Sunday, December 15, 2024

Happy Gaudete Sunday

 What is Gaudete Sunday?  The day when anyone can wear pink and it's cool.  It's also the Sunday we rejoice.  For two weeks, we have been saying the Lord is coming.  Today, we say the Lord is near, and we are reminded that it is God who loves us and is still in charge and that we await his coming not with fear but with tremendous joy.  Vestments change to the rose color which is used on joyous occasions in the church.  

Another reason to rejoice was watching our students shine on Friday night.  Not only did they do a great job of singing and performing, but you could see the joy on their faces while they gave their performances.  I received sooooo many compliments not only from families but from extended family members and one former principal who had no connection to any of the children.  The evening was amazing and I told everyone who came up to me that I was not the one to thank.  Thank you, Jeff and Heather, for making the night happen.  

We also rejoice as there are 4 1/2 days left before our Christmas party.  Don't forget to bring a gift for my famous Left/Right Game.  

The faculty meeting this week is a grade-level meeting. I would like to meet with the CSW committee (Julie, Susana, Melissa, Anna, and Claudia), David, Connor, and Lisa for a few minutes prior. We can meet in room 19, which is centrally located for everyone.  

This is a reminder to make sure students bring in their Advent Angel gifts before Friday so you can be sure everyone has one. If someone forgets, please reach out to the parent.  On Friday, I will do the end-of-day prayer right after my final Christmas song, which starts at 11:55 am (less than 2 min.).  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

On the 10th school day before Christmas break....

 There are ten more days of school before break. I'm amazed that despite all the breaks we had this Fall, I still feel like I need another. Let's pray for an uplifting, amazing Part 2 of this school year after Christmas break.  Speaking of uplifting, wait till you see the Christmas concert this year.  I've seen the script and it will be fantastic!

Please remember that we have Mass on Monday this week.  Some students with the Holy Family holy card will be in free dress, which is fine.  The rest of the week is pretty routine until we get to Friday.  Start walking over at 9:15 to church so we have time for two run-throughs.  If you can, stop by the FLC on Friday after the concert to see the PTCO after-party.  

Thank you, everyone, for a fabulous first half of the year.  Let's make 2025 even better.  

One more thing.  I hope you enjoyed Give a Little Kindness on Friday over the PA.  Now that I know how to do that (with some help from Yesenia), I will have some fun leading up to Christmas.  Enjoy!

Oh, and let's see who gets this 😁

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Watch, Prepare, Rejoice


Today marks the beginning of Advent, a time of preparation and the beginning of a new liturgical year. As we enter this season, we are renewed with anticipation of the birth of Christ. With only three weeks of school before Christmas break, many things are happening in a short period of time.

Our Holiday Shop will be open this week; everyone should have the schedule (it can be found in Tidbits).  Someone will come to your class to pick up the students with money to shop.  

Monday, there will be people on site to work on the holes on the property.  They will start with the hole near the sidewalk at approximately 10 am.  It should not affect access to the FLC, but I will update you when they arrive in the morning.  They plan to start working on the playgrounds at 1 pm.  This means they need a clear path to the hole on the PK playground, and no one will have access to either playground after 1 pm.  Extended Day students will remain indoors unless they have finished.  The plan is to complete the work in one day. 

We have found a company to fix the gate near the basketball court, and I am just waiting for a date for the repair. The contract for the hurricane damage has also been signed, and I am waiting on start dates for that project, too. The good news is that things are happening!

Wednesday is our Advent Retreat and the start of confessions for students in grades 3-8; more details to follow.  Thank you, Melissa, for all your work on putting this together.  Finally, 6th grade will be attending Focus 11 on Friday.  Please keep them in your prayers as they explore religious vocations.  

A special hats off to Kenny, who spent the day at school yesterday fixing a leak so we could have school tomorrow.  We don't need any more school closures!  

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have a great week!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...