This morning I opened my email from The Religion Teacher and read this...
"Have no anxiety at all," Saint Paul says today in the second reading. "But in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God" (Phil 4:6).
As religious educators, anxiety can sometimes get the best of us. Our work isn't easy and it's hard to see the fruits of our labor. This verse should remind us that when we feel anxious and tired, turn to the Lord with a thankful heart and offer our worries up to him. He will give you peace and "guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Anxiety is a word we hear a lot lately and this was a reminder that everything is in God's hands.
On Friday, the principals were introduced to the Hallow App. Some of you may be familiar with it. I've had it on my phone for a couple of years. Through the generosity of an anonymous donor, every school in the Diocese will receive one year of the app for Faculty, Staff, and Students. I will send more information about students as there is parental permission needed. During the presentation, I realized I had only tapped the surface of what Hallow has to offer and I am excited to share this with everyone. In order to introduce you to this app, I am changing the order of faculty meetings for the remainder of the month. The Grade Level PLC (scheduled for tomorrow) will switch with the business meeting on Oct. 30. All teachers should meet in Heather's room tomorrow for a regular meeting in which I will introduce this to you. Faculty and Staff will receive an email with your credentials for your account after I send them your emails addresses which I plan to send to the rep tonight. Watch for the email.
Patty from Catapult will be here Thursday and Friday this week. You will receive your schedule tonight. You may need to adjust when you teach math in order to make this work. Thank you for being flexible.
Finally, remember to keep all those in the State of Israel in your prayers. I would suggest that this be our intention this week for the Rosary.
Thank you to those who came to the Pumpkin Patch and also to the many teachers who supported the SVDP Ladies Tea. Have a wonderful week.
For the peace of Jerusalem pray:“May those who love you prosper!