Sunday, November 17, 2019

Thanking God for His Many Blessings

It's that time of year for lessons about Pilgrims and counting turkey feathers, but it's also the time of year to be thankful.  I am thankful to be surrounded by so many kind and joy-filled people at St. Stephen.  It makes it easy to wake up and go to work each day.  I also had a lot to be thankful for personally this weekend.  My daughter who had a very rough pregnancy gave birth a month early to a perfect baby boy, Isaiah.  I am thankful that mom and baby are both fine.  See proud grandma pictures below :)

Our 6th graders had a wonderful time on their Kennedy Space Center trip with rave reviews by all parents in attendance.  Thank you, Amy and Gina, for putting this trip together.  Tuesday, all students in grades 5-8 will set out with their Houses on their service project field trips.  I was impressed by the variety of trips they chose - The Bridges Assistive Living Facility, My Warriors Place, Alafia River Park clean-up, and Metropolitan Ministries.  

This week will fly by and then it's Thanksgiving break!  Well wishes to Sue and her family as they prepare for her son's wedding.  Congratulations to Paula on her wedding this weekend.  So many things to be thankful for!

And one more thank you....  Report cards went live on Friday and I have not received one parent email!!!  Great job everyone!

Have a great week everyone.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Thank You for Your Service

Today we pause to thank all the men and women who have served their country.  It always amazes me when Fr. Dermot or Fr. Tim calls up the Veteran's on Sunday to thank them and half the people sitting in the pews stand up.  We are blessed to live in this community.  Thank you, Sue, for coordinating our Prayer Service on Friday.  I was told it was beautiful and can't wait to see the pictures. 

If you did not attend Angels this year, I emailed the video to you which was created by Al Larson.  It's a fantastic video and a great testament to everyone's hard work.

I will be out Tuesday morning at a local principal's meeting and again on Friday at the Religion Committee meeting.  Wednesday is the Principal's Coffee and this time we are going live on Facebook so others can be present.  On Friday our 6th graders will travel to Kennedy Space Center for their overnight field trip and they will have a special guest with them as Fr. Dermot has agreed to join them on this adventure. 

This week is all about report cards.  I'm sure you have all heard the term March Madness, well this is report card madness.  To help Gina keep her sanity, please follow her directions carefully and make sure everything is ready for her tomorrow. 

Have a great week!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Best Ever!

That is what this year's Angels Among was...  the Best Ever!  Thank you to those who were able to come out and support the event and thank you to all who played a part in making it happen.  The artwork provided by Julianne and the students was beautiful.  Mr. Larson's video had everyone smiling.  No one could resist golf with Coach Green and Irish Whiskey with Fr. Dermot and Fr. Tim. What really pulled the money in were our two top live auction items -- a private plane ride to The Keys and Dino Adventure with Mrs. Hoffmann!!  Maria was a hit with a standing ovation and a paddle war for a chance to dig for fossils with her.  A big thank you to Maria and all the volunteers who worked that night making it a memorable evening.  The biggest thanks goes to the conductor of the evening - Nicki.  She really knows how to throw a party! 
What set this Angels apart from the others was the beautiful appetizer display on the patio, the live band, the selection of beautiful mini desserts, and the gorgeous ice sculpture.  What also made it special is that many of these items were donated.  Everyone was complimentary on a job well done.  It was also wonderful seeing many of the families who were here when we first opened the school AND three of our alumni attended - Shane Westbrock, JJ Niekro, and master of ceremonies Angelo Searls.

As we conclude Trimester 1 we have some fun prepared for parents and students.  Thursday, parents will see the result of our first STREAM project and Friday is our Harvest Festival.  The office will send out an email inviting parents to come on Thursday to the STREAM event, but teachers should also include it in your weekly communication or put it on ParentsWeb.  Students can also write an invitation to their parents inviting them to see their work.  Friday is Parent/Teacher conference day.  Please let Gina and Karen Biase know your schedule so that we can be sure to have coverage in the front office to let parents in.  Please know that if you schedule meetings after 4 pm you will need to meet them either at the front door or at the Angel's Wing gate.  Remind parents (even those coming to Angel's Wing) that they must come to the front door before 4 pm as we cannot prop the gate open. 

Thank you again to everyone for all the effort put into our Third Year Review.  I will discuss it briefly at our Faculty Meeting on Monday and will review it in detail once I receive the powerpoint and write up from Mary Camp.  I will be at the Bethany Center on Friday at an Administrator's meeting and then on Tuesday morning, I have a Hillsborough County Principal's meeting.  Have a great week everyone!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...