Sunday, March 26, 2023

Our final days in Lent

 This is the last full week of Lent before we enter into Holy Week and we continue our promises of praying, fasting, and giving.  On Friday after the fish fry, our 7th graders will present the Living Stations of the Cross in the church at 7 pm.  Please join us and support our students.  Students will give to SVDP on Wednesday by bringing their food to church and dropping it off at the SVDP trailer.  Also, remind students that they should begin bringing in their rice bowls next week.  

Thank you all for supporting our annual Spirit Raffle.  Two drawings to go and we hope to make the final drawing a fun event.  Please come out and support our student basketball players as they take on the dad's basketball team at 3:15 pm in the FLC.  Students would love to see you all there cheering them on.  

As you know, I spent the end of the week at a Catholic school in Miami.  It's a great opportunity to see other schools and learn about their mission.  This school's strength was its Catholic Identity.  It was visible in every classroom with sacred space, student work, and in how everyone treated each other.  When students were asked what they enjoyed most about the school, lunch and PE did not make the list.  Instead, they talked about caring teachers, a sense of family, and living their faith.  One student, in particular, impressed me when he talked about the teachers as role models as well as the janitor who took the time to speak to him each day.  The students there were not perfect and they have their share of troubles, but it was a culture of caring.  These are things I also hear our parents say when they talk about our school, a sense of family and caring people.  While I always take away something from these visits, I am also reminded that our students are given a rigorous curriculum with the opportunity to develop 21st century skills, something not always evident in other schools.  You are all doing an amazing job of bringing challenging work to students in an environment of cooperation that allows our them to shine.  Thank you all for your continued commitment to excellence.

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Spring is in the air...

 Not really, at least not today.  But don't worry, it will be 90 degrees later this week.

Here's what you need to know about this week:

Monday and Tuesday - Visit from our Instructional Coach, Patty.  Math teachers have received the schedule.

Tuesday - Spring picture day.  Even if there is a schedule, please wait to be called before coming down.

Wed. - Fri. - I will be at Mother of our Redeemer in Hialeah doing an accreditation visit.  7th grade along with Connor and Marianne will be at Nature's Classroom.

Monday's faculty meeting is for the Steering Committee to determine the Action Plan goals and write the action plans.  This means that all domains have their benchmarks scored and all evidence is uploaded.  The Domain committees would have also submitted the Strengths and Opportunities for Growth portion of the domain reports to Mary.  If all that has not been done, then Monday is the day to continue to work on it.  Mary will give directions regarding where to meet and all teachers should remain on campus until 4:15 in case they are needed by their Domain chair.  Someone from Domain A will need to fill in for Maria.  

Please remember that all reports must be completed and submitted to me by April 24.  I will be going through the benchmarks and evidence over Easter break.  In addition to the ARCA, all current action plans and auxiliary plans (data, communication, etc.) must be updated by now.  Action plans should be available in the drive with new information in red.  The other plans should have been updated and included as evidence in the appropriate benchmarks.  I will review them over Easter break too.  

Lastly, Kate Neal, our new school counselor, starts tomorrow!  Yay!!  Please stop by Room 5 to greet her.  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, March 5, 2023

March Happenings

 Good evening everyone.  I thought I would use this blog to recap what is happening this month as we head toward Easter Break.

Week of March 6

Final makeups of the Terra Nova

Linda at the Bethany Center on Friday for the monthly principal meeting

Week of March 13

No school on March 13

PD for teachers on March 14 (see separate email for where to go)

Holy card Free dress on March 15 (remind students)

Wearing the green on March 17

Week of March 20

Math Coaching with Patty on March 20-21 (schedule to follow)

Linda will be our March 22-24 for an accreditation visit to a school in Miami

7th grade to attend Nature's Classroom March 22-24

Week of March 27

Dads vs. Boys basketball game on March 30 after school

7th grade to present living stations after the fish fry on March 31

Please be sure you have read the information regarding the March Madness Spirit Raffle and the different contests.  Please support this fundraiser by talking it up in your class.  Funds from this event will support the Morning Show and Playground. 

Finally, here is an update on Angel's Wing and our future plans.  It is not a good time (for many reasons) to try to build a permanent structure for middle school and a new modular building is almost as expensive.  I have approved a quote for approx. $260K to refinish Angel's Wing (new floors, ceiling tiles, paint, bathrooms) to get us through the next 5-10 years when we will be in a position to build.  Angel's Among Us earned $106K!! and that money will go towards the Angel's Wing renovation.  Our community has been very generous the project will be completed over the summer.  

Thank you everyone for all you do and have a marvelous week!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...