Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Annual Report is Done!

Image result for florida catholic conference accreditationLast week, Gina and I meticulously went through the Action Plans, Binders, the ARCA and all the evidence.  Everything now has at least one piece of named evidence or comment, Plans are all up to date, and the binders are ready to go.  Thank you all so very much for your hard work.  On Friday I uploaded the action plans and hit the submit button and it felt really good!  The last item we will finish and submit this week is the Third-Year Report.  As we go through it, we will be asking to meet with the Domain and Steering Committee Chairs as we need to better understand your choices.  Some are clear but others are not and Gina and I will need to be able to speak on the choices during the Visit.  On Nov. 1, the Visiting Team will want to meet with 4 students (1 each from grades 5-8).  Teachers in Angel's Wing, please submit names by Friday.  Be sure to talk with the students and ask them if they are comfortable.  At the end of the visit, The Team will want to meet with the Steering Committee.  We will make arrangements for class coverage.  You should all be proud of the work we have done, not only for the visit but also in our progress on our Action Plans. 

I will not be sending a blog next weekend as many will be away and there are only three days of school the following week.  Therefore, here are some reminders for the next two weeks:

  • Monday, 10/14 is a Faculty Meeting.  Please let me know if there are upcoming events you are in charge of and wish to discuss (i.e., Harvest Festival, etc.).  
  • Wednesday is our 2nd Principal's Coffee.  This time we will be discussing assessments, both classroom and standardized.  
  • Student Council will be selling Pumpkin Pops during lunch.  For those who are new, these are actually pre-orders.  The Pops will be delivered on Halloween.  
  • Monday, 10/21 is No School
  • Tuesday, 10/22 is our Professional Development Day.  Think about carpooling to your assigned school as most are a good distance away.  
  • Friday, 10/25 is Marvelous Mustang, Jean Day, and Trunk or Treat.  Be sure you move your car out of the parking lot by 5:30 on 10/25 if you plan to stay late.

Have a Marvelous 2 Weeks.    

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