Sunday, October 27, 2024

Oh When The Saints...

 With the disruptions from the hurricanes, I seemed to have lost track of time and I don't know where October went, but here it is, almost Nov. 1.  As a faculty, we did not talk about All Saints, but I believe all (most) have some information for what we typically do on that day and in Religion class before/after that day.  Typically, this happens:

  • PK-2 dress up as saints (1st grade may have a plan for something different which is fine)
  • Gr. 3-5 design t-shirts representing the saints and wear them on that day (talk among yourselves and let me know what you plan for that day)
  • Middle School has done many different things (let's talk at the Tuesday meeting about your plan)
  • Students complete a saint project in Religion (makes a great summative grade).  Sometimes the research is done in October and students present their work on Nov. 1 (like in 2nd grade) others may continuing learning about saints in the month of November.  
  • PK and Kinder process in at Mass before the priest and PK keeps on going out the side door.  Susana, talk to Connor about how you want to sit.  
Since Friday is a holy day of obligation, we will be going to Mass Friday instead of Wednesday.  On Thursday, students may wear Halloween/Fall colors t-shirt and jeans.  Finally, next weekend is Fall Back when we get ONE EXTRA HOUR OF SLEEP!  I've waited all year for that!

Have a great week!

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