Sunday, October 2, 2016

2 Weeks To Go...

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Can you believe there are only two more weeks left in the first marking period?  I can't.  This is a good time to review your grade books and make sure you will have at least 2-3 summative grades for the quarter in every class you teach.  Charles will be sending out a to do list for checking grade books and when grades are due for report cards.  

Next Monday will be our professional development day at the Bethany Center.  This week is a good time to plan for carpooling.  If you did not register for the event, you will need to see Charles as registration is closed.  

My three days at the Bethany Center were very informative.  It was nice to be in a room full of people having the same struggles I have.  Everyone agreed that being everywhere is the greatest challenge and none of us have mastered bi-locating.  One principal did have a great idea.  He travels with his laptop and answers emails in classrooms.  It allows him the opportunity to see what teachers are doing and still keep up with all the other work.  George will attest to how fast my emails come in.  I have calculated that they arrive at the rate of approximately 1 email every 15 seconds.  It feels like swimming upstream.  So if you see me in your classroom with my chromebook, I'm not doing a formal observation, I'm bi-locating.  Formal observations will begin in the second quarter.  I will send out a sign-up for the first one.

If you have anything you want put into our school newsletter, please be sure to submit by 8 a.m. on Wednesdays.  Send to both Kathleen and me.  Our new format is being well received.  Pictures are welcome too.

One last thing.  There are a number teaches out this week on Thursday and Friday.  If we cancel your special or enlist your assistant, we apologize now.  It's hard to get 5-6 subs in one day.  I am making some adjustments to schedules and will be adding one more person to the second lunch.  This should help with supervision.  It is VERY important that you arrive on time for lunch and for picking up the students at 12:45.  If it helps, and if possible, bring the students 5 minutes earlier for lunch to get them served and seated quickly.  Thank you!

Have a great week!  

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Be Nice

 This is something you will be hearing a lot this week... Be Nice as we enter into..... (drum roll) Be Nice Book Fair Week!!!    A big thank...