Sunday, December 8, 2024

On the 10th school day before Christmas break....

 There are ten more days of school before break. I'm amazed that despite all the breaks we had this Fall, I still feel like I need another. Let's pray for an uplifting, amazing Part 2 of this school year after Christmas break.  Speaking of uplifting, wait till you see the Christmas concert this year.  I've seen the script and it will be fantastic!

Please remember that we have Mass on Monday this week.  Some students with the Holy Family holy card will be in free dress, which is fine.  The rest of the week is pretty routine until we get to Friday.  Start walking over at 9:15 to church so we have time for two run-throughs.  If you can, stop by the FLC on Friday after the concert to see the PTCO after-party.  

Thank you, everyone, for a fabulous first half of the year.  Let's make 2025 even better.  

One more thing.  I hope you enjoyed Give a Little Kindness on Friday over the PA.  Now that I know how to do that (with some help from Yesenia), I will have some fun leading up to Christmas.  Enjoy!

Oh, and let's see who gets this 😁

1 comment:

  1. A Partridge in a Pear Tree or David Cassidy as Keith Partridge , one of my favorite shows growing up . I love this !!!


Almost there

 to our Lenten Pause, aka - Spring Break!  I'm unsure who ultimately decided we needed this break rather than wait until Easter, but the...