Sunday, August 6, 2017

Open House Success!!

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Today was a success!!  I could feel the energy as I walked through the halls and the classroom.  Students are ready - and parents are even more ready - for school to begin.  They are ready for us to Make It Happen!  I want to thank everyone for working so hard to make your classrooms look so inviting and welcoming.. especially Julie and Maria who I am convinced slept at school a few nights.

I was thinking about our theme and how many of the teachers use call and response to get students attention.  Things like Marco - Polo, Shark bait - Oooh ha ha, hocus pocus - time to focus.  This year I think the call/response should be ....  Make it - Happen!  Be alert, I may use it on all of you.

We have two more days of inservice.  Teachers need to attend the session that pertains to them.  See the list on the agenda.  Teachers should start each day at 8:00 a.m. in the media center with me for about an hour each day of continued policies and procedures discussion and then we will break up into groups. I am sure there is work for the assistants in the morning but feel free to leave after lunch.  I need an assistant to volunteer to change out all the posters in one of the classrooms from tape to magic mounts (See Karen B. in the office for the mounting tabs) and pull the tapes with numbers off desks, etc.  See me me if you are available.

Thank you to everyone who has played a part in the inservice trainings.  Get ready, cause Wednesday is almost here!

On another note....  Friday was interesting.  I've never been to a courthouse wedding.  But the bride and groom were filled with love and joy and spent the weekend in Clearwater.  Now back to the real world and everything that comes with growing up.

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