt to write in.  It's not always about the textbook, it's about passion.  It's clear that many of you also have this passion as I walk into your room and see the excitement in learning taking place.  I want everyone to have that passion and I will help in any way I can.  I'm not only speaking to teachers.  Instructional assistants must also be in-tune with the needs of the students.  Gina and I were recently talking about having an in-service for instructional assistants.  It's not always about waiting for instruction from the teacher and we want to help you be successful in what you do.  
It is time for everyone to re-evaluate their dream and decide if you are All In for what it takes to make St. Stephen that lighthouse.  Gina and I will be sending out letters of intent to everyone this week and they are due back on February 8.  Please remember to complete, sign, and return them on time.  
Thank you to everyone who has worked hard to make Catholic Schools Week a success.  I am looking forward to all the planned activities.  If you typically attend a different church than St. Stephen, try to attend Mass here on Jan. 26 or 27 to support our students who will speak at each Mass.  
Image result for lock your doorsOn a final note, Friday night Gina and I came back to school around 7:30 p.m. to pick up two items before stopping by the middle school social.  I was greeted by our cleaning ladies hard at work after a not so nice email I sent to the company which hires them.  One looked at me, pointed, and said, "are you Linda?" at which point Gina left (ran away) to pick up a check in extended day. (Just kidding...but she did leave me.) While I could not understand her, it was clear she was showing me how well she had just cleaned.  What I did understand is that she was upset that I complained about them not locking doors.  She said they find some of them unlocked.  I told her to lock them no matter how they are found.  However, it is important that we all lock ALL doors.  This is important in particular for Extended Day staff who are the last ones in a few of the rooms.  
Have a great week!  

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