Sunday, February 25, 2024

Spring has Sprung

 It looks like Monday will be the last morning in the 40's and then Spring has finally arrived, at least in Florida.  I hope you all are as happy as I am.  Here is what you need to know for this week.

  • Terra Nova continues with make-up testing.
  • Monday faculty meeting is to make a decision regarding Social St. review math, and maybe science.  Please be sure you have looked at Social Studies.  We may not be able to use Savaas as the copyright is 2013 and may not meet the standards.
  • Friday is a half day, but a busy day.
    • Marvelous Mustang
    • Spirit Raffle Kick-off (details to follow, assume 11:30 in FLC)
    • Parent/Teacher conferences (students should attend and lead the meeting) - Please Karen B. and me know when your last conference is on Friday.  
Homeroom teachers, pease be sure to read the details of the raffle, in particular the prizes.  PTCO and I would appreciate your support of the fundraiser by encouraging the students in your class to reach the goals.  Having a successful fundraiser benefits us all.  

Have a great week!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Terra Nova Time

 Let the testing begin!  I am curious to see how we do with the new format.  Just remember this....

The success of our students tells the story and the commitment of all the teachers who care greatly about their success.  That's our story.  All we can do is encourage the students to do their best and show off everything they know.  

Teachers, please be sure your grades are ready by 8 am tomorrow (Tuesday).  Have a great week!

Sunday, February 11, 2024


 Yes, coach, I knew enough not to say homerun! However, I will admit I have no idea who is playing today, BUT.... I do know who's performing!  Usher baby!  Therefore I just may be watching at least the first half of the game. 

Speaking of champions, Nicki, Vylam, Mandy, and other volunteers are MY champions.  Angel's was beautiful!  The most elegant Jungle I've ever seen.  AND we were also treated to the lovely voice and sounds of Denet and her husband performing at the Gala.  It was certainly a fun night for all.  Ranger Ken hunted down the wild ones roaming the gym for a quick photo op.  He found every one except Mary and Lane.  They may have been off at the watering hole.  

On a more serious note, can you believe Trimester II ends on Friday?  Be sure you are not having a bunch of last minute tests to get in your required numbers.  Most summatives for this trimester should be completed by now.  The 8th graders will be taking a national test on Monday morning.  The data becomes part of a score card for the country.  Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day.  If you are doing exchanges for Valentine's Day, please do it on Tuesday or late in the day on Wednesday so that the children just take home what they have since some may be fasting.  This is not required of most of our students, but some may choose to start their lenten sacrifice.  

I shared by email yesterday, that calculators will be allowed on the Terra Nova this year.  More details to follow.  At my principals' meeting on Friday, I was told that the sign-ups for the March PD will be out on Monday.  We will let you know as soon as we get them.  They also talked briefly about the upcoming solar eclips on April 8.  Pretty much all that was said was, "Here we go again!"  One bishop in Florida (not ours) wanted to close schools that day so children would not go blind.  Anyway, more details to follow :)   

Enjoy the game for those who are watching.  Go Usher!

Oops!  I mean, Go 49eifs!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Back to Norman

 If you or your children (in my case all three of my children) were rugrats fans, you will understand the title.  This is how I feel about this coming week after coming off the CSW ride.  While there were lots of distractions, it was a GREAT WEAK!  Congrats to 5th grade for winning the Penny Wars!  Congrats to our spelling bee winners!  Congrats to everyone who made it all happen!!  

Things happening this week:

  • Smencil sales sponsored by Student Council
  • Possible DCF inspection of PK on Monday
  • Faculty meeting Monday in Heather's room to review new curriculum.  Sit with your committees
  • Scoliosis screening for 6th grade on Tuesday
  • We will have ice cream on Thursday since we cannot use the FLC on Friday
  • No one will be allowed in the FLC on Friday.  ALL students will eat in their classrooms.  Gr. 1-4, please use your assistants for lunch coverage and Mary will cover 5th grade.  For middle school, George can stand in the hall and watch 7th and 8th, Melissa will cover 6B, and we will find someone else for 6A.  Ken, be sure to have extra trash cans.  Please do not use your regular classroom trash cans.  
  • Finally, Saturday is the Angels Gala.  Can't wait to see what the committee has in store for us!
I mentioned to the teachers at the Math PD on Friday that there will be some changes in the schedules due to a change in music.  I will update the electronic schedules on Monday as the changes will start on Feb. 12.  This week, everything remains the same.  I will also speak with other teachers affected tomorrow (Darien and Yesenia).  Thank you all for being flexible, but as you saw not much changed.  

Have a wonderful week!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...