Sunday, February 25, 2018

March Madness

Image result for march madnessI think March Madness has something to do with sports (stop laughing George), but I think it can also relate to the upcoming weeks.  It may seem like Easter Break is far away, but many things are happening before it gets here.  Most important is Iowa testing.  Be sure you have completed the practice tests with your students for grades 2-8.  Jamie will have your schedules and Julianne will have the Lent retreat information at our Faculty Meeting on Monday.  Other things happening this month are spring pictures and Field Day.  Coach will provide details at an upcoming faculty meeting.  

If you have any students in danger of retention or remediation, please be sure to get those names to Charles so letters can go out.  Also remember to turn in your letter of intent if you have not done so already. 

I may have sent this information from the Diocese via email, but it's worth sending out again.  It doesn't matter if you are renewing now.  If you have a certification, you need to create a new account in the VERSA site.  I did mine this weekend and it's super easy.  Have a great week everyone!

FLDOE User Account

The FLDOE has provided us with a step-by-step guide to create the "New User Account" for the VERSA site. Please forward this information to all teachers/staff who need to set up a User Account

I am also Sharing this from the Diocese.

Real Appeal - A Free Program
The beginning of a new year can be the perfect time to focus on living a healthy life. To help you achieve your New Year's goals, we are offering a convenient online weight loss benefit called Real Appeal®, available to you at no additional cost as part of your health plan benefits. When you enroll with Real Appeal you receive:
 - Up to 52 weeks of access to a Transformation Coach.
 - 24/7 access to digital tools and dashboards to track food, activity and weight.
 - A success kit full of healthy weight management tools, including nutritional and fitness guides, tracking apps and more.
 - Support from weekly online group classes.
Real Appeal is a fun and engaging plan that helps you learn simple steps for a healthier life so you can spark your transformation. Learn more about the program at
As you start focusing on building healthy habits, use these tips to help make your New Year's resolutions stick:
Change one thing at a time. Your goals are noble but can be unrealistic if tackled all at once. Instead, incorporate one healthy behavior at a time and build from there.
Focus on gradual changes. Walk for 10 minutes in the morning and evening. Add 5 minutes each week and increase your pace gradually.
Consistency is key. Studies show it can take months to build new habits, so try to exercise at the same time every day and keep your meal times consistent.
Why wait? Find out if you're eligible and enroll today at

Monday, February 19, 2018

Happy President's Day

Today is the day we honor all US presidents even though the federal government still calls it Washington's Birthday.  In 1879, Congress made Washington's Birthday a federal holiday.  In an effort to honor Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is also in February, the holiday became known as President's Day.  I actually think it was the retail industry who changed the name which is why most people call today President's Sales Day.  Whatever  you call today, take a moment to remember our past leaders and pray for our current and future ones.  
Thank you to our 7th grade class who did a super job with Stations of the Cross.  It was prayerful and moving and as I left I heard only good things from the adults who were there.  Confirmation was beautiful and Bishop Parkes was awesome as always.  Thank you Krista for being the photographer for the event. I hope some of you will have the opportunity to take part in the Parish Lenten Mission Monday - Wednesday evening from 7:00 - 8:15 p.m.
Enjoy the short week.  Please email your conference schedule to me by Wednesday so I can inform the office.  

Sunday, February 11, 2018

From Dust You Came....

This Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent.  I share with you a brief excerpt from our Holy Father's message for Lent based on a verse from Matthew “Because of the increase of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold"  (Mt 24: 12).  Toward the end of the message, Pope Francis says, "Above all, I urge the members of the Church to take up the Lenten journey with enthusiasm, sustained by almsgiving, fasting and prayer. If, at times, the flame of charity seems to die in our own hearts, know that this is never the case in the heart of God! He constantly gives us a chance to begin loving anew."  My constant prayer is an end to iniquity and injustice in the world and that love will conquer all.  

This week has many things happening:

Monday - CPR class in the Media Center (no faculty meeting)

Tuesday - 1st and 4th grade are going to the State Fair

Wednesday - Ash Wednesday

Thursday - 5th grade is on a field trip celebrating Chinese New Year (I will be joining them).  Charles will be at TC at a meeting.  If you need anything comes up that can't wait, check with Julianne.  

Friday - End of the trimester, Fish Fry, and 7th grade Living Stations in the evening.  

Saturday - Confirmation 

Monday 2/19 - No School  

Tuesday 2/20 - grades due at 8 a.m.

You may have noticed a difference in you Jan. 30 paycheck.  New tax laws have changed how much federal tax is withdrawn and the Diocese used the new tables in that paycheck.  

Have a blessed week. 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Another Trimester is Nearing Its End

two-weeks-is-all-you-got-left.jpg (407×405)There are two weeks left in Trimester 2 and here is what you should NOT be doing... getting in last minute summatives because you only have 1 and you need 4, giving out projects like candy, trying to remember how a child has been behaving all trimester because you didn't keep records, etc. etc.  At the PTCO coffee last week one parent asked why their child had 4-5 projects due and some were worth 2 or more summative grades.  I had no answer.  All I could say is that 80-90% of project work is done at school so it really shouldn't matter how many a child has going on.  I also explained that projects are more authentic assessments of what a child knows.  I continued to say that it's possible that a project was being graded on two different rubrics for different things and she did say that was true - one project was grade on artwork and on research.  She wasn't sure about the other.  So here are just some friendly reminders.  Middle school teachers should be using the Google calendar to list all summatives and projects.  Two projects should not be due on the same day.  Even if most work is done here, there is still usually an at home piece.  Most summatives should only be worth one grade.  One exception might be a history project with an essay that was research in social studies with a product and an essay part that was done in language arts.  That could count as one summative grade in two different classes.  

Thursday is our PD at St. Pete Catholic.  Please try to carpool and I would recommend printing out the materials that were sent to us.  We do have school on Friday and next Sunday (2/11) is the second Sunday of the month.  Please remind students to wear their uniform and receive their holy card at Mass.  Next Wednesday is Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday.  Students may still were their Valentines/Red/Pink shirt and jeans.  I have a principal's meeting on Feb. 13 with Hillsborough schools.  If there is anything in particular you would like to know about from other schools let me know.  Enjoy the week! 

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...