Sunday, September 25, 2016

Ahoy, me Hearties!

Look here mateys.  I be the Captain of this here ship.  

Happy Book Fair Week!

Be sure you are up-to-date on the happenings this week.  Quarter Master Charles has supplied you with all the details for Friday's Grandparents event.  I have requested that at least 10 extra seating accommodations be supplied to your cabins for the Grandparents comfort.  It has also been discovered that same Quarter Master has been stirring up the sailors to mutiny and for that he will face the cannons on Wednesday.   See the Quarter Master before he greets Davy Jones if you have any questions or concerns.
Sailing Master Gina has supplied each of you with the instruments to navigate your classes through the Book Fair.  Boatswain Heidi has arranged for all the supplies to arrive and be in order for the event.  Some of the sails and rigging in the ship had to be dismantled as Cabin Boy Allen was called numerous times this weekend when gusts of wind (from the AC vent) set the sails flapping and sounded the alarm (motion detector).  We apologize for the inconvenience but take heart, he did not plunder the sails, just set them aside.  
As you enjoy the week, I will be setting sail for the northern territories of the land known as Lutz where I will be trained in my role as ship's captain.  I will be there with other novices as we ponder the age-old question, "What were we thinking??!!"  

Faculty Meeting

Monday's faculty meeting will take place in the media center.  This will be a training on iReady and how to use the data to guide instruction.  

New Tidbits

I hope you all have taken the time to browse the new look of Tidbits.  Rather than google blogger, we are using Constant Contact.  We are still fine-tuning it but hats off to Kathleen for our new look.  Parents have complimented us on the upgrade.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week of Christian Service

Today begins the Week of Caring and Christian Service. Please remind students why we are doing this. A good way to start the week is to show the video of St. Teresa's song.
  mother-teresa-of-calcutta-to-be-made-saint-vatican.jpg (656×369) 

Here is another resource with a brief video of her life.

We kick off the week with Mass at 2 p.m. on Monday.  Please arrive on time.  The last two periods for Monday and Wednesday are switched.  Whatever classes happen at 1p.m. on Wednesday will meet on Monday at 1.  Monday classes for the last two periods will take place the last two periods on Wednesday.  The only exception is 1st grade music.  They will meet first period on Wednesday.  

I have the privilege of joining Julianne and 8th grade this week on their trip to Metropolitan Ministries.  We will be going Thursday morning.  7th grade will be there too on Tuesday with Julianne and Jamie.  

Please take pictures of the events happening this week and share them with Gina, Kathleen, and Nicki.  

Informal Walk-thrus

Charles and I will be around this week doing informal observations.  I will mostly be looking at how your unit plans are being implemented.  The October PD will introduce the new evaluation tool.  Formal observations will begin mid-October.

Pre-K Playground

Stop by and see the progress in the pre-k playground.  Teachers and parents were here on Saturday doing some clean-up and building a St. Francis garden.  Hats off to the clean-up team!!

Have a marvelous week!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Meetings, meetings, meetings

The title of this blog expresses what my life has become.  If you can't find me, that's where I am.  This week there is one (sometimes two) every day.  Monday is the only day that does not have a daytime meeting so if you need me, that would be the best day to catch me.  Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons are good too.  Thursday I will be at the Bethany Center all day.  Charles can help with anything you need.

Week of Caring and Christian Service is almost here.  Be sure you are aware of everything that is happening.  Julianne will fill us all in at the faculty meeting.  This will be a very important and jam packed faculty meeting.  Please be sure to attend.

Oct. 10, 2016 Hillsborough Teacher PD Day

If you are a K-8 teacher of any kind - full and part time - (including guidance and resource), please register for the event above at
Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email.  Forward that email to Charles so that he can see you are registered.  Do this by Friday.

Thank you all for the continued great job you are doing.  Compliments keep coming in and Mark was very impressed (as was I) by all the things students were able to tell him they are learning.

Have a great week!