Sunday, November 25, 2018

Cleaning out the Clutter

Thanksgiving break was busy and yet I still managed to get in some fun.  I hope everyone was able to have some fun and rest as you reflected on all the things we have to be thankful for.  Last week was spent interview teachers, writing lesson plans, cleaning out files in my office, cleaning out closets to make room for Angels "stuff," and cleaning out electronic files.  In doing so, I came across many pictures from the past that brought a smile to my face.  I thought I would share some of these pictures from when I was teaching in middle school.  Some of you will remember these students...  (I tried to place these nicely on the page, but it's a scrambled mess.)  The pictures are on the bottom. 

Please be patient with Gina and I this week as we act as administrators and teachers.  We hope to hire someone soon.  School decorating should begin on Monday by PTCO.  Remind students to be careful walking by the trees.  Friday is Marvelous Mustang.  Please be sure to contact the parents of the student you are giving your award to.  It is not the homeroom teacher's responsibility. 

For our faculty meeting on Monday, I would like to begin as a whole group in the media center.  Julianne will briefly go over the Advent Retreat.  There are many new teachers and I think it would be wise to review together.  After that, we will split into two groups.  Group #1 will be grades PK - 2nd.  This will be a good opportunity for Carmen to become familiar with EC procedures and I would like the discussion to center on assessments and grading policies.  Gina will join you and I will talk to Maria and Gina as to what I would like you all to talk about.  Group #2 will be grades 4-8, Melissa, Jamie, and Encore teachers.  I will join you and the discussion will be assessments, grading, and rigor and how we cover all the standards. 

Thank you and have a good week.  4 weeks till Christmas Break!

Mrs. Nolan's Science Class

Colonial America presentations

My student teacher who taught most of my classes for a year (THAT was a great year!)
Student Council Trip to Ronald McDonald House 
Fr. Bill loved to go on field trips with us.  
Ringling Museum with Fr. Bill
When middle school students and teachers dressed like saints
More Saints or biblical people of some sort
Holy Land
Field Trip to the Holy Land 
Gina Robles' daughter Jessica (We actually had technology back then!)

 And, of course, my daughter Jessica breaking school rules again by wearing nail polish.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Home of the Brave

Image result for origin of veterans dayHappy Veteran's Day.  Veteran's Day originated as Armistice Day on Nov. 11, 1919, one year after the end of WWI.  On this day, veterans are thanked for their service to the United States.  Tomorrow we will have the opportunity as a school to do just that.  Please remember to leave on time so that the ceremony can begin promptly at 8:05.  
This will be a busy week and then it's Thanksgiving Break!  We have a faculty meeting Monday and there are some field trips.  Please remember to sign up for a pre-conference with me if you are being observed by me.  I will be out on Friday at a meeting at Tampa Catholic.  
If you went to Angels this past weekend you know what an amazing job Nicki and Christina Burden did in transforming the gym into an elegant venue.  Thank you to Derrick for providing the entertainment and thank you to all who supported this event.  Our final ask was VERY successful and my hope is that K-4 will have at least 5 new iPads for each classroom to be used in centers and for group work.  I truly was amazed at the generosity of everyone and how many raised a paddle to support this.   
Have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Ready Freddy?

I couldn't think of a title for my post this week so I wrote the only thing on my mind at the moment.  Wanted to get this done early as I anxiously await 3:30 p.m. - tickets to Bohemian Rhapsody! 

Here are some things I learned on Friday at my administrators' meeting:

  • Draft for next year has been completed and the proposed first day of school for students is Aug. 12.  Teachers will need to be back on July 29 to pick up keys, materials, check classrooms, etc.  There is quite a bit of PD and other activities planned beginning Aug. 1 and it is important that your room is ready prior to then.  July 29 is required and being present everyday beginning Aug. 1 will be required.  There is flexibility on days/times July 29-31.  These three days allow us to make sure everything you need is completed in your classroom and also allows us to target training for any new curriculums we may have that may not be for everyone.  I am giving plenty of notice, so please plan accordingly.  (Please remember that the calendar is tentative at the moment so do not share our start date yet.)  

  • I share the DOSP weekly update with everyone.  For the past two weeks it has talked about the survey for Catechetical Formation being available.  This is mandatory for ALL new employees and optional for others if you want to see where you are in your faith.  Here is what has been posted in the Weekly Update (it says for Principals, but it's for everyone.  Links below may not work but they work in the weekly update.):

  • The Diocese is planning a safety training in January for principals and one other key site person (most likely the Facilities Manager or Parish Manager.  As I learn more I will share with everyone.

Some reminders...
  1. Grades are due first thing in the morning
  2. All Unit Plans MUST be complete prior to teaching the unit. Unit plans must include assessments.  
  3. All classes are required to have 4 summative assessments and each of those must have 4 formatives. If you are struggling with this, please ask for help with ideas.
  4. Students MAY NOT grade their own or a classmate's paper.  They may correct their paper along with you as long as you are not taking it for a grade. 
  5. Grades must be posted within 2 days after giving the assessment.
  6. All conferences must be documented.  If on paper, be sure a copy is put in the student's folder in the office at the end of the year. (More directions on that will come in May for new teachers.)
  7. ALL textbooks that students put in their desks, lockers, or take home MUST be covered.  This is not a new policy so returning teachers should know this.  Please be sure that books are covered by next week.  I will be checking.  When you ask parents to send in book socks, please do not say... "Mrs. Umoh said..." because this is not new and it's in the handbook.  Feel free to say Mrs. Umoh reminded you...   FOSS science books should also have a cover if they are distributed.  The cover can then be transferred to the next book.  
  8. Report cards will be made available to parents on Thursday.
  9. Next Friday is Conference Day.  Please be sure to send your schedule to Gina for that day or any days you are having conferences.  Friday is also the Harvest Festival, Fall shirt and jean day, and noon dismissal.  
  10. Next Saturday is Angels Among Us.  
Enjoy your week! 

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...