Sunday, August 26, 2018

Act Despite Your Fear

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity to act despite our fears."  ....John McCain    Well said and something we all should live by.  McCain was All In for what he believed in.  As long as it's not immoral, illegal, or against the rules, let's keep pushing ourselves and our students to move out of our comfort zones.  My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Speaking of breaking the rules...  I'm going to break one and take off for an extended long weekend and will be back on Wednesday, Sept. 5.  I'll be thinking of you all as I am kayaking down a river or hiking through the woods.  Please contact Gina for all your needs over the weekend.  
The parish is having a Ministry Fair once again.  It will be held the weekend of Sept. 8-9.  The school will have a table at the event and I need some helpers to be present greeting parishioners.  Gina will be there after the Saturday 4:30 Mass and I will take Sunday after the 7:30 Mass.  I am looking for some volunteers for the 9:30, 11:30, and 5:30 on Sunday.  All you need to do is walk over the the FLC after Mass and be present at our table to greet people.  Whoever has the 5:30 will also need to pack up our things and bring them back on Monday or put in the Bingo closet (just a small box of items).  Please consider helping if you attend one of those Masses and let me know.  
Instructions for Monday's faculty meeting have been sent out.  Please refer to  your emails.  Friday we have a half day followed by PD for teachers as follows:
Math in Focus (session 2) in the office conference room 1-3 p.m. - Susana, Maria, Amy, Kelly M, Krista, Galy
ELA PLC 1-3 p.m. - Sue, Kim, Traci, Carmen, Katie, Jamie (Gina will give directions for meeting topics and location)
Instructional Assistants to meet with Gina after dismissal.  Refer to your email for time and location.  
If you name was not mention, please use the time for planning or put in a request for time off if you are normally scheduled to be here.    
Friday is also a jean day.  I expect to see some students in uniform as there continues to be violations.  Be sure parents know if students must come in uniform.  Jewelry, socks and shoes continue to be the big offenders.  
I will not be doing a blog this coming weekend, therefore, I am incorporating the following week into this one.  
On Wed., Sept. 5, Mr. Larson will be video taping at school for an Angel's "promo".  Directions will be sent by email as far as what students should wear, etc.  
Thursday, Sept. 6 is the first Band lesson.  Lessons will be held in the music room in the morning.  The schedule rotates when students go to band so that they do not miss the same class each week.  Gina will get the schedule to you prior to Thursday morning.  I will be at a Principal's meeting that morning.
The weekend of Sept. 8-9 is wear your uniform for a holy card weekend.  Please remind the students.  

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