Sunday, September 27, 2020

Go Lightning!


The Dallas Stars are not giving up as the Lightning and Stars battle for the Stanley Cup.  Game 6 is scheduled for Monday night.  Either the Lightning will take the Cup or it's on to game 7.  Either way, I am officially calling Tuesday, Sept. 29 Lightning Day at SSCS.  We will either be celebrating their victory or showing our support for the final game.  I'm making it Tuesday so you will have time to let your students know that they may wear a Lightning t-shirt and PE shorts that day.  It's optional and if they don't have a team t-shirt, they may wear another shirt that is the team color - solid blue or white, or blue and white.  It's not a jean day, they must wear PE shorts.  We will also send home an email to parents.  

Friday we will have a faculty meeting which will begin at 1 pm to give you time to eat lunch.  We will meet in Heather's room and Gina will be leading the meeting with a discussion of our Year 4 ARCA review with emphasis on Domain C.  We will also update you on your domain assignments for this year.  

This week I will continue to assist with MS math and science.  Wednesday morning I will be in the classroom teaching until approximately 12:30.  

Thank you to everyone for a job well-done with our food collection and to those who have made purchases in our spirit store.  

Have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Saying Goodbye to Summer

Tuesday, Sept. 22 is the Autumnal Equinox signifying the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.  However, for us Florida folks, we may need to wait for the Winter Solstice to really say goodbye to summer weather.  

After a few brutal weeks of PE outside in the heat, I met with Coach Green and we decided to try classes in the FLC.  Our class sizes are small and the gym is big and it seems to be going well.  I will meet with George again this week to review and make some final decisions.  As classes start having PE in the gym again, it will mean a change in dropoff and pickup for PE.  It is difficult for George to bring a class back when the bell rings and be at the next class at the same time for pickup.  After speaking with George I will meet with each teacher this week and talk about the procedures.  Please be patient as we work through this change.  

I have been trying to make a difficult decision about Mass and how many classes should attend each week.  Most parents are happy we are attending in person but there is still some concern about cohorts crossing and how many classes attend at one time.  One school is doing virtual Mass all year, another is only allowing 1-2 classes to attend at one time.  What I believe is different for us is that the Mass is only for our students and our church can accommodate 1400 people.  We are less than 200 in grades 2-8.  For those not at the last Mass, here is a picture of what it looked like.  


We can easily fit 2 classes in each section.  I believe both Masses 2-5 and 6-8 were fine.  The question is, do we keep alternating? or do we all go together grades 2-8?  If we alternate, it will mean classes will have to prepare Mass more often (once every 3-4 weeks).  If we all go together, we will need to spread out more and it will require 2 EMs for each Mass.  I would have 2nd grade continue to sit on the choir side by themselves (no EM needed).  Sixth and 7th grade would sit on the other side along the church office wall and 8th grade would sit on the side of the altar.  One EM would be assigned to middle school.  I will be sending out a survey later today to see what your preferences are.  

For the next few weeks my open door, come on in, policy will need to change a bit.  I will be assisting the middle school math/science sub with lessons, assigning, grading, flexible learning students, etc.  I will also be assisting Lisa with her Flexible Learning group for 6th-grade math.  If you see my door closed, it means I'm on a google meet with students, and please come back later.  If my door is open, I'm available.  Thank you for your patience with me.  

Our Care for Creation t-shirts are in!!  The office staff will work on getting them passed out this week.  Friday, Sept. 25, is a jean day and we will ask everyone to wear their shirt.  Friday is also our first Marvelous Mustang.  If you haven't already, you will be receiving directions on how this will go.  Nicki has done a great job organizing this and she ordered rubber bracelets for our Marvelous Mustangs to wear.  

Thank you ALL for being Marvelous!  Have a great week!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Without Labor Nothing Prospers ~Sophocles

70+ Best Labor Day Quotes images | labor day quotes, happy labor day, labor 

Happy Sunday everyone.  I hope you are enjoying your 3-day weekend.  It's only been 2 weeks, but it's clear the extra day was needed.  I know that this year is testing all our limits, our creativity, and our perseverance in helping our students learn in unusual circumstances.  Gina and I, parents, and Fr. Dermot all think you are doing an amazing job in this new world of education.  If you missed this link in the Weekly Update, it's worth looking at.  There are some great sessions and it also links you to all the Google resources you may need.  Also, there is an opportunity to become an IXL expert with IXL live 

This week will be the second round of i-Ready testing.  Alton sent out the new schedule for everyone and hopefully, this should finalize testing.  Alton will also be working with Melissa to get the FLP students tested.  The results of testing will help us see where the gaps are and how best to use FLEX time with the students.  

For me, it will be a week of meetings - Leader's meeting on Tuesday, IT meeting at the Church Thursday morning at 11am, and I will be at the Bethany Center on Friday.  We will also have our first Mass on Wednesday with Middle School.  All schedule adjustments, the Mass seating chart, and the priest schedule will be sent this weekend.  I have created a schedule where Fr. Tim and Fr. Dermot will visit classes on Tuesday and Thursday.  Each class will have a visit by each priest once a month.  It is important that you welcome them when they come and let them know if your class has an event that day that cannot be rescheduled (i.e., in-class field trip, etc.).  Even if there is a special event, you can invite them to join you.  

Let me know if you need help with anything, have concerns or questions, or just need to sit on my couch for a bit and hug a pillow.  My door is always open. 

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...