Sunday, March 28, 2021

Blessings on Palm Sunday

 Many Congratulations to our 7th graders who did an amazing job Friday night.  You will all be in for a treat on Thursday when they present the Stations of the Cross to the school.  My thanks go out to Lisa M. for the countless hours of practice, to Timothy for teaching them how to project their voices and embrace their roles, to Gina for assisting with costumes and running the PowerPoint Friday night, to Deacon Mike Ryba for taking pictures, and to Lisa R for helping to get things set up.  It was truly a team effort!  There were many well-deserved words of praise that night both in-person and online.  

Teacher, please remember to prepare for the retreat on Thursday and be in your seats by 10:45 so we can start the Stations on time  I believe it runs about 30-40 minutes so you will have time to return to class and finish up the retreat.  Please also be sure you leave your classrooms neat and clean before you leave.  I would suggest having students clean out lockers and desks this week during Tuesday flex time and take home papers and items no longer needed at school.  

Everyone may leave on Thursday after carline and I hope you all have a wonderful Holy Week, Easter, and Easter Break!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Happy Spring


Happy Spring!  Yesterday was the Spring Equinox marking the first day of spring even though the weather this weekend certainly didn't feel that way.  Don't worry, it's Florida and next weekend will be in the '90s.  For me, growing up in the north, daffodils were a sign that Spring has arrived, and hopefully, there would be no more snow.  In Florida, Spring-break crowds at the beach seem to be the sign.  Either way, Spring is a time of new life and knowing that we are closer to the Resurrection.  

A couple of weeks ago, I sent an email to parents, faculty, and staff, asking that everyone take a few minutes to write a review about St. Stephen Catholic School.  So far, only one new review from a parent is showing.  I am asking everyone's help in soliciting reviews.  If you are talking with a parent and they happen to say something positive about the school, ask them to write a review on Google.  There is a QR code in the lobby by the reception window that they can scan and it will take them right to the link to write a review.  You can direct them to that or they can simply Google us.  It would also be helpful for employees to write about their experience working here.  Most of our reviews are very old and we are trying to improve our web presence.  I recently received a report from Google telling me how many people viewed our site in a month and I was very surprised how high the number was.  Promoting our school is everyone's responsibility and we all benefit from it.  More students mean more funds to purchase the things we want and have the staff to support students.  

Monday you may see a woman walking around the school and visiting classrooms.  Teachers were notified if she will be coming into your room.  Her name is Carol Macedonia and she is a representative from John Hopkins School of Education.  They are studying Wit and Wisdom and we may be able to benefit by receiving products (i.e., the phonics program) by speaking with her and allowing other schools to see the success we have had with the curriculum.  Carol will be spending the morning with us.  

I sent everyone a Google form and I ask that you complete it once you are fully vaccinated.  This will help with contract tracing and deciding who needs to quarantine.  

I will be out on Friday and please consider coming to Stations of the Cross Friday evening at 7 pm to see our 7th graders present Living Stations.  

Thank you all for everything you do for our students.  Have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Bringing Student Back

This is the mindset we need to help bring our students back to school!  I understand that teachers are struggling with in-person and online students.  I understand it brings extra stress and responsibilities.  Let's work together to make a change.  Gina and I already laid the foundation by sending home a letter to FLP families encouraging them to bring the students back to school.  For some, the letter was enough and the students have returned.  Others may need more help understanding the importance of sending their children to school.  We shared with parents the statistics of how in-person students are making more progress.  I believe it would help if they hear from their child's teacher exactly what the struggles are and how much better they will progress if they come to school.  Many parents may feel like the cow and we just need to give them a nudge over the fence.  

I suggest that teachers make FLP students a priority for Parent/Teacher conferences and talk about what we are doing to keep everyone safe and why their child needs to be at school and begin to make the transition for next school year.  Unless there is a change with Covid over the summer, FLP will not be offered next year.  Most other schools have very few students on flexible learning.  These students have been gone from the classroom for a year now and the longer they stay out, the more difficult the transition will be.  Bring ideas to share at our faculty meeting of how we can make this happen. 
We don't want this to happen!

Some reminders...  5th and 7th grade have Reconciliation this week after Mass.  Please be sure the students are prepared.  Some students (particularly 7th-grade students) will be finishing up the Terra Nova this week.  Friday is a noon dismissal for students.  Teachers should remain at school for remote parent/teacher conferences.  I will be out on Friday at the Bethany Center.  Finally, this coming weekend is a uniform/holy card weekend.  Please remind the students to wear their uniforms to Mass.  
Have a fabulous week!

May the ashes on your forehead...

 be a reminder of God's love and forgiveness.  Welcome (almost) to the start of Lent.  Please be sure you are talking to your students i...