Sunday, April 23, 2017

He is Risen!

I hope you all had a fantastic Easter and feel refreshed and ready for the final 5 weeks of school.  There will be many things happening and it's important to be aware of what needs to be done and to keep the students on task until the end.

I have been working on plans and schedules and calendars oh my... all the fun things required by the Diocese before the school year is over.  I have a few meetings this week and a few observations to complete, but other than that I will be behind closed doors for three days completing paperwork.  See Charles for all your questions/concerns unless it's urgent.  Thursday and Friday I will be out, however, I will come in briefly Friday morning to practice the finale of the concert and then I will see you all that night for the performance.  Summative conferences and contract signing will take place the first few weeks of May.  Speaking of May, PTCO has many fun things planned for everyone the first week of May during school appreciation week.

This week we have a faculty meeting on Monday.  Bonnie will be explaining the new payroll system.  5th and 8th grade will take the ACRE test on Thursday and Friday is showtime.  Mr. Williams will provide a practice schedule.

Have a great week.
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Sunday, April 9, 2017

I think I can, I think I can....

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Thursday noon is almost here and I think I can make it.

But before we flee to Easter break we have a few items to remember this week:

  • faculty meeting Monday
  • Interfaith basketball game on Wednesday
  • School-wide Lent retreat on Thursday
I will bring the calendar for next year to the faculty meeting for input.  thank you!!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

New Neighbors

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On Saturday, April 1, the church staff made the final move their new home.  Join me in welcoming our new neighbors.  

For those of you I have already observed, please be patient in receiving access to the observation.  Last week Mark sent me a draft of the summative evaluation.  Once it is released, I will need to update the evaluation with Domain 4.  This week my goal is to get in the remaining observations.  

Please be sure to read the minutes from Friday's faculty meeting.  

Keep smiling.  Easter is almost here!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...