Sunday, March 27, 2022

Blue and Yellow Day


Happy Sunday everyone.  The School will be having a Blue and Yellow non-uniform day in support of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine on Friday, April 1.  We are asking that each student pay $1 to have free dress and wear the colors blue and yellow, the colors of the Ukrainian flag.  Students should give the $1 to their teacher Friday morning.  Please send the money down with the runners.  (Karen, please put an envelope in each HR teacher's mailbox labeled "Ukraine" before Friday.)  The funds will be sent to Catholic Relief Services to help with the work they are doing to support refugees.  This is optional, but we hope that everyone, including teachers and staff, will stand together in solidarity for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.  I have sent an email home to the families, and I am also asking that each HR teacher talk it up this week with your class.  Also, keep reminding students to continue to add to their rice bowls. We are also having our final canned food drive this week for SVDP and I know they appreciate all you do to promote this in your class.  

This week I will work on the Triduum Retreat and get that information out to everyone.  We will continue with Confession on Wednesday this week and next.  

During the month of April (and maybe this week too), I will be conducting the second formal classroom observation.  I will be coming in as my schedule allows.  Please be sure your lesson plans are up-to-date so I can choose a day when you are not testing.  If something different than I am expecting is happening when I arrive, I may decide to come back another time which is perfectly fine.  

Thank you for all you continue to do this year for our students.  

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Spring has Sprung!

 Happy Spring!  If you had a chance to be outside today, it truly was a beautiful spring day.  

Spring pictures take place on Tuesday.  Teachers received a schedule from Karen last week.  Please be sure students know it is free dress in a school-appropriate outfit.  Students in grades 5 and 6 should bring their PE uniforms to change into right after pictures.  Coach Green has requested that 1st and 2nd graders either wear or bring sneakers to change into.  Flo will send an email home to all parents Monday morning and a text alert Monday afternoon reminding them what students should wear. 

Please be sure you continue to encourage students to put their money in their rice bowls which will be collected the week before Easter Break.  

Grades 5, 6, and 8 will have confession after Mass on Wednesday.  Teachers, take some time during religion class on Tuesday to prepare them.  

Please pray for our 7th graders who we are sending off into the woods this week to Nature's Classroom in Palm Harbor.  Please pray twice as hard for the chaperones staying with them!  

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, March 14, 2022

Happy St. Patrick's Day... almost

 May the luck of the Irish be with you all!  I hope you all enjoyed this long weekend.  It's important that everyone checks the calendar on a regular basis as there are many events happening this month.

Here is a quick look at some of the events:

  • On Wednesday, teachers please remind students what they should be wearing for Jeans and Green day on March 17.  
  • Spring pictures are the following week and Karen B. will be sending out a schedule.
  • 7th graders will be missed from March 23 to March 25 when they will be attending Nature's Classroom in Palm Harbor.  
  • Lent confessions begin on March 23.  Check the calendar or refer to my email.  
  • Our final canned food drive begins the week of March 28.  Please tie this into your discussions about Lent in religion class.
You may have seen the update from the Office of Evangelization in the Weekly Update last week where they talk about Ukraine.  They wrote, "CRS and Ukraine Relief:  Please consider the possibility of holding additional fundraisers, such as a Dress Down Day, in solidarity for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. This would be a way to raise additional monies for the work that CRS is doing to support refugees."  

We did talk about how we could promote helping those in Ukraine prior to this and I gave parents information in Tidbits that was posted on the Diocese website.  When a few of us saw this idea Thursday in the Weekly Update, we felt this was something simple we can do and this money will be added to the Rice Bowl money we send to CRS.  The Dress Down Blue and Yellow Day will be April 1.  Please help students understand what we are doing.  Rice bowls, a dress-down day, and canned food are all excellent ways we can help those in need during Lent. 

Have a great week and teachers I hope you enjoy your various professional developments tomorrow (Tuesday).  

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...