Sunday, November 13, 2016

Classroom Management

This week we will focus on classroom management - Domain 2 Elements 2 and 3.  I will email the rubrics Monday morning.  The two elements are: 

-   A positive classroom culture is created and sustained through clear expectations of conduct and effective classroom management.

-   Classroom routines and procedures for transitions, handling of supplies, including technology, and performance of non-instructional duties are established and occur smoothly with minimal loss of instructional time.

On Friday I walked through the classrooms and I did see an improvement in the visual of Catholic Identity.  I made note of where crucifixes and and bibles are needed.  Remember to be aware of opportunities to incorporate Catholic values, traditions, and teachings throughout the curriculum.  This week when I walk through the rooms I will be looking for how students are able to connect what they are learning to their faith life.  This will be done by looking at student work displayed in the room, listening to the lessons, and asking students questions (I may interrupt your teaching to do this.)  As we go through the benchmarks it's important to understand that the goal is not to do everything for one week, but to build.  In the end, all the benchmarks should be met on a routine basis.  

This week, look around your classroom.  Are your rules and expectations visible?  Are the Harmony expectations posted?  Can students easily refer to grading and merit program rubrics?  These should all be posted in your room.  Are you following the rules and expectations established at the beginning of the year?  Is it time for a refresher?  Pay attention to how materials are handled.  Are you prepared for your classes with materials before the students arrive?  Are you pulling things out of closets and from shelves as students sit and wait?  Do students help with materials and routines?  They should.  Class time should focus on learning.  Discipline and non-instructional routines should cause only a minimal loss of instruction time.  Finally, remain positive, animated, enthusiastic, and excited about what you are doing.  It is contagious. 

Faculty Meeting

Monday's faculty meeting will focus on Harvest Festival (Jenn and Kelly G), Advent Retreat and Reconciliation (Julianne), Christmas Concert (Derrick), CSW T-shirt and Essay contests (Abbie), Atlas (Charles), CIPA (Linda).  Please plan to attend are there will be a good deal of information disseminated.  

Angels Among Us

Everyone seemed to be in agreement that the Angels event was absolutely amazing.  Everyone I spoke with said this was their favorite.  Who knew our gym could look like that!!  I hope everyone had a good time and I'm anxious to see how we did (even though puppies are evidently more exciting than spending a day with me).  

thanksgiving2016.jpg (630×420)


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