Sunday, December 18, 2022

Merry Christmas

 Thank you to everyone for making the Christmas program and Polar Express a success.  It was a great night for all and I heard MANY compliments about the program.  On my way out of the church, a grandmother stopped me and asked if I was the principal.  She is a retired principal and she asked me to pass along her congrats and feeling of awe at how well the teachers got the children on and off the "stage."  She loved the show but was also very impressed by how smoothly it ran.  Hats off to everyone!

This is a very short week but also a time to remember how important keeping to rules and procedures is this week when students have an eye on the upcoming break.  Do not be surprised if a number of students are absent, but continue with your lessons with the expectation all work will be made up when they return.  

Teachers, please be sure that your rooms are clean and well-organized when you leave on Wednesday and I look forward to celebrating the season with everyone on Wednesday.  Be sure to bring your gift if you are coming so you can play my infamous Left/Right game!  I suggest carpooling to Three Bulls on Wednesday as the parking lot is not that big.  

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!  Feliz Navidad!

Sunday, December 11, 2022

What Were They Thinking?

 This is the title of this year's drama production of the Nativity.  When Heather told me the title, in my head I thought she meant it like, "What were they thinking, are they crazy?!" Then I realized it was an insight into what people were thinking when they heard the Messiah had arrived.  If we pause and think about it, what must it have been like to be a witness to this event?   It truly is hard to imagine and I'm sure they needed great faith to believe that the event foretold in the Bible was actually happening.  I can't wait to hear the insight that the students will share with us Friday night.  The students have also been working hard preparing to sing for us and I know it will be an amazing night.  Please join us in the FLC after the concert to see the magical wonderland of the Polar Express that the PTCO is creating. 

Patty will be back on Monday for the second round of observations.  Please refer to the previously shared schedule.  All math teachers will meet in the media center after carline for a brief wrap-up and discussion of the next PD and remaining observation.  All other teachers may work on CIPA and math teachers will join you as soon as we are done.  Friday afternoon is the next opportunity to work on CIPA.  Please refer to the timeline to be sure you are staying on task.  Mary and Heather will do check-ins with each group on Friday.  

Hats off to Marianne for helping students create outstanding science fair projects.  Last week we were all very impressed with the 7th-grade projects and I am looking forward to seeing how the 6th grade did this week.  

Friday morning we will head over to the church to practice for the Christmas concert.  Please look for an email from Denet with instructions.  

On a final note, Mary is sending home an email regarding uniforms and Christmas break being an opportunity to check uniforms at home and see if it is time for a new size.  However, this will only be meaningful if everyone is doing their part.  I see uniform violations every day and nothing will change unless violations are documented and students receive the consequence of no jean day.  I would expect that MANY students will not have jean day on the last day of school because they are continually out of uniform.  The greatest number of violations are related to the length of skorts for girls and the length of PE shorts for both boys and girls.  After 3rd grade, no one should be wearing cotton shorts.  They should be wearing mesh shorts, which are longer when purchasing the correct size.  Please check every day and follow up with parents.  I am also asking that you remind students to either wear their sweatshirts or put them away.  Students may NOT wear the sweatshirt around their waist.  Thank you for your support in helping with this ongoing issue.  

Have a great week.... 8 more days to go! 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Gingerbread Man seen roaming the halls of St. Stephen.


In case you missed him, he's back and ready with his gifts for students to purchase.  All teachers have instructions and a schedule for this event which the children love.  

As promised, as we come to the end of the calendar year, things get busy.  Here are the events for this week:


  • Gingerbread Shop - All week (see schedule)
  • Patty from Catapult will be here doing teacher observations/discussions as part of our Math CQA professional development.  I may accompany Patty on some of the observations.
  • Faculty Meeting - business meeting.  ALL teachers are expected to attend.  We will be discussing the Christmas concert (Denet, please let teachers know the expectations for that night), last day of school before break, CSW (Julie and friends, please be ready to talk), and more.  


  • 7th/8th grade has Reconciliation at 9:15.  Please be on time.


  • All school Mass at 8:30.  This is a Holy Day of Obligation.  Encore teachers can meet with teachers if you want to try to move a class to another time or if you want your class for 20 min. on Thursday.
  • Science Fair for 7th Grade


  • Grades K-8 Adoration (follow the schedule previously provided and please be on time).
  • Marvelous Mustang
  • Remind students to wear their uniforms to Mass over the weekend for a Holy Card/free dress pass.  

The final amount for our Make a Difference walkathon was just over $27,000.  We are able to write a check to my Warriors Place for $2700 and they are super excited.  This also means that I was able to purchase 45 (yes, 45!!!) new iPads.  The 2nd grade will get a class set of the new iPads and the first grade will have a complete set.  The remaining iPads will be used in MakerSpace and will be available for checkout in groups of 5-6 for class projects.  More info to come when they arrive.  It will take some time to get them set up but hoping to be ready when we return after Christmas.  A BIG thank goes to our families for Making a Difference!  

Have a wonderful week.  

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...