Sunday, August 25, 2024

I Excel

As the students are completing their math diagnostics this week, remind them to look at the software's name and tell themselves just that. This is their opportunity to show us what they excel in and what areas we can help them improve in.  All students should be encouraged to do their best.  

Mary will be out for a few days and will be back as soon as she is ok.  Pray for her speedy recovery.  Remind students to cover their mouths when they cough and wash their hands often.  

The faculty meeting on Tuesday has been canceled so that everyone who wishes to attend the CPR Training may attend.  Techie Kids Club is visiting certain classes on Thursday (Mary gave you a schedule).  The scouts also wanted to visit classes this week, but I asked them to come at lunchtime instead.  I'm waiting to hear back.  Next week, you will have a visit from the Angels Outreach committee to speak to students about becoming part of the Kindness Krew and our first school-wide fundraiser.  I will send a schedule later in the week. 

Lastly, Friday is a school-wide jean day. Students and faculty may wear jeans with our school-themed t-shirt (assuming they arrive in time). Typically, on the first jean day, the theme shirt is mandatory if they wear jeans. After this one, any spirit shirt or PE shirt is fine. I will keep you posted on the t-shirts.  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

This Is When Things Get Real

You made it through the first week, and now, welcome to week 2.  By now, you should have established rules and routines in the classroom, gotten to know your students, and are familiar with student accommodations.  By this week, everyone should be diving into the curriculum if you have not done so already.  This is also a busy week and includes important due dates.  Here are the highlights:

Tuesday – Picture Day.  An estimated schedule will be sent out from Karen. Please wait for someone to come get your class.

Wednesday – First Wednesday Mass.  Please remember that the class hosting the Mass should attend the start of Adoration and stay for 5-10 min.  When done, exit quietly through the doors of the chapel and walk around the church.  If K-2 would like to attend at any time, they are welcome. 

Thursday – Back-to-School night.  I will reply to everyone who has sent me their materials by tomorrow morning.

Friday – Faith Development Plan is due from everyone, and the Professional Growth Plan is due from all teachers.  There is also an assembly for students in grades 2-8.  Check the calendar for your time.  

The Faculty Meeting on Tuesday will only be for those on the Data Team.  Mary will send the details.

Finally, here is what I learned at my Administrator's Meeting on Friday: 

  • They are discontinuing the John Hopkins School Culture Survey.  Yay!!!   I'm not sure what they will replace it with, but that was good news.  Evidently I was not the only one to find the data useless.
  • The superintendent's plan for Mass at Tropicana Field is that ALL Catholic school students in grades 3-12, faculty, and staff will attend Mass at 10 am on the Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week.  Parents would not be invited as there would not be enough room.  If you have any questions about this, please see me.   
  • I spoke with Dr. Majeski about this food in schools nonsense, and he is going to ask our lawyers about it.  

Have a wonderful week, and remember, if it takes more than two sentences to answer an email, pick up the phone.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Ready? Set? Oh Well.... Go!

 Ready or not, here it is!  Welcome to a new school year.  From everything I saw Friday afternoon, I know we are ready.  From the smiles on the faces of the children (AND parents!), they are also ready to be back at school.  Today at Mass, I was filled with joy when I heard Fr. Dermot's homily.  He talked about Paul's letter and made the connection to our theme, Be Kind!  He talked about our theme and then asked the community to join in on our mission to be kind.  It felt like we are now part of something bigger, and I hope that together, we can all make at least our small part of the world a kinder place.  

With Monday being lost last week, we were rushed to complete pre-planning items. I have included a couple of reminders below and will cover anything else we missed at our Tuesday Faculty Meeting. 

  • Church envelopes: I saw that some classrooms had the boxes out on Friday, which was fine. It reminded me that we didn't talk about these last week. Please be sure to talk to the students about why they have them. They are for them to share their time, talent, or treasure. It does not have to be money; it can be a prayer or writing about something they did to help someone.  
  • Fire drills: Be sure to practice the fire drill with students.  Encore teachers should at least point to where they exit the room or take them all the way out.  We will have a fire drill sometime during the week. 
Thank you all for your commitment to Catholic education and to our community.  I am grateful for the opportunity to work with each of you. 

Have a wonderful first week of school!  

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...