Sunday, February 12, 2017


The Virtue for February is Trust.  Trust that you will make it to spring break even though it seems months away.  Here are some reminders:

  • Summer camp proposals were due Friday.  I received one for sports/b-ball camp.  Please send your final proposal by the end of day Monday.  I checked my email and I could have missed yours.  If you did send one, please resend with subject summer camp in the subject.  I will also check my mailbox in the morning.
  • Faculty meeting on Monday.  Martha C has arranged for a speaker on autism.  Julianne will also be talking about rice bowls.
  • Tuesday is jeans and Valentine themed, red, or pink shirts.  
  • Be thinking about what you want to put on your bulletin boards next.  They should be changed at least every 6 weeks.  With Lent coming up, that would make a good theme.  If you have other ideas or student work to highlight, that would be fine too.
  • When sending emails through the portal, check/uncheck the box so parents do not also get an email with the same info.
  • Email parents when grades go below 70 %.
  • Anyone in danger of retention should have received a letter in writing at this point.  Letters should also go home if a child might fail one subject so parents know remediation over the summer is a possibility.  I need to know which students might be retained so we have space from them in the appropriate class.  As of now, I have not seen any letters.
  • You cannot take away recess from your class as a whole.  If you want to give a consequence like that, plan to stay with them at lunch and have them eat in silence, but they must have recess.  Recess should also be free play unless the class decides to play a game together with the teacher.
  • All grades must be put in rediker within 3 days of giving the assessment/assignment.  Only exception are essays or projects which may need a few more days.
  • Every parent should have had at least one conference by now (unless the PARENT chose not to). 
  • All assessments must be uploaded to Atlas.  If the assessment is from a book, you must scan it and upload.  I should be able to see all assessments.  
  • PRIOR to giving an assessment/project, students should know what a "4" or exemplary would look like.
  • Letters of intent are due March 1.  If it is not submitted, it will be assumed you do not wish to return.  
In March I will begin the second formal observation.  This one will not be announced.  Your unit plans should be clear so I know what your are teaching on each day.  

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Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...